452 research outputs found

    Cobalt-Based Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Recent Advances towards Stable Devices

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    Redox mediators based on cobalt complexes allowed dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) to achieve efficiencies exceeding 14%, thus challenging the emerging class of perovskite solar cells. Unfortunately, cobalt-based electrolytes demonstrate much lower long-term stability trends if compared to the traditional iodide/triiodide redox couple. In view of the large-scale commercialization of cobalt-based DSCs, the scientific community has recently proposed various approaches and materials to increase the stability of these devices, which comprise gelling agents, crosslinked polymeric matrices and mixtures of solvents (including water). This review summarizes the most significant advances recently focused towards this direction, also suggesting some intriguing way to fabricate third-generation cobalt-based photoelectrochemical devices stable over time


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    This paper deals with an engineering method for the prediction of vehicle pass-by noise based on a FEM/ BEM exterior acoustic calculation in the frequency domain. The researchers simulate, in a virtual environment, the experimental outdoor pass-by noise measurement. The simulated pass-by noise campaign is synthesized from multiple acoustic transfer functions between a line of virtual microphones located 7.5m on the side of the vehicle and each noise source. A numerical FEM/BEM train bogie acoustic model has been created within the MSC ACTRAN commercial softwares. Wheel-rail rolling noise, engine and powertrain noise acoustic source have been implemented and posi-tioned inside the FEM and BEM model to demonstrate the validity of the proposed methods. The contribu-tion from noise sources, expressed both in terms of sound pressure level and overall value, to the pass-by noise were evaluated up to 5 kHz. The virtual pass-by-noise assessment has been then validated by experi-mental measurement of the complete four coach’s train with respect to different speed regimes

    Manufacturing and Validation of a Novel Composite Component for Aircraft Main Landing Gear Bay

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    Composite materials may reduce the final weight of the aircraft structural components, in addition to improve fatigue performance and corrosion resistance. In order to achieve the optimization of air transport systems, making them increasingly sustainable, the structural design must be surely reviewed, starting to follow the ‘‘composite thinking’’ philosophy. The present research provides some relevant outcomes concerning the design of a composite sample for the main landing gear bay of a large commercial airplane (EASA CS25 category), within ITEMB (integrated full composite main landing gear bay concept) project, a program of Clean Sky 2 EU research framework. The most ambitious goal is to develop a new generation of lower center fuselage (LCF) with an innovative integrated landing system in the fuselage, which is considered the next frontier in the development of landing systems for medium-haul aircraft, such as the Airbus A320 aircraft family. The development of a different architecture, with the landing gear integrated within the related fuselage bay, could lead to a simplification of the whole subassembly with potential advantage in terms of construction and assembly times. Final target of the project is the manufacturing of an innovative monolithic composite structure that will replace the actual configuration (a mixed structure of metal and composite subassemblies) reducing or actually removing all the cost of assembly and increasing the production rate. This paper presents the main results of the work, introducing the main processing steps and prototype results; in the last part of the work, also some experimental tests on significant element are introduced as the first assessment of the technology readiness level that has been achieved

    Volatile profile and consumer acceptability of natural yoghurts elaborated with chilean native cultures of enterococcus sp. strain BB3 and lactobacillus sp. strain BB6

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    According to WHO, in 2016 around 13% of the world's adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese. The global prevalence of obesity almost tripled between 1975 and 2016. In this context, it is important to note that the continuous increase in life expectancy, the desire for a better quality of life, and the high cost of medical care have led to a growing demand for functional foods in the market. People have started to realize that their food choices and their unhealthy lifestyles have consequences for their health. An important role in this scenario is associated with functional foods containing probiotic strains, reported to benefit human health. Here we report the development of natural yogurts based on native probiotic starter cultures of Enterococcus sp. strain BB3 (MK681869) and Lactobacillus sp. strain BB6 (MK681868), isolated from raw cow milk of La Araucanía region of Chile. The odor and taste were the main parameters criticized by the consumer, the analysis of CG-MS elucidated that the yogurt produced by the strain Enterococcus sp. strain BB3 (MK681869) produced a higher amount of heptan-2-one, associated with a cheesy type odor, with less acceptance by the consumers. The acceptability of 6 types of yogurt was evaluated with a randomized analysis of 60 participants. The development of a functional dairy product based on probiotics is of interest because of its relation with positive changes in gut microbiota, and at the same time with a possible decrease in body weight

    An harmonic radar prototype for insect tracking in harsh environments

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    Harmonic entomological radars have been used in the last decades to track small and lightweight passive tags carried by various insects, usually flying at low altitude and over flat terrain. Despite being exploited in many applications, not a lot of progress was achieved in terms of performances over the years. This paper reviews the research work done in this topic throughout the European LIFE project STOPVESPA, from 2015 to 2019. The main objective of LIFE STOPVESPA was to contain the invasive Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) and prevent it from further invading Italy. Among the foreseen activities, a new harmonic radar has been developed as an effective tool to locate the hornets nests to be destroyed. A preliminary prototype, based on a magnetron generator, was tested in 2015, showing a detection range of about 125 m. A first upgrade of this prototype was released in 2016, allowing to increase the detection range up to 150 m. A new approach, based on a solid state power amplifier and a digitally modulated signal, was then adopted for the second prototype developed in 2017 and extensively run in 2018; the detection range raised to 500 m. A last engineered prototype was eventually built for the 2019 summer campaign with additional improvements. This tool has been extensively validated over the last years with the Asian hornet but it has potential for tracking and monitoring many other flying insects
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