405 research outputs found

    On Q*s - regular spaces and Q*s - normal spaces

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    The notion of Q* - open sets in a topological space was introduced by Murugalingam and Lalitha [7]. We introduce the notion of Q*s - regular, Q*s - normal, s*Q* - normal and obtain some characterizations Q*s - regularity and Q*s – normality, s*Q* - normal

    Hydrogenation of olefins by polymer-bound palladium(II) Schiff base catalyst

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    Chloromethylated poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) was modified into coordinating Schiff base bearing ligand which was subsequently complexed with palladium chloride and activated by using sodium borohydride. The polymer-supported palladium complex and activated catalyst were characterized by various techniques such as elemental analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, IR, far IR spectral studies, SEM and thermogravimetric analysis. Surface area measurements by BET method and swelling studies with different solvents for the catalyst were also carried out. Catalytic activity towards hydrogenation of 1-hexene, 1-heptene, 1-octene, cyclohexene, norbornadiene (nbd) and 1,5-cyclooctadiene (1,5-cod) was assessed. The influence of variation in temperature, pressure, concentration of the catalyst as well as the substrate and the nature of the solvent on the rate of the reaction was studied for a few olefins. Recycling ability of the catalyst was also evaluated. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    This paper proposes a method for the automatic detection of optic disc in retinal images. In the diagnosis and grading, the essential step is recognition of optic disk for diabetic retinopathy. The analysis of directional cross section profile focused on the local maximum pixel of pre-processed image is realized by the proposed method using optic disc detection. Each profile is implemented by peak detection and property like shape, size and height of the peak are estimated. The statistical measure of the estimated values for the attributes, where the orientation of the cross-section changes the constitute feature used in morphological classification to exclude encourages candidates. The result is to find the patient is affected by diabetics or not.Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, Optic disk, Naives Bayes algorithm, Local maximum region

    Tomorrow's Surgery: Micromotors and Microrobots

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    Surgical procedures have changed radically over the last few years due to the arrival of new technology. What will technology bring us in the future? This paper examines a few of the forces whose timing are causing new ideas to congeal from the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, micromachining and smart materials. Intelligence systems for autonomous mobile robots can now enable simple insect level behaviors in small amounts of silicon. These software breakthroughs coupled with new techniques for microfabricating miniature sensors and actuators from both silicon and ferroelectric families of materials offer glimpses of the future where robots will be small, cheap and potentially useful to surgeons. In this paper we relate our recent efforts to fabricate piezoelectric micromotors in an effort to develop actuator technologies where brawn matches to the scale of the brain. We discuss our experiments with thin film ferroelectric motors 2mm in diameter and larger 8mm versions machined from bulk ceramic and sketch possible applications in the surgical field.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator

    Report on swimbladder disorder in the honeycomb grouper, Epinephelus merra

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    Swimbladder or airbladder is a thin layered epithelial sac filled with air, lying above the alimentary canal of bony fishes that regulates buoyancy of the fish so that the specific gravity of the fish always matches the depth at which it is swimming. Swimbladder disorder (SBD) is a condition caused by sudden temperature changes impacted stomach resulting from improper feeding or due to bacterial or viral infections of the bladder characterised by inability of the fish to keep a normal upright position in water. Normally gold fishes suffer from SBD due to their globoid body shape. Fish with SBD may float on their side or their back, swim in circles or take head-down posture

    Polymer-supported palladium-imidazole complex catalyst for hydrogenation of substituted benzylideneanilines

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    The polymer-supported palladium-imidazole complex catalyst was synthesized and characterized by various techniques such as elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy and TG analysis. The physico-chemical properties such as bulk density, surface studies by BET method and swelling studies of catalyst in different solvents were investigated. XPS studies were carried out to identify the oxidation state of palladium in the catalyst. The morphology of the support and the catalyst was studied using scanning electron microscope. Using the synthesized catalyst, hydrogenation of benzylideneaniline and a few of its para substituted derivatives was carried out at ambient conditions. The influence of variation in temperature, concentration of the catalyst as well as the substrate on the rate of reaction was studied. The catalyst showed an excellent recycling efficiency over six cycles without leaching of metal from the polymer support. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Antibacterial activity of aqueous extract from selected macroalgae of southwest coast of India

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    Aqueous extract of seven species of marine macroalgae were screened for their antimicrobial potency against ten pathogenic bacterial strains. Ulva fasciata, Gracilaria corticata, Sargassum wightii and Padina tetrastromatica showed significantly higher activity against 70% of the tested bacterial isolates. The maximum zone of inhibition was noted for the red alga G.corticata against Proteus mirabilis (17mm) and brown alga P. tetrastromatica against the pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio harveyi (15mm). The general trend of inhibitory activity was higher towards Gram negative bacteria

    STIFDB—Arabidopsis Stress Responsive Transcription Factor DataBase

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    Elucidating the key players of molecular mechanism that mediate the complex stress-responses in plants system is an important step to develop improved variety of stress tolerant crops. Understanding the effects of different types of biotic and abiotic stress is a rapidly emerging domain in the area of plant research to develop better, stress tolerant plants. Information about the transcription factors, transcription factor binding sites, function annotation of proteins coded by genes expressed during abiotic stress (for example: drought, cold, salinity, excess light, abscisic acid, and oxidative stress) response will provide better understanding of this phenomenon. STIFDB is a database of abiotic stress responsive genes and their predicted abiotic transcription factor binding sites in Arabidopsis thaliana. We integrated 2269 genes upregulated in different stress related microarray experiments and surveyed their 1000 bp and 100 bp upstream regions and 5′UTR regions using the STIF algorithm and identified putative abiotic stress responsive transcription factor binding sites, which are compiled in the STIFDB database. STIFDB provides extensive information about various stress responsive genes and stress inducible transcription factors of Arabidopsis thaliana. STIFDB will be a useful resource for researchers to understand the abiotic stress regulome and transcriptome of this important model plant system

    Study to evaluate the effectiveness of coagulation factor concentrate prophylaxis in children with severe hemophilia

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of prophylaxis with coagulation factor concentrates VIII/IX (FVII/IX) in children with severe hemophilia A/B, respectively. Materials and Methods: Retrospective observational study was done on children enrolled in our hemophilia clinic, who initially received “on demand” therapy and were on prophylaxis with factor VIII/IX concentrate at the time of the study. The study group consisted of 8 children. Annual hemarthrosis rate (AHR) over a period of 1-year during on demand therapy was compared with AHR during a period of 1-year on prophylaxis with FVIII/IX. Results: There was reduction in AHR by 87% in hemophilia A and 85% in hemophilia B during prophylaxis compared to on demand therapy. There was a significant reduction in hemarthrosis/patient/year from 2.5 to 0.3 on prophylaxis with factor concentrate compared to on demand therapy. There was also reduction in other bleeding manifestation like psoas muscle bleed, oral bleeds, epistaxis, and number of target joints involved. Conclusion: Prophylaxis with coagulation factor concentrate significantly reduces the AHR, and hence, decreases the disability associated with it compared to “on demand” therapy

    Polymicrobial skin lesions in the red spot emperor, Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede 1802) during mass incursion towards shore along Kanyakumari coast, south India

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    Mass incursion of fishes with polymicrobial skin lesions, fin erosions and scale loss was recorded in the red spot emperor Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede 1802) along the Kanyakumari coast, south India during August 2009. An estimated 2.5 t of fish, mostly the red spot emperors were found to migrate in live condition to the shore areas in a stressful state. Microbiological analyses of tissue from sampled fishes revealed three distinct types of bacterial colonies forming 5.2 x 105 CFU g-1 of the infected tissues. The predominant bacterial colonies were characterized as Aeromonas sp. (70.0%) followed by Flavobacterium sp. (20%) and Vibrio sp. (10%). The Aeromonas isolate was highly susceptible to norfloxacin while the Flavobacterium and Vibrio isolates were susceptible to chloramphenicol. The Aeromonas and Vibrio isolates exhibited protease and amylase enzyme activities in vitro, suggesting their possible role in the progression of skin lesions and scale loss. The possibilities of ambient unknown stressors weakening the fish and subsequent infections by these bacterial isolates are discussed