21 research outputs found

    A network study to differentiate suicide attempt risk profiles in male and female patients with major depressive disorder

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    Suicide attempts are a possible consequence of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), although their prevalence varies across different epidemiological studies. Suicide attempt is a significant predictor of death by suicide, highlighting its importance in understanding and preventing tragic outcomes. Researchers are increasingly recognizing the need to study the differences between males and females, as several distinctions emerge in terms of the characteristics, types and motivations of suicide attempts. These differences emphasize the importance of considering gender-specific factors in the study of suicide attempts and developing tailored prevention strategies. We conducted a network analysis to represent and investigate which among multiple neurocognitive, psychosocial, demographic and affective variables may prove to be a reliable predictor for identifying the 'suicide attempt risk' (SAR) in a sample of 81 adults who met DSM-5 criteria for MDD. Network analysis resulted in differences between males and females regarding the variables that were going to interact and predict the SAR; in particular, for males, there is a stronger link toward psychosocial aspects, while for females, the neurocognitive domain is more relevant in its mnestic subcomponents. Network analysis allowed us to describe otherwise less obvious differences in the risk profiles of males and females that attempted to take their own lives. Different neurocognitive and psychosocial variables and different interactions between them predict the probability of suicide attempt unique to male and female patients

    Combining Mini-Mental State Examination and Montreal Cognitive Assessment for assessing the clinical efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors in mild Alzheimer's disease: a pilot study

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    Current drugs for Alzheimer's Disease (AD), such as cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs), exert only symptomatic activity. Different psychometric tools are needed to assess cognitive and non-cognitive dimensions during pharmacological treatment. In this pilot study, we monitored 33 mild-AD patients treated with ChEIs. Specifically, we evaluated the effects of 6 months (Group 1 = 17 patients) and 9 months (Group 2 = 16 patients) of ChEIs administration on cognition with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), while depressive symptoms were measured with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). After 6 months (Group 1), a significant decrease in MoCA performance was detected. After 9 months (Group 2), a significant decrease in MMSE, MoCA, and FAB performance was observed. ChEIs did not modify depressive symptoms. Overall, our data suggest MoCA is a potentially useful tool for evaluating the effectiveness of ChEIs

    The dynamic interaction between symptoms and pharmacological treatment in patients with major depressive disorder: the role of network intervention analysis

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    Introduction: The Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. MDD is a major public health concern and is the leading cause of disability, morbidity, institutionalization, and excess mortality, conferring high suicide risk. Pharmacological treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) is often the first choice for their efficacy and tolerability profile. However, a significant percentage of depressive individuals do not achieve remission even after an adequate trial of pharmacotherapy, a condition known as treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Methods: To better understand the complexity of clinical phenotypes in MDD we propose Network Intervention Analysis (NIA) that can help health psychology in the detection of risky behaviors, in the primary and/or secondary prevention, as well as to monitor the treatment and verify its effectiveness. The paper aims to identify the interaction and changes in network nodes and connections of 14 continuous variables with nodes identified as "Treatment" in a cohort of MDD patients recruited for their recent history of partial response to antidepressant drugs. The study analyzed the network of MDD patients at baseline and after 12 weeks of drug treatment. Results: At baseline, the network showed separate dimensions for cognitive and psychosocial-affective symptoms, with cognitive symptoms strongly affecting psychosocial functioning. The MoCA tool was identified as a potential psychometric tool for evaluating cognitive deficits and monitoring treatment response. After drug treatment, the network showed less interconnection between nodes, indicating greater stability, with antidepressants taking a central role in driving the network. Affective symptoms improved at follow-up, with the highest predictability for HDRS and BDI-II nodes being connected to the Antidepressants node. Conclusion: NIA allows us to understand not only what symptoms enhance after pharmacological treatment, but especially the role it plays within the network and with which nodes it has stronger connections

    A brief review of robotics technologies to support social interventions for older users

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    In the last few decades, various studies demonstrated numerous robotics applications that can tackle the problem of the ageing population by supporting older people to live longer and independently at home. This article reviews the scientific literature and highlights how social robots can help the daily life of older people and be useful also as assessment tools for mild physical and mental conditions. It will underline the aspects of usability and acceptability of robotic solutions for older persons. Indeed, the design should maximise these to improve the users' attitude towards the actual use of the robots. The article discusses the advantages and concerns about the use of robotics technology in the social context with a vulnerable population. In this field, success is to assist social workers, not to replace them. We conclude recommending that care benefits should be balanced against ethical costs

    The role of personality factors and empathy in the acceptance and performance of a social robot for psychometric evaluations

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    Research and development in socially assistive robotics have produced several novel applications in the care of senior people. However, some are still unexplored such as their use as psychometric tools allowing for a quick and dependable evaluation of human users' intellectual capacity. To fully exploit the application of a social robot as a psychometric tool, it is necessary to account for the users' factors that might influence the interaction with a robot and the evaluation of user cognitive performance. To this end, we invited senior participants to use a prototype of a robot-led cognitive test and analyzed the influence of personality traits and user's empathy on the cognitive performance and technology acceptance. Results show a positive influence of a personality trait, the "openness to experience", on the human-robot interaction, and that other factors, such as anxiety, trust, and intention to use, are influencing technology acceptance and correlate the evaluation by psychometric tests

    Interictal ghrelin levels in adult patients with epilepsy.

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    In vitro or in animal models of epilepsy, ghrelin showed a clear anticonvulsant action, whose mechanisms are somewhat obscure. In humans however, a controversial relation exists between ghrelin and epilepsy. Yet most studies investigated just total ghrelin levels, without a proper distinction between acylated (AG) or unacylated ghrelin (UAG). We thus evaluated separately AG and UAG interictal levels in adult patients with epilepsy, and their relation to clinical features.Cross-sectional study in a tertiary referral centre. Fifty-six patients were recruited: 19 with idiopathic generalized epilepsy, 18 with cryptogenic focal epilepsy and 19 with symptomatic focal epilepsy. Twenty-six healthy subjects of similar age, sex and body mass index (BMI) acted as controls. AG and UAG levels were measured following an overnight fasting and contrasted to the clinical and biometric features.AG and UAG levels were similar between patients and controls. The AG/UAG ratio was higher in patients, also when weighted for covariates (age, BMI, gender, and drugs). Splitting patients according to their epileptic syndrome, drug-resistance or antiepileptic drug number/type resulted in no significant difference in AG, UAG or their ratio. Yet, AG and UAG levels were positively predicted by disease duration, independently by confounders.In adult patients with epilepsy, interictal ghrelin levels did not differ from controls, though the AG/UAG ratio was imbalanced. Interpretation of the latter phenomenon is uncertain. Further, levels of AG and UAG were in direct proportion to disease duration, which may represent a long-term compensatory mechanism, antagonistic to the epileptic process

    Effect of multiple honey doses on non-specific acute cough in children. An open randomised study and literature review

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    BACKGROUND: Honey is recommended for non-specific acute paediatric cough by the Australian guidelines. Current available randomised clinical trials evaluated the effects of a single evening dose of honey, but multiple doses outcomes have never been studied.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of wildflower honey, given for three subsequent evenings, on non-specific acute paediatric cough, compared to dextromethorphan (DM) and levodropropizine (LDP), which are the most prescribed over-the-counter (OTC) antitussives in Italy.METHODS: 134 children suffering from non-specific acute cough were randomised to receive for three subsequent evenings a mixture of milk (90ml) and wildflower honey (10ml) or a dose of DM or LDP adjusted for the specific age. The effectiveness was evaluated by a cough questionnaire answered by parents. Primary end-point efficacy was therapeutic success. The latter was defined as a decrease in cough questionnaire score greater than 50% after treatment compared with baseline values.RESULTS: Three children were excluded from the study, as their parents did not complete the questionnaire. Therapeutic success was achieved by 80% in the honey and milk group and 87% in OTC medication group (p=0.25).CONCLUSIONS: Milk and honey mixture seems to be at least as effective as DM or LDP in non-specific acute cough in children. These results are in line with previous studies, which reported the health effects of honey on paediatric cough, even if placebo effect cannot be totally excluded

    A novel synonymous mutation in the MPZ gene causing an aberrant splicing pattern and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1b

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    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is an inherited peripheral neuropathy with a heterogeneous genetic background. Here, we describe two CMT1B families with a mild sensory-motor neuropathy and a novel synonymous variant (c.309G\u2009>\u2009T, p.G103G) in exon 3 of the MPZ gene. Next generation sequencing analysis on a 94 CMT gene panel showed no mutations in other disease genes. In vitro splicing assay and mRNA expression analysis indicated that the c.309T variant enhances a cryptic donor splice site at position c.304 resulting in the markedly increased expression of the r.304_448del alternative transcript in patients' cells. This transcript is predicted to encode a truncated P0 protein (p.V102Cfs11*) lacking the transmembrane domain, thus suggesting a possible haploinsufficiency mechanism for this mutation. This is the third reported synonymous MPZ variant associated with CMT1 and affecting splicing. These data confirm the functional impact of synonymous variants on MPZ splicing and their possible role as disease-causing mutations rather than silent polymorphisms