78 research outputs found

    Human Fasciolosis: Might it be Occurred in Indonesia?

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    Fasciolosis is known as a common parasitic disease in ruminants. However, in the last thirty years there were reports of high evidence on human fasciolosis in many countries, such as South America, Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. Fasciolosis in human is caused by trematodes, such as Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica, and there is no report of human Fasciolosis in Indonesia caused by F. gigantica, except human fasciolopsiasis caused by Fasciolopsis buski. The prevalence of fasciolosis in ruminants in Indonesia is up to 90% and people in some parts of Indonesia like to consume raw vegetables; this habit is assumed to be able to spread fasciolosis in human. Therefore, caution on the occurrence ofthe disease in human, particularly those living in the farming areas ofendemic fasciolosis that have a habit of consuming raw vegetables needs to be enhanced through epidemiological investigation by using an accurate diagnostic technique. Key words: Human fasciolosis, Indonesia, epidemiology stud

    Immunological responses of sheep against adult worm extract antigen of Fasciola gigantica

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    Immunological responses of sheep against adult worm extract antigen of Fasciola gigantica were evaluated in an effort to identify the protein antigen for the candidate of vaccine. In this study the protein antigen from adult worms was extracted, and the extract antigen was then intramuscularly injected into 4 groups of 5 sheep. Two groups received one injection, these included one group injected only with extract antigen and the other group injected with extract antigen emulsified in Quil A adjuvant. The other two groups received two injections with a two week interval, these included one group injected only with extract antigen and the other group injected with extract antigen emulsified in Quil A adjuvant. Three weeks later all of the sheep were challenged with 300 metacercariae of F. gigantica. The antibody titer was monitored every two weeks by using ELISA and the protein profile from each group was compared by using western blotting. Fifteen weeks after challenged all of the sheep were killed and the liver flukes were collected from the liver and counted. The results showed that the antibody titer was higher in the group which received two injections, and the additional of Quil A adjuvant gave much better protection from the infection of F. gigantica (57%) and could avoid the death of the sheep than twice injection of antigen without Quil A adjuvant (37%).   Key words : Fasciolosis, Fasciola gigantica, protein antigen, antibody responses, vaccin

    The effect of artificial dehydration on the survival and reproduction of Lymnaea rubiginosa

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    The effect of artificial dehydration on snail Lymnaea rubiginosa was investigated in the laboratory by monitoring its survival and development, because as aquatic organism, this snail must be able to adapt or tolerate with the changes in its habitat. Fifty laboratory-reared L. rubiginosa with shell length between 1.0-1.5 cm (adult) were placed in each sloping earth aquarium (60x80x20 cm) which were already filled with water about 15 cm depth. Five aquaria were used in this study, and one week after being established the water from 4 aquaria was drained while one aquarium was retained with water as a control. The water was replaced in one of dehydrated aquarium each week for four weeks, commencing one week after draining the water. The survival of snails in each aquarium were recorded every two days over a period of 3 months. The results indicated that the mortality rate of adult snails increased as the period of dehydration increased. After four week dehydration only 16% of adult snails survive compared to 68% survival in the control aquarium, and dehydration for 4 weeks prolonged the hatching time of eggs. Moreover, in dehydrated aquaria, the egg masses were deposited in a random pattern on the surface of the soil, whereas in the control aquarium they were laid on the soil-water junction.   Key words : Dehydration, Lymnaea rubiginosa, survival, fasciolosi

    Studies on the survival and development of field-caught snail Lymnaea rubiginosa in the laboratory

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    Lymnaea rubiginosa was collected from two habitats in order to observe their survival and growth rate including their egg production, hatching time and the time they needed to reach maturity. One of the habitat is rice fields in Bogor (subdistricts of Ciomas and Ciampea) and the other is a pond in Bogor Botanical Garden. In the laboratory those snails were kept in separate aquarium and grouped according to their shell length. The result showed that the longer the snail length the shorter their survival rate and less egg production. Moreover, the snails collected from rice fields were infected with Echinostoma sp. And Chaetogaster sp., while the snails from the pond were only infected with Chaetogaster sp. The hatching time is between 10-14 days, and to reach maturity, with shell length about 1 cm, they need about 6 weeks.   Key words : Lymnaea rubiginosa, survival, growth rate, fasciolosi

    Multi-epoch GNSS Data Analysis on Geodynamics Study of Central Java

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    AbstractGeometrics method based on multi-epoch GNNS data is one of the methods used in the geodynamic study. Three epochs of GNNS measurement at some benchmarks are used to measure general feature of the geodynamic of Java Island in 3 Dimensions. The coordinate solutions have been determined using simultaneous network adjustment connected to the global network available around Indonesia; those are: COCO, BAN2, PIMO, DGAR, NTUS and DARW. The processing of three days GNNS (Rinex) data have been done through a daily processing using GAMIT and a combination processing using GLOBK. The output of the computation shows that the precision of the baseline ranges from 1 – 5mm, while the precision of the daily and the combination estimated coordinate ranges from 1 to 6mm. Based on the coordinate difference, the surface velocity of the site is ranged from 0.6 to 7.3mm/year, with the direction of the movement to the eastward. In general, the precision of the Y coordinate components, which represents the height components in the Indonesia area, is always lower than the X and Z components

    Comparative studies of resistance on Indonesian Thin Tail (ITT) sheep, St. Croix, merino and the crossbreed of ITT and St. Croix, against the infection of Fasciola gigantica

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    resistance is heritable. In order to re-evaluate this evidence, 20 ITT sheep were infected with 350 metacercariae of F. gigantica and for comparison, 10 St. Croix sheep, 10 Merino sheep and 20 crossbred of ITT x St. Croix sheep were also infected with the same dose of metacercariae. The results showed that ITT sheep was highly resistant than the other breed, whereas St. Croix and Merino sheep were susceptible. 60% of the crossbred were as resistant as ITT sheep and the other 40% were as susceptible as the St. Croix sheep. Thus, it is proposed that there might be a hereditary resistance factor such as a dominant gene which inducing the mechanism of resistance in ITT sheep, and there is some indication that IgG2 might act as a blocking antibody that interferes the mechanism of resistance.   Key words : ITT sheep, Fasciola gigantica, genetic resistance, dominant gen

    Extension program on the control of bovine fasciolosis in West Java, Indonesia

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    An extension program to control fasciolosis in cattle and buffalo was undertaken in collaboration with officers of the District of Livestock Services (DLS) and farmer organizations in the Surade district of West Java. Control strategies were based on results of extensive epidemiological studies on fasciolosis in this area over the past 4 years. Recommendations included: (1) preventing animals grazing harvested rice fields adjacent to a village or cattle pen; (2) feeding stock only the top two-thirds of freshly cut rice stalks; (3) mixing cattle or buffalo faeces with manure of ducks or chicken naturally infected with Echinostoma revolutum, before using them as fertilizer in rice fields; and (4) a single treatment with triclabendazole in July, about 6 weeks after harvest of the last seasonal rice crop. Farmers were surveyed in January 1996 to determine their level of knowledge about fasciolosis. The extension program commenced in February, soon after planting the second seasonal rice crop in four villages. At first, leaflets were distributed to farmers, and posters were displayed in each village to provide basic information. Following discussions with village leaders, groups of farmers met in each village to discuss the advantages they saw in each strategy, ways they could implement them, and to identify socio-economic constraints that needed to be overcome. Taped interviews were prepared for a local radio station and the farmer groups. In August, final survey was conducted to determine the change in knowledge and attitudes that had occurred as a result of the extension program. Bennett’s hierarchy was used at each stage to evaluate the effects of inputs and activities. Farmers adopted the techniques of cutting and feeding rice-stems 2/3 above water-level, and isolating cattle from rice-fields during harvest time, as these appeared to be beneficial in social and economic terms; but they rejected the two other practices where they perceived that socio-economic costs exceededbenefits.   Key words : Fasciolosis control, extension program, cattle, buffal

    Perbedaan Jumlah Bilangan Peroksida Minyak Goreng Dengan Penambahan Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih Sebagai Antioksidan Alami (Pada Pedagang Gorengan Di Wilayah Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang Tahun 2016)

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    Gorengan merupakan makanan favorit yang dipilih oleh 49% penduduk Indonesia. Penggunaan minyak goreng oleh pedagang gorengan biasanya dilakukan lebih dari 2 kali penggorengan. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada minyak goreng. Bilangan peroksida merupakan indikator ketengikan minyak goreng. Cara menurunkan bilangan peroksida adalah dengan menambahkan antioksidan ke dalam minyak goreng. Sumber antioksidan alami diantaranya terdapat pada bawang merah dan bawang putih. Bawang merah bersifat antioksidan karena mengandung flavonoid, sedangkan bawang putih mengandung polifenol. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perbedaan jumlah bilangan peroksida minyak goreng pedagang gorengan sebelum dan setelah penambahan bawang merah dan bawang putih. Jenis penelitian ini adalah experimental dengan rancangan penelitian pre dan post test by control. Total sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 18 sampel minyak goreng pedagang gorengan. Analisis univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi dan mean, sedangkan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji t paired dan uji F. Hasil uji peroksida menyatakan bahwa 44,4% minyak goreng melebihi batas maksimal bilangan peroksida (>10 mek O2/Kg, SNI 3741-2013). Rata-rata penurunan bilangan peroksida minyak goreng setelah penambahan bawang merah yaitu 1,13944 mekO2/Kg, sedangkan dengan penambahan bawang putih yaitu 0, 40111 mekO2/Kg. Hasil analisis uji t paired menunjukkan ada perbedaan bilangan peroksida minyak goreng sebelum dan setelah penambahan bawang merah (p value=0,035). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bilangan peroksida minyak goreng sebelum dan setelah penambahan bawang putih (p value=0,309).Hasil analisis uji F menunjukkan penambahan bawang merah ataupun bawang putih memiliki efektivitas yang sama terhadap penurunan bilangan peroksida (p value=0,722). Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan kepada pedagang gorengan tentang bahaya penggunaan minyak goreng berulang kali dan cara mengatasinya
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