219 research outputs found

    Magnetically-driven electronic phase separation in the semimetallic ferromagnet EuB6_6

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    From measurements of fluctuation spectroscopy and weak nonlinear transport on the semimetallic ferromagnet EuB6_6 we find direct evidence for magnetically-driven electronic phase separation consistent with the picture of percolation of magnetic polarons (MP), which form highly conducting magnetically-ordered clusters in a paramagnetic and 'poorly conducting' background. These different parts of the conducting network are probed separately by the noise spectroscopy/nonlinear transport and the conventional linear resistivity. We suggest a comprehensive and 'universal' scenario for the MP percolation, which occurs at a critical magnetization either induced by ferromagnetic order at zero field or externally applied magnetic fields in the paramagentic region

    Electrical Noise From Phase Separation In Pr2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Single Crystal

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    Low frequency electrical noise measurements have been used to probe the electronic state of the perovskite-type manganese oxide Pr2/3Ca1/3MnO3 versus temperature and in the vicinity of the field-induced transition from the insulating, charge-ordered state (I-CO) to the metallic, ferromagnetic state (M-F). At high temperature we have observed a high level of the excess noise with mainly a gaussian distribution of the resistance fluctuations, and the associated power spectral density has a standard 1/f dependence. However, in the hysteretic region, where the electrical resistance depends dramatically on the sample history, we have observed a huge non-gaussian noise characterized by two level fluctuator-like switching (TLS) in the time domain. We discuss the origin of the noise in terms of percolative behavior of the conductivity. We speculate that the dominant fluctuators are manganese clusters switching between the M-F and the I-CO phases.Comment: RevTeX, 6 pages with 3 figure

    Magnetization Reversal in Elongated Fe Nanoparticles

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    Magnetization reversal of individual, isolated high-aspect-ratio Fe nanoparticles with diameters comparable to the magnetic exchange length is studied by high-sensitivity submicron Hall magnetometry. For a Fe nanoparticle with diameter of 5 nm, the magnetization reversal is found to be an incoherent process with localized nucleation assisted by thermal activation, even though the particle has a single-domain static state. For a larger elongated Fe nanoparticle with a diameter greater than 10 nm, the inhomogeneous magnetic structure of the particle plays important role in the reversal process.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (2005

    Measurement of the spin polarization of the magnetic semiconductor EuS with zero-field and Zeeman-split Andreev reflection spectroscopy

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    We report measurements of the spin polarization (\textbf{\textit{P}}) of the concentrated magnetic semiconductor EuS using both zero-field and Zeeman-split Andreev reflection spectroscopy (ARS) with EuS/Al planar junctions. The zero-field ARS spectra are well described by the modified (spin-polarized) BTK model with expected superconducting energy gap and actual measurement temperature (no additional spectral broadening). The fittings consistently yield \textbf{\textit{P}} close to 80% regardless of the barrier strength. Moreover, we performed ARS in the presence of a Zeeman-splitting of the quasiparticle density of states in Al. To describe the Zeeman-split ARS spectra, we develop a theoretical model which incorporates the solution to the Maki-Fulde equations into the modified BTK analysis. The method enables the determination of the magnitude as well as the sign of \textbf{\textit{P}} with ARS, and the results are consistent with those from the zero-field ARS. The experiments extend the utility of field-split superconducting spectroscopy from tunnel junctions to Andreev junctions of arbitrary barrier strengths.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Noise Probe of the Dynamic Phase Separation in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3

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    Giant Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) in the resistance fluctuation of a macroscopic film of perovskite-type manganese oxide La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 has been observed at various temperatures ranging from 4K to 170K, well below the Curie temperature (TC = 210K). The amplitudes of the two-level-fluctuations (TLF) vary from 0.01% to 0.2%. We use a statistical analysis of the life-times of the TLF to gain insight into the microscopic electronic and magnetic state of this manganite. At low temperature (below 30K) The TLF is well described by a thermally activated two-level model. An estimate of the energy difference between the two states is inferred. At higher temperature (between 60K and 170K) we observed critical effects of the temperature on the life-times of the TLF. We discuss this peculiar temperature dependence in terms of a sharp change in the free energy functional of the fluctuators. We attribute the origin of the RTN to be a dynamic mixed-phase percolative conduction process, where manganese clusters switch back and forth between two phases that differ in their conductivity and magnetization.Comment: 15 pages, PDF only, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Signatures of electronic phase separation in the Hall effect of anisotropically strained La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 films

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    Systematic transport measurements have been performed on a series of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 (LCMO) thin films with varying degrees of anisotropic strain. The strain is induced via epitaxial growth on NdGaO3(001) substrates and varied by controlling the thermal annealing time. An antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) state, possibly associated with charge ordering, emerges upon thermal annealing. The Hall effect in these materials exhibits features that are indicative of a percolative phase transition and correlate closely with the emergence of the AFI state. In the paramagnetic phase, the Hall resistivity takes on two slopes in all samples: a decreasing negative slope with increasing temperature at low fields, which is attributed to the carrier hopping motion, and an almost temperature independent positive slope at high fields due to diffusive transport of holes. Significantly, the crossover fields of the Hall resistivity slope at different temperatures correspond to the same magnetization, which is interpreted as the critical point of a magnetic field-driven percolative phase transition. At lower temperatures near the zero-field metal-insulator transition, pronounced enhancement of the Hall coefficient with the development of the AFI state is observed. The enhancement peaks near the magnetic field-driven percolation; its magnitude correlates with the strength of the AFI state and is suppressed with the melting of the AFI state by an in-plane magnetic field. The observations resemble many features of the enhancement of the Hall coefficient in granular metal films near the composition-driven percolation

    Spin-related magnetoresistance of n-type ZnO:Al and Zn_{1-x}Mn_{x}O:Al thin films

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    Effects of spin-orbit coupling and s-d exchange interaction are probed by magnetoresistance measurements carried out down to 50 mK on ZnO and Zn_{1-x}Mn_{x}O with x = 3 and 7%. The films were obtained by laser ablation and doped with Al to electron concentration ~10^{20} cm^{-3}. A quantitative description of the data for ZnO:Al in terms of weak-localization theory makes it possible to determine the coupling constant \lambda_{so} = (4.4 +- 0.4)*10^{-11} eVcm of the kp hamiltonian for the wurzite structure, H_{so} = \lambda_{so}*c(s x k). A complex and large magnetoresistance of Zn_{1-x}Mn_{x}O:Al is interpreted in terms of the influence of the s-d spin-splitting and magnetic polaron formation on the disorder-modified electron-electron interactions. It is suggested that the proposed model explains the origin of magnetoresistance observed recently in many magnetic oxide systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    High Temperature Thermopower in La_{2/3}Ca_{1/3}MnO_3 Films: Evidence for Polaronic Transport

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    Thermoelectric power, electrical resistivity and magnetization experiments, performed in the paramagnetic phase of La_{2/3}Ca_{1/3}MnO_3, provide evidence for polaron-dominated conduction in CMR materials. At high temperatures, a large, nearly field-independent difference between the activation energies for resistivity (rho) and thermopower (S), a characteristic of Holstein Polarons, is observed, and ln(rho) ceases to scale with the magnetization. On approaching T_c, both energies become field-dependent, indicating that the polarons are magnetically polarized. Below T_c, the thermopower follows a law S(H) prop. 1/rho (H) as in non saturated ferromagnetic metals.Comment: 10 pages, 5 .gif figures. Phys. Rev B (in press

    Transition Rates between Mixed Symmetry States: First Measurement in 94Mo

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    The nucleus 94Mo was investigated using a powerful combination of gamma-singles photon scattering experiments and gamma-gamma-coincidence studies following the beta-decay of 94mTc. The data survey short-lived J^pi=1+,2+ states and include branching ratios, E2/M1 mixing ratios, lifetimes, and transition strengths. The mixed-symmetry (MS) 1+ scissors mode and the 2+ MS state are identified from M1 strengths. A gamma transition between MS states was observed and its rate was measured. Nine M1 and E2 strengths involving MS states agree with the O(6) limit of the interacting boson model-2 using the proton boson E2 charge as the only free parameter.Comment: 9 pages, 3 PostScript figures included, ReVTeX, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters, tentatively scheduled for August 9, 199

    Разработка модели продвижения услуг Smart Академии в IT сфере

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    Работа раскрывает основные тенденции корпоративного обучения IT-специалистов и их адаптации у работодателя. Практическая и научная значимость работы заключается в разработанной модели продвижения корпоративной практики обучения на примере Smart Академии, являющейся продуктом томской IT-компании Smart World.The work reveals the main trends of corporate training of IT-specialists and the adaptation in the companies. The practical and scientific significance is in developed promotion model in corporate training practices on the example of Smart Academy. Smart Academy is the product of Tomsk IT company Smart World