81 research outputs found

    The Turkish Dilatancy Project (TDP3): multidisciplinary studies of a potential earthquake source region

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    The section of the North Anatolian Fault lying near the city of Izmit, at the east of the Marmara Sea, has been identified as a seismic gap and the possible site of a future major earthquake. Previously published studies of records from an earthquake swarm within the gap (TDPl and TDP2) provided the first evidence that shear-wave splitting occurs in earthquake source regions, a conclusion since verified by many studies at other locations. A third field study (TDP3) was mounted in the Izmit region during the summer of 1984. Observations were made over an eight-month period and included geomagnetic and geoelectric measurements in addition to a series of observations utilising dense arrays of three-component seismometers. Earthquake activity in the principal study area was monitored over a period of eight months. Records showed features similar to those observed in the earlier studies. In particular: (1) almost all shear waves emerging within the shear-wave window displayed shear-wave splitting; (2)the polarizations of the first arriving (faster) split shear-waves showed sub-parallel alignments, characteristic of propagation through a distribution of parallel vertical cracks striking perpendicular to the minimum compressional stress. These and other observations support the conclusion of earlier studies - that the upper crust is pervaded by distributions of micro­ cracks aligned by stress, known as extensive-dilatancy anisotropy. A search for time dependence in shear-wave phenomena has revealed temporal variations in the delays between the split shear-waves throughout the course of the TDP3 study, but as yet this has not been correlated wi th specific earthquake activity

    Alveolar Ridge Preservation with Autologous Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF): Case Reports and the Rationale

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    In dental implantology, alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) has emerged as a standard technique to address dimensional changes that affect alveolar ridge morphology following tooth loss. Various alternative graft materials, including xenografts, alloplasts, and allografts, have been effectively employed in fresh extraction sites for ARP. Current evidence suggests that these materials primarily serve as bio-scaffolds, which are slowly incorporated, thus necessitating a waiting period of at least 4–6 months before implant placement. Consequently, the ARP technique extends the overall duration of implant treatment by several months. Recently, the incorporation of a form of autologous platelet concentrate, known as platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), has been advocated in conjunction with ARP as a method of bioenhancement of soft- and hard-tissue healing and regeneration. PRF contains platelet-derived growth factors, hormones, and bioactive components like cytokines that have demonstrated the ability to stimulate angiogenesis and tissue regeneration throughout all phases of wound healing. Additionally, the concentration of leukocytes present in the PRF matrix plays a vital role in tissue healing and regeneration as part of the osteoimmune response. The reported advantages of incorporating autogenous PRF platelet concentrates during ARP encompass reduced healing time, improved angiogenesis and bone regeneration, socket sealing through the fibrin matrix, antibacterial properties, and decreased post-extraction pain and infection risk. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to review the existing evidence regarding the application of PRF in alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) following tooth extraction. Two clinical case studies are presented, wherein ARP was enhanced with PRF, followed by implant placement within a relatively short period of 8 weeks. These cases serve as further proof of concept for supporting the adjuvant use of PRF to enhance healing and accelerate implant placement after ARP

    Extraction Socket Augmentation with Autologous Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF): The Rationale for Socket Augmentation

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    After tooth extraction, the alveolar ridge undergoes a physiological process of remodelling and disuse atrophy. Socket augmentation (SA) has been shown to preserve alveolar bone volume in order to facilitate implant placement and reduce the need for staged grafting at a later date. Although autogenic grafting has been shown to be the gold standard in bone regeneration, it has significant disadvantages. To prevent post-extraction volumetric alterations and alveolar bone resorption occurring, alternative grafting materials, including xenografts, alloplasts, and allografts, have been used successfully in fresh extraction sites. However, these materials act mostly as bio-scaffolds and require a slower integration period of 6–8 months prior to implant placement. Recently, the use of autologous platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has been advocated alongside socket augmentation as a method of bio-enhancement of healing of soft and hard tissues. PRF contains platelet-derived growth factors, hormones, and bioactive components such as cytokines that have been shown to promote angiogenesis and tissue regeneration during wound healing. The aim of this article is to review the evidence base for the SA technique Clinical benefits of SA will be discussed with a reference to two cases. Therefore, this narrative review will discuss the post-extraction bone changes, the importance of SA, and the bio-enhancement role of PRF in the management of extraction site defects when the alternative technique of immediate implant placement is not possible or contraindicated

    Differences in Dental Implant Survival between Immediate vs. Delayed Placement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objectives: To compare the impact of immediate and delayed implant placement upon the survival of implants and to investigate the differences in implant survival between immediate and delayed placement in adults. Methods: A search for the relevant literature was performed using the databases of CENTRAL, MEDLINE and Scopus. The studies found were limited to publications between 2014 and 2022, written in the English language, peer-reviewed, and were randomised trials or comparative studies. The quality of the evidence was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2.0 and Risk of Bias in Non-randomised Studies—of Interventions appraisal tools and implant survival, and the primary outcome was meta-analysed using RevMan v.5.3. Results: A total of 10 studies were eligible for inclusion, including six randomised controlled trials and four non-randomised comparative studies. Five of the six randomised trials observed a low risk of bias, while the comparative studies had a moderate-to-serious risk of bias. The search strategy resulted in 341 implants placed immediately into fresh extraction sites (332 survived, 97.4%) and 359 implants inserted into delayed sites (350 survived, 97.5%). Conclusion: The meta-analysis demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the implant survival rates between immediately placed implants and implants placed using a delayed timing protocol (risk ratio 0.99; 95% CI 0.96, 1.02, Z = 0.75, p = 0.45). However, the detailed analysis showed that slightly more implant failures happened in the immediate dental implant placement group, with survival rates in some studies ranging between 90 and 95%, while the delayed placement group had survival rates of more than 95%

    Current undergraduate dental implantology teaching in UK

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    Dental Implants are a popular treatment option for tooth replacement, with documented long-term success and survival rates of more than 95% over a period of 10 years. However, incorporating dental implantology into an undergraduate dental curriculum has issues associated. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine and evaluate current undergraduate dental implantology education in the UK, investigate the amount of time allocated to this subject and analyse the barriers that are currently impeding the development of the programmes. An online questionnaire hosted by Online Surveys was designed, piloted, and sent to 16 dental schools providing undergraduate education in the UK. Ethical approval was gained from The University of Salford to conduct the study. Out of the 16 dental schools contacted, eight questionnaire responses were received, hence a response rate of 50% was achieved. The hours dedicated to the implant teaching programme varied from 3 h to 25 h, with a mean average of 11 h. It was identified from the results that no teaching of dental implantology was conducted in year 2; 12% of the schools responded that the subject was taught in year 1, 37% in year 3, 75% in year 4 and 50% in year 5. The methods used to deliver the programme were mainly lecture-based teaching, with only one dental school allowing students to place implants on patients. The main barriers to progression of the programme were financial (75%), followed by time limitations imposed by the curriculum (37%) and liability insurance (37%). However, there appears to be a consensus that further training beyond bachelor's degree level is required to teach implantology effectively.</b

    Success of Xenografts in Alveolar Ridge Preservation Based on Histomorphometric Outcomes

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    Different xenograft approaches in alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) are essential to understand relative to their histomorphometric outcomes. Therefore, the aim of this study involved studying biomaterials of a xenograft nature that are used in ARP procedures, to compare the different approaches and evaluate their efficacy in relation to histomorphometric data. An electronic search was completed using the databases: Ovid (Medline), Google Scholar and Wiley Online Library, including a hand search for relevant articles and grey literature. Only randomised controlled trials, using xenograft biomaterials for alveolar ridge preservation procedures involving human studies, dated from 2010–2022 were included in the review. An initial search yielded 4918 articles, after application of the eligibility criteria, 18 studies were deemed eligible for inclusion in the systematic review. The two main xenograft groups found were of bovine origin and of porcine origin. The main histomorphometric outcomes evaluated included new bone percentage (N.B%) and residual graft percentage (R.G%). The mean N.B% for the bovine and porcine groups were 33.46% and 39.63% respectively and the mean R.G% for the bovine and porcine groups were 19.40% and 18.63% respectively. The current evidence suggests that the two main xenograft biomaterials used in ARP procedures after tooth extraction, which are of bovine and porcine origin, displayed effectiveness in producing new bone

    Success rates of zygomatic implants for the rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxilla: a systematic review

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    Zygomatic implants are a treatment solution for patients with severe maxillary atrophy. This treatment option allows delivering immediate fixed teeth within 24 h. Numerous peer-reviewed publications have reported different success rates, resulting in a disagreement on the topic. Therefore, the overall efficacy and predictability of this rehabilitation is still a matter of discussion. With this study, we aimed to identify the published literature on the use of zygomatic implants for the reconstruction of the severely atrophic maxilla and report the cumulative success rate (CSR) as a function of follow-up time. A systematic review of the literature on zygomatic implant for the treatment of severe maxillary atrophy was performed and 196 publications were included in the study. The cumulative success rate of zygomatic implants for the treatment of severe maxillary atrophy was 98.5% at less than 1 year, 97.5% between 1 and 3 years, 96.8% between 3 and 5 years and 96.1% after more than 5 years. The most commonly reported complications were soft tissue dehiscence, rhinosinusitis and prosthetic failures. The treatment of severe lack of bone in the upper maxilla with zygomatic implants is a safe procedure, reaching a cumulative success rate of 96.1% after more than 5 years

    Estrogen Promotes Mandibular Condylar Fibrocartilage Chondrogenesis and Inhibits Degeneration via Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Female Mice

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    Temporomandibular joint degenerative disease (TMJ-DD) is a chronic form of TMJ disorder that specifically afflicts people over the age of 40 and targets women at a higher rate than men. Prevalence of TMJ-DD in this population suggests that estrogen loss plays a role in the disease pathogenesis. Thus, the goal of the present study was to determine the role of estrogen on chondrogenesis and homeostasis via estrogen receptor alpha (ERÎą) during growth and maturity of the joint. Young and mature WT and ERÎąKO female mice were subjected to ovariectomy procedures and then given placebo or estradiol treatment. The effect of estrogen via ERÎą on fibrocartilage morphology, matrix production, and protease activity was assessed. In the young mice, estrogen via ERÎą promoted mandibular condylar fibrocartilage chondrogenesis partly by inhibiting the canonical Wnt signaling pathway through upregulation of sclerostin (Sost). In the mature mice, protease activity was partly inhibited with estrogen treatment via the upregulation and activity of protease inhibitor 15 (Pi15) and alpha-2- macroglobulin (A2m). The results from this work provide a mechanistic understanding of estradiol on TMJ growth and homeostasis and can be utilized for development of therapeutic targets to promote regeneration and inhibit degeneration of the mandibular condylar fibrocartilage.National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers R56DE020097 (SW) and F32DE026366 (JR
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