5,352 research outputs found

    Kinetic pathways of multi-phase surfactant systems

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    The relaxation following a temperature quench of two-phase (lamellar and sponge phase) and three-phase (lamellar, sponge and micellar phase) samples, has been studied in an SDS/octanol/brine system. In the three-phase case we have observed samples that are initially mainly sponge phase with lamellar and micellar phase on the top and bottom respectively. Upon decreasing temperature most of the volume of the sponge phase is replaced by lamellar phase. During the equilibriation we have observed three regimes of behaviour within the sponge phase: (i) disruption in the sponge texture, then (ii) after the sponge phase homogenises there is a lamellar nucleation regime and finally (iii) a bizarre plume connects the lamellar phase with the micellar phase. The relaxation of the two-phase sample proceeds instead in two stages. First lamellar drops nucleate in the sponge phase forming a onion `gel' structure. Over time the lamellar structure compacts while equilibriating into a two phase lamellar/sponge phase sample. We offer possible explanatioins for some of these observations in the context of a general theory for phase kinetics in systems with one fast and one slow variable.Comment: 1 textfile, 20 figures (jpg), to appear in PR

    High-harmonic generation from arbitrarily oriented diatomic molecules including nuclear motion and field-free alignment

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    We present a theoretical model of high-harmonic generation from diatomic molecules. The theory includes effects of alignment as well as nuclear motion and is used to predict results for N2_2, O2_2, H2_2 and D2_2. The results show that the alignment dependence of high-harmonics is governed by the symmetry of the highest occupied molecular orbital and that the inclusion of the nuclear motion in the theoretical description generally reduces the intensity of the harmonic radiation. We compare our model with experimental results on N2_2 and O2_2, and obtain very good agreement.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; legends revised on Figs. 1,3,4,6 and

    A New Perspective on Path Integral Quantum Mechanics in Curved Space-Time

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    A fundamentally different approach to path integral quantum mechanics in curved space-time is presented, as compared to the standard approaches currently available in the literature. Within the context of scalar particle propagation in a locally curved background, such as described by Fermi or Riemann normal co-ordinates, this approach requires use of a constructed operator to rotate the initial, intermediate, and final position ket vectors onto their respective local tangent spaces, defined at each local time step along some arbitrary classical reference worldline. Local time translation is described using a quantum mechanical representation of Lie transport, that while strictly non-unitary in operator form, nevertheless correctly recovers the free-particle Lagrangian in curved space-time, along with new contributions. This propagator yields the prediction that all probability violating terms due to curvature contribute to a quantum violation of the weak equivalence principle, while the remaining terms that conserve probability also correspondingly satisfy the weak equivalence principle, at least to leading-order in the particle's Compton wavelength. Furthermore, this propagator possesses an overall curvature-dependent and gauge-invariant phase factor that can be interpreted as the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect and Berry's phase.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; major additions and revisions introduced; main conclusions are unchanged; new affiliation adde

    Theory of preparation and relaxation of a p-orbital atomic Mott insulator

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    We develop a theoretical framework to understand the preparation and relaxation of a metastable Mott insulator state within the first excited band of a 1D optical lattice. The state is loaded by "lifting" atoms from the ground to the first excited band by means of a stimulated Raman transition. We determine the effect of pulse duration on the accuracy of the state preparation for the case of a Gaussian pulse shape. Relaxation of the prepared state occurs in two major stages: double-occupied sites occurring due to quantum fluctuations initially lead to interband transitions followed by a spreading of particles in the trap and thermalization. We find the characteristic relaxation times at the earliest stage and at asymptotically long times approaching equilibrium. Our theory is applicable to recent experiments performed with 1D optical lattices [T. M\"uller, S. F\"olling, A. Widera, and I. Bloch, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{99}, 200405 (2007)].Comment: 27 pages, 23 figures: Edited figures, added reference


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    As a part of the IOC Olympic Biomechanics Research Projects conducted at the 1998 Nagano Olympic Winter Games, jump height was examined for the free program session of ladies single figure skating. Jump height varied according to the number of rotations and the type of jump. Jumps using toe-picks, such as Lutz, Flip and Toe-Loop tended to be higher than jumps involving a swinging free leg style such as the Axel, Loop and Salchow. There was no remarkable difference for the maximum jumping height among groups with different competition ranking. Though jump height tended to decrease in the latter half of the performance, the decrease was smaller in skaters with a higher standing in the competition

    Lagrange-mesh calculations in momentum space

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    The Lagrange-mesh method is a powerful method to solve eigenequations written in configuration space. It is very easy to implement and very accurate. Using a Gauss quadrature rule, the method requires only the evaluation of the potential at some mesh points. The eigenfunctions are expanded in terms of regularized Lagrange functions which vanish at all mesh points except one. It is shown that this method can be adapted to solve eigenequations written in momentum space, keeping the convenience and the accuracy of the original technique. In particular, the kinetic operator is a diagonal matrix. Observables in both configuration space and momentum space can also be easily computed with a good accuracy using only eigenfunctions computed in the momentum space. The method is tested with Gaussian and Yukawa potentials, requiring respectively a small or a great mesh to reach convergence.Comment: Extended versio

    Computation of outflow rates from accretion disks around black holes

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    We self-consistently estimate the outflow rate from the accretion rates of an accretion disk around a black hole in which both the Keplerian and the sub-Keplerian matter flows simultaneously. While Keplerian matter supplies soft-photons, hot sub-Keplerian matter supplies thermal electrons. The temperature of the hot electrons is decided by the degree of inverse Comptonization of the soft photons. If we consider only thermally-driven flows from the centrifugal pressure-supported boundary layer around a black hole, we find that when the thermal electrons are cooled down, either because of the absence of the boundary layer (low compression ratio), or when the surface of the boundary layer is formed very far away, the outflow rate is negligible. For an intermediate size of this boundary layer the outflow rate is maximal. Since the temperature of the thermal electrons also decides the spectral state of a black hole, we predict that the outflow rate should be directly related to the spectral state.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    A High-Resolution Compton Scattering Study of the Electron Momentum Density in Al

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    We report high-resolution Compton profiles (CP's) of Al along the three principal symmetry directions at a photon energy of 59.38 keV, together with corresponding highly accurate theoretical profiles obtained within the local-density approximation (LDA) based band-theory framework. A good accord between theory and experiment is found with respect to the overall shapes of the CP's, their first and second derivatives, as well as the anisotropies in the CP's defined as differences between pairs of various CP's. There are however discrepancies in that, in comparison to the LDA predictions, the measured profiles are lower at low momenta, show a Fermi cutoff which is broader, and display a tail which is higher at momenta above the Fermi momentum. A number of simple model calculations are carried out in order to gain insight into the nature of the underlying 3D momentum density in Al, and the role of the Fermi surface in inducing fine structure in the CP's. The present results when compared with those on Li show clearly that the size of discrepancies between theoretical and experimental CP's is markedly smaller in Al than in Li. This indicates that, with increasing electron density, the conventional picture of the electron gas becomes more representative of the momentum density and that shortcomings of the LDA framework in describing the electron correlation effects become less important.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, regular articl

    Spin-filter tunnel junction with matched Fermi surfaces

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    Efficient injection of spin-polarized current into a semiconductor is a basic prerequisite for building semiconductor-based spintronic devices. Here, we use inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy to show that the efficiency of spin-filter-type spin injectors is limited by spin scattering of the tunneling electrons. By matching the Fermi-surface shapes of the current injection source and target electrode material, spin injection efficiency can be significantly increased in epitaxial ferromagnetic insulator tunnel junctions. Our results demonstrate that not only structural but also Fermi-surface matching is important to suppress scattering processes in spintronic devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Coiling Instabilities in Multilamellar Tubes

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    Myelin figures are densely packed stacks of coaxial cylindrical bilayers that are unstable to the formation of coils or double helices. These myelin figures appear to have no intrinsic chirality. We show that such cylindrical membrane stacks can develop an instability when they acquire a spontaneous curvature or when the equilibrium distance between membranes is decreased. This instability breaks the chiral symmetry of the stack and may result in coiling. A unilamellar cylindrical vesicle, on the other hand, will develop an axisymmetric instability, possibly related to the pearling instability.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
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