920 research outputs found

    Tarafah ibn Al-A’bd and his Outstanding Arabic Mua’llagah

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    This paper is an attempt not to claim to be comprehensive in dealing with a poetic piece as one type ofexpressive text in Arabic but a fair endeavor through analytical evaluation of a poem. Thepaper is limited to a few selected verses of Tarafah ibnAl-A\u27bdMua\u27llagah. Al-Mua\u27llagah is a representative of the Arabic language and its magnificence. It is a long piece of poetry cannot be examined and scrutinized in a short paper like this. The study focuses with analysis on the first twenty-five verses Tarafah\u27s Mua\u27llagah. The study applies an analytical and critical approach, attempting to illustrate the influence of Arabic poetry as a means of the language and its glory. It commences with an introduction presenting the importance of Arabic poetic language then it moves to give a suitable picture of Tarafah ibn Al-A\u27bd as a man and a poet. The researcher afterward shifts to the main part of the study, attempting to bring a paraphrase to some selected verses of the long poem. The work reaches its end by a recommendatory afterword

    Penentuan Jenis Nyamuk Mansoniasebagai Tersangka Vektor Filariasis Brugia Malayi dan Hewan Zoonosis di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Filariasis merupakan penyakit yang tidak mudah menular. Filariasis adalah penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk sebagai vector. Jenis nyamuk yang dapat berperan sebagai vector filariasis dipengaruhi oleh jenis cacing penyebab filaria. Brugia spp. umumnya ditularkan oleh nyamuk Mansonia spp dan Anopheles spp. Vektor dan hewan zoonosis merupakan salah satu factor yang dapat perlu mendapat perhatian dalam pengendalian filariasis. Penelitian terhadap vector dan hewan zoonosis telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi untuk mengidentifikasi bionomik vektor dan kemungkinan adanya hewan zoonosis yang berperan sebagai penular filariasis. Desain penelitian adalah observasi, yaitu dengan melakukan penangkapan nyamuk dan pemeriksaan darah terhadap kucing. Jumlah kucing yang diperiksa sebanyak 18 ekor. Kucing yang positif microfilaria sebanyak 1 ekor. Jumlah nyamuk Mansonia spp. tertangkap sebanyak 1,167 ekor yang terdiri dari 6 species. Spesies nyamuk tertangkap paling banyak adalah Mansonia uniformis sebanyak 1.010 ekor dengan angka kekerapan 1,0. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka diperlukan peran serta masyarakat untuk mengurangi kepadatan nyamuk dengan membersihkan genangan air dan mencegah gigitan nyamuk. Selain itu diperlukan juga penanganan terhadap hewan yang bertindak sebagai zoonosis dengan memberikan pengobatan terhadap kucing agar tidak menjadi sumber infeksi.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vektor, zoonosis, Muaro Jambi.AbstractFilariasisis noteasily transmitted diseases. Filariasisis transmitted by mosquito vectors. Various types of mosquitoes can act as vectors of filariasis, depending on the type of microfilaria. Brugia spp. are generally transmitted by Mansonia spp and Anopheles spp. Vector and zoonotic animal are the factors that can transmit filariasis and need to have attention for controlling filariasis. Research on vector and zoonotic had been done in Muaro Jambi to determine bionomic vector and the possibility of animals can transmit filariasis. The study design was observational survey, that cought mosquitoes and inspection activities zoonotic. Cats that examined were 18. Cat with positive microfilaria was 1 cat. Number of Mansonia spp. captured was 1,167 which consisted of 6 species consisting of 6 species. Mansonia uniformis was the largest species cought numbering 1.010 with 1.00 frequency rate with 1,010 mosquitoes that frequency rate of 1,00. Based on these results, it is necessery for community participation for mosquito control activities and further investigation to cats and cats carried on a positive treatment.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vectors, zoonotic, Muaro Jambi

    Analysis of the Export-base Commodity Supply on the Economic Growth in Aceh, Indonesia

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    The study aims to identify export base sectors and to analyse its impact to the economic growth based on the Cobb Douglas production function. Some relevant theories to support our arguments among others are base sector, export base and economic growth theory. Data of central government capital spending (CGB), local government capital spending (LGB), export average price (Pavg), provincial minimum wage (W) and linear multiple regression model is employed. The results show that the agriculture is the only basis sector in Aceh. The role of local government capital spending in the export based commodity supply contradicts the theory, provided indication that the local government capital spending has not been able to pull the economic growth. The role of central government capital spending, export average price and minimum wage have been in accordance with the available theoretical background. All independent variables are found to be statistically significant both partially and simultaneously, indicating that those variables are economically important to develop export base sectors in Aceh, however the impact on economic growth is relatively small

    Isolation and Characterization of Phage Specific to E. Coli O157:H7

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    . Phage therapy is not new because it has been practiced since the early 1900s to cure diseases such as shigellosis, typhus and dysentery that caused by bacteria. However, when antibiotics were discovered in 1941, this antibacterial therapy was quickly abandoned by most western scientists. Antibiotic treatment is usually prescribed to treat pathogenic bacteria E. coliO157:H7. However, since 1950s, the widespread resistance to antibiotics has raised public concern on development of alternatives to antibiotics. As a result of this resistance, there becomes a need for an alternative treatment to work synergistically with antibiotic to deal with bacterial infections. This has led to a new approach by the use of bacteriophage which is phage therapy. Once again, this treatment has received attention as an alternative method against bacterial infection. Phage therapy is the treatment on pathogenic bacterial infections by using bacteriophage which capable of invading bacterial cells and disrupting bacterial metabolism before lysing it. Phages are extremely host-specific and the natural enemies of bacteria. It soon becomes clear that there are huge numbers of bacteriophages existed and waiting to be isolated. Phage specific to E. coliO157:H7 was successfully isolated from sewage treatment sample. The appearance of plaques on lawn of E. coliO157:H7 plate indicates phage capabilities to infect and lyses the host cells. The isolated phage was further characterized based on its morphology, genomic profile, physicochemical attributes, and host specificity to assess their potentials to be developed as phage therapy against E. coliO157:H7

    Studi Bioekologi Nyamuk Mansonia Spp Vektor Filariasis di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Provinsi Jambi

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    Lymphatic filariasis is still public health problem in Tanjung Jabung district, Jambi Province. Mass drug administration has been done to prevent of lymphatic filariasis transmission in this area, however new cases are still found. Bio-ecological study is needed to determine the behavior of mosquitoes which have role as lymphatic filariasis vector in related with this disease transmission. Entomological study was performed 4 times in period of June to October 2014. Total of 3,231 mosquitoes that consists of 25 spesies have been collected. As many as 2,655 (82,2%) collected mosquitoes have been identified as Mansonia spp., which consist of four spesies, i.e.: Mansonia bonneae, Ma. dives, Ma. Indiana and Ma. uniformis. The highest mosquito density was Ma. Indiana. The preference of blood feeding behavior of these mosquitoes were outdoor (exophagic), with peak biting density was occurred at 08.00 to 09.00 pm
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