53 research outputs found

    Spin effects in strong-field laser-electron interactions

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    The electron spin degree of freedom can play a significant role in relativistic scattering processes involving intense laser fields. In this contribution we discuss the influence of the electron spin on (i) Kapitza-Dirac scattering in an x-ray laser field of high intensity, (ii) photo-induced electron-positron pair production in a strong laser wave and (iii) multiphoton electron-positron pair production on an atomic nucleus. We show that in all cases under consideration the electron spin can have a characteristic impact on the process properties and their total probabilities. To this end, spin-resolved calculations based on the Dirac equation in the presence of an intense laser field are performed. The predictions from Dirac theory are also compared with the corresponding results from the Klein-Gordon equation.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Electron-positron pair creation in the superposition of two oscillating electric field pulses with largely different frequency, duration and relative positioning

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    Production of electron-positron pairs in two oscillating strong electric field pulses with largely different frequencies and durations is considered. In a first scenario, the influence of a low-frequency background field on pair production by a short main pulse of high frequency is analyzed. The background field is shown to cause characteristic modifications of the momentum spectra of created particles which, in turn, may be used for imaging of the background pulse. In a second scenario, an ultrashort, relatively weak assisting pulse is superimposed onto a strong main pulse. By studying the dependence of the pair production on the field parameters it is shown that duration and relative position of the ultrashort pulse modify the momentum spectra of produced particles in a distinctive way. Both scenarios enable, moreover, to extract partial information about the time periods when pairs with certain momenta are produced predominantly.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    On the connection between Hamilton and Lagrange formalism in Quantum Field Theory

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    The connection between the Hamilton and the standard Lagrange formalism is established for a generic Quantum Field Theory with vanishing vacuum expectation values of the fundamental fields. The Effective Actions in both formalisms are the same if and only if the fundamental fields and the momentum fields are related by the stationarity condition. These momentum fields in general differ from the canonical fields as defined via the Effective Action. By means of functional methods a systematic procedure is presented to identify the full correlation functions, which depend on the momentum fields, as functionals of those usually appearing in the standard Lagrange formalism. Whereas Lagrange correlation functions can be decomposed into tree diagrams the decomposition of Hamilton correlation functions involves loop corrections similar to those arising in n-particle effective actions. To demonstrate the method we derive for theories with linearized interactions the propagators of composite auxiliary fields and the ones of the fundamental degrees of freedom. The formalism is then utilized in the case of Coulomb gauge Yang-Mills theory for which the relations between the two-point correlation functions of the transversal and longitudinal components of the conjugate momentum to the ones of the gauge field are given.Comment: 25 pages, 24 figures, revised and extended version with an explicit application of the formalism to Coulomb gauge QC
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