8,147 research outputs found

    Analysis of photon-atom entanglement generated by Faraday rotation in a cavity

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    Faraday rotation based on AC Stark shifts is a mechanism that can entangle the polarization variables of photons and atoms. We analyze the structure of such entanglement by using the Schmidt decomposition method. The time-dependence of entanglement entropy and the effective Schmidt number are derived for Gaussian amplitudes. In particular we show how the entanglement is controlled by the initial fluctuations of atoms and photons.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Encounter and its configurational logic: Understanding spatiotemporal co-presence with road network and social media check-in data

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    Public space facilitates the social interaction between people. It is widely accepted that the connection between spaces creates the possibility of the mutual visibility between people. The relationship between spatial configuration and the spatiotemporal encounters, however, has rarely been investigated explicitly in empirical cases. The focus of this study is two folded: firstly, it examines the way to measure spatiotemporal encounters between different groups of people based on their mobility records; secondly, it investigates how the design of the built environment contributes to physical co-presence on spatial and temporal dimensions. Using ubiquitous individual social media check-in data in Central Shanghai, China, this study proposes a framework for quantifying physical face-to-face co-presence patterns between the defined local random walkers and the remote visitors across time in every street. In the introduced People-Space-Time (PST) model, social capital is conceptualised as an integration among social difference, spatial distance (metric and geometrical distance) and time distance. The reliability of the applied data and the effectiveness of the introduced methods are validated by the investigations of the scaling nature of the extracted mobility patterns and the correlation between the outputs and surveyed data. The produced spatiotemporal patterns of face-toface co-presence reveal that city centres and the large-scale urban complexes (e.g., transport hubs, shopping malls, stadiums, etc.) are ideal places for people to encounter. The results of the regression analyses demonstrate that spatial and functional centrality measures are significant variables for predicting spatiotemporal co-presence in streets, but in which the functional centrality structures maintain a higher standard of explanatory power than the spatial network. The temporal complexity of the co-presence is revealed by the temporally shifting performance of the integrated regression models across time. The findings in this study yield that it is the spatio-functional interaction influencing spatiotemporal variation of the physical encounter between people, and reclaim the necessity of adding fine-scale land-use patterns in the traditional configurational analysis for deeply understanding the social processes with urban big data in the contemporary digitalised cities

    The economic value of spatial network accessibility for UK cities: A comparative analysis using the hedonic price approach

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    Spatial network accessibility was found to be significant when associating with house prices using the hedonic price approach. These results suggest some individuals are willing to pay more for spatial isolation while some individuals will pay more for spatial co-presence. An obvious limitation of earlier research is a lack of comparative analysis between cities. Focusing on a single case study reduces the generalisability of the results and the extent to which different spatial contexts might value accessibility differently. The aim of this research was therefore to study the extent to which spatial network accessibility effects differ across cities in the UK. A hedonic price approach was used to explore the extent to which these differences are related to social-economic-mobility factors. Results show, both visually and quantitatively, the economic value of accessibility, measured using space syntax analysis, differs across geographical regions. The accessibility effect on house price ranges from strongly significant in London to insignificant in Birmingham. In general, the economic effect is weaker in smaller, more car dependent cities, with a greater proportion of the population employed in the manufacturing sector, and is stronger in cities that are denser, more walkable with greater productivity and a greater proportion of residents in the education sector. This exploration therefore suggests that the economic value placed upon urban accessibility may be related to a combination of mobility factors, its urban form and its economic profile. Finally, it appears that city productivity as measured by GVA is correlated with increased value placed upon accessibility

    Polarization and frequency disentanglement of photons via stochastic polarization mode dispersion

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    We investigate the quantum decoherence of frequency and polarization variables of photons via polarization mode dispersion in optical fibers. By observing the analogy between the propagation equation of the field and the Schr\"odinger equation, we develop a master equation under Markovian approximation and analytically solve for the field density matrix. We identify distinct decay behaviors for the polarization and frequency variables for single-photon and two-photon states. For the single photon case, purity functions indicate that complete decoherence for each variable is possible only for infinite fiber length. For entangled two-photon states passing through separate fibers, entanglement associated with each variable can be completely destroyed after characteristic finite propagation distances. In particular, we show that frequency disentanglement is independent of the initial polarization status. For propagation of two photons in a common fiber, the evolution of a polarization singlet state is addressed. We show that while complete polarization disentanglement occurs at a finite propagation distance, frequency entanglement could survive at any finite distance for gaussian states.Comment: 2 figure

    O assistente social como mediador cultural em escolas públicas dos bairros de Guamá e Terra firme

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    I Congresso Internacional América Latina e Interculturalidade: América Latina e Caribe: cenários linguístico-culturais contemporâneos, 07, 08 e 09 de novembro de 2013 - UNILAA intervenção do Assistente Social nas atividades de arte e cultura nas instituições de ensino fundamental e médio nos bairros do Guamá e da Terra Firme. Estudos anteriores constatam que estes não são apenas espaços de violência, como registra a mídia. São espaços multiculturais e agregadores de cultura antiviolência, onde os sujeitos artistas utilizam a arte como meio de transformação social, através do método fenomenológico busco contribuir para a sistematização da intervenção do assistente social na área da educação e cultura, identificando as atividades de arte e cultura nas instituições de ensino fundamental e médio, importância nas instituições em que são desenvolvidas e habilidades requeridas ao profissional de Serviço Social. A metodologia conduziu a investigação nos respectivos bairros com os alunos que estudam nas instituições de ensino fundamental e médio nos bairros, por meio de aplicação de questionários sócio­econômico­cultural que ao definir cultura identificaram as manifestações culturais que estavam ocorrendo no mês (junho/2013) em que o questionário foi aplicado, quanto ao fazer profissional do Serviço Social, a maioria dos alunos da escola pública estadual relacionam o trabalho do assistente social com a prestação de ajuda e auxílio. Os alunos da escola pública federal demonstraram maior efetividade e segurança na resposta, em consonância com o Código de Ética do Assistente Social, também foi realizada entrevista semi­estruturada com a Assistente Social das instituições de ensino. Segundo a pesquisa identifica­se a sobrecarga do profissional do serviço social com as demandas postas pelos alunos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, de tal modo que não possa acompanhar atividades de arte e cultura desenvolvidas nas instituições de ensino, e por meio de levantamentos bibliográficos e visitas de observação ao local de pesquisa foi possível identificar as atividades, projetos de extensão de arte e cultura nas instituições de ensino

    Estimating house price with spatial and land use accessibility components using a data science approach at the national scale

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    Extensive research had been conducted studying the spatial configuration effects on house price using the hedonic price approach. Previous research has mostly focused on using econometric approaches in estimating house price. With the growing popularity of machine learning methods, there is an opportunity to study this problem from a data science perspective. Following Law et al (2017) which studied how economic value of closeness centrality (integration) differed across cities in England, we conduct here a similar experiment examining these differences using a data science approach. We leveraged on an integrated urban model, a large-scale geographic database to compute a series of land use accessibility and space syntax accessibility measures at the country scale (~120 measures). We then use a compressed set of spatial and land use accessibility components to estimate a set of hedonic price models in England; i. first for the entire country, then ii. for all 22 cities and then iii. for 22 cities individually. We found that spatial and land use accessibility features improve house price prediction accuracy jointly and the improvements are greater when using nonlinear methods. This research serves as a basis on the application of data science approaches in space syntax research for predicting real estate outcomes at the National-Scale

    Local Modularity, a measure that characterises street neighbourhood connectivity

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    Recent research in space syntax has shown the use of community detection methods on the street network dual graph can identify isolated local areas. Leveraging on this characteristic, we propose a new measure called local modularity that tries to capture street neighbourhood connectedness. We examine the measure visually for a number of cities where we found the measure can identify more neighbourhood connectivity. We also then validated the measure by running a network stability experiment where we simulate a network under different forms of attacks; a random attack scenario versus a targeted attack scenario. We found more stable behaviour when removing streets that have higher neighbourhood connectivity than attacking the same network randomly. These results have implications on the spatial design and planning of neighbourhoods and in measuring community severances

    The mid-infrared colors of the interstellar medium and extended sources at the Galactic center

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    A mid-infrared (3.6–8 μm) survey of the Galactic center has been carried out with the IRAC instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope. This survey covers the central 2º x 1.4º (~280 x 200 pc) of the Galaxy. At 3.6 and 4.5 μm the emission is dominated by stellar sources, the fainter ones merging into an unresolved background. At 5.8 and 8 μm the stellar sources are fainter, and large-scale diffuse emission from the ISM of the Galaxy's central molecular zone becomes prominent. The survey reveals that the 8-to-5.8 μm color of the ISM emission is highly uniform across the surveyed region. This uniform color is consistent with a flat extinction law and emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Models indicate that this broadband color should not be expected to change if the incident radiation field heating the dust and PAHs is ~10^4 times that of the solar neighborhood. Other regions of very red emission indicate cases where thick dust clouds obscure deeply embedded objects or very early stages of star formation