888 research outputs found

    ASCA observations of massive medium-distant clusters of galaxies. II

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    We have selected seven medium-distant clusters of galaxies (z ~ 0.1 - 0.3) for multi-wavelength observations with the goal of investigating their dynamical state. Following Paper I (Pierre et al. 1999) which reported the ASCA results about two of them, we present here the analysis of the ASCA observations of the other five clusters; RXJ1023.8-2715 (A3444), RXJ1031.6-2607, RXJ1050.5-0236 (A1111), RXJ1203.2-2131(A1451), and RXJ1314.5-2517. Except for RXJ1031.6, whose X-ray emission turned out to be dominated by an AGN, the ASCA spectra are well fitted by a one-temperature thin thermal plasma model. We compare the temperature-luminosity relation of our clusters with that of nearby ones (z<0.1). Two clusters, RXJ1050.5 and RXJ1023.8, show larger luminosities than the bulk of clusters at similar temperatures, which suggests the presence of a cooling flow. The temperature vs. iron-abundance relationship of our sample is consistent with that of nearby clusters.Comment: 9 pages, 20 figures, A&AS in pres

    Gas, Iron and Gravitational Mass in Galaxy Clusters: The General Lack of Cluster Evolution at z < 1.0

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    We have analyzed the ASCA data of 29 nearby clusters of galaxies systematically, and obtained temperatures, iron abundances, and X-ray luminosities of their intracluster medium (ICM). We also estimate ICM mass using the beta model, and then evaluate iron mass contained in the ICM and derive the total gravitating mass. This gives the largest and most homogeneous information about the ICM derived only by the ASCA data. We compare these values with those of distant clusters whose temperatures, abundances, and luminosities were also measured with ASCA, and find no clear evidence of evolution for the clusters at z<1.0. Only the most distant cluster at z=1.0, AXJ2019.3+1127, has anomalously high iron abundance, but its iron mass in the ICM may be among normal values for the other clusters, because the ICM mass may be smaller than the other clusters. This may suggest a hint of evolution of clusters at z ~ 1.0.Comment: 23 pages including 5 figures. Using PASJ2.sty, and PASJ95.sty. Accepted by PAS

    An Analysis of \pi\pi-Scattering Phase Shift and Existence of \sigma(555) particle

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    In most of the Nambu:Jona-Lasinio(NJL)-type models, realizing the hidden chiral symmetry, the existence of a scalar particle \sigma is needed with a mass m_\sigma=2 m_q, as a partner of the Nambu-Goldstone boson \pi. However, the results of many analyses on \pi\pi phase-shift thus far made have been negative for its existence. In this paper we re-analyze the phase-shift, applying a new method, the interfering amplitude method, which treats the T-matrix directly and describes multi-resonances in conformity with the unitarity. As a result, the existence of \sigma has been strongly suggested from the behavior of the \pi\pi-->\pi\pi phase shift between the \pi\pi- and the KK- thresholds, with mass = 553.3 +- 0.5_{st} MeV and width= 242.6 +- 1.2_{st} MeV. The most crucial point in our analysis is the introduction of a negative background phase, possibly reflecting a ``repulsive core" in \pi\pi interactions. The properties of f_0(980) are also investigated from data including those over the KK threshold. Its mass is obtained as 993.2 +- 6.5_{st} +- 6.9_{sys} MeV. Its width is about a hundred MeV, although this depends largely on the treatment of the elasticity and the \pi\pi-->KK phase shift, both of which may have large experimental uncertainties.Comment: 22 pages, Latex with Prog. Theor. Phys. format PTPTEX.sty, 4 EPS figure

    Spectrum of Relativistic and Subrelativistic Cosmic Rays in the 100 pc Central Region

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    From the rate of hydrogen ionization and the gamma ray flux, we derived the spectrum of relativistic and subrelativistic cosmic rays (CRs) nearby and inside the molecular cloud Sgr B2 near the Galactic Center (GC). We studied two cases of CR propagation in molecular clouds: free propagation and scattering of particles by magnetic fluctuations excited by the neutral gas turbulence. We showed that in the latter case CR propagation inside the cloud can be described as diffusion with the coefficient ∼3×1027\sim 3\times 10^{27} cm2^2 s−1^{-1}. For the case of hydrogen ionization by subrelativistic protons, we showed that their spectrum outside the cloud is quite hard with the spectral index δ>−1\delta>-1. The energy density of subrelativistic protons (>50>50 eV cm−3^{-3}) is one order of magnitude higher than that of relativistic CRs. These protons generate the 6.4 keV emission from Sgr B2, which was about 30\% of the flux observed by Suzaku in 2013. Future observations for the period after 2013 may discover the background flux generated by subrelativistic CRs in Sgr B2. Alternatively hydrogen ionization of the molecular gas in Sgr B2 may be caused by high energy electrons. We showed that the spectrum of electron bremsstrahlung is harder than the observed continuum from Sgr B2, and in principle this X-ray component provided by electrons could be seen from the INTEGRAL data as a stationary high energy excess above the observed spectrum Ex−2E_x^{-2}.Comment: 42 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    pi^0 pi^0 Scattering Amplitudes and Phase Shifts Obtained by the pi^- P Charge Exchange Process

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    The results of the analysis of the pi^0 pi^0 scattering amplitudes obtained with pi^- P charge exchange reaction, pi^- P --> pi^0 pi^0 n, data at 9 GeV/c are presented. The pi^0 pi^0 scattering amplitudes show clear f_0(1370) and f_2(1270) signals in the S and D waves, respectively. The pi^0 pi^0 scattering phase shifts have been obtained below Kbar K threshold and been analyzed by the Interfering Amplitude method with introduction of negative background phases. The results show a S wave resonance, sigma. Its Breit-Wigner parameters are in good agreement with those of our previous analysis on the pi^+ pi^- phase shift data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the int. conf. Hadron'99 at Beijing, Aug. 1999. Presented for the collaboration of A.M.Ma, K.Takamatsu, M.Y.Ishida, S.Ishida, T.Ishida, T. Tsuru and H. Shimizu, and the E135 collaboration. For our activities on sigma, visit http://amaterasu.kek.jp/sigm

    Peculiar Chemical Abundances in the Starburst Galaxy M82 and Hypernova Nucleosynthesis

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    X-ray observations have shown that the chemical abundance in the starburst galaxy M82 is quite rich in Si and S compared with oxygen. Such an abundance pattern cannot be explained with any combination of conventional Type I and II supernova yields. Also the energy to heavy element mass ratio of the observed hot plasma is much higher than the value resulted from normal supernovae. We calculate explosive nucleosynthesis in core-collapse hypernovae and show that the abundance pattern and the large ratio between the energy and the heavy element mass can be explained with the hypernova nucleosynthesis. Such hypernova explosions are expected to occur for stars more massive than >~ 20-25 Msun, and likely dominating the starburst, because the age after the starburst in M82 is estimated to be as short as ~ 10^6 - 10^7 yr. We also investigate pair-instability supernovae (~ 150-300 Msun) and conclude that the energy to heavy element mass ratio in these supernovae is too small to explain the observation.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, To appear in the Astrophysical Journal 578, 200
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