781 research outputs found

    Internal energy dissipation in Enceladus's ocean from tides and libration and the role of inertial waves

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    Enceladus is characterised by a south polar hot spot associated with a large outflow of heat, the source of which remains unclear. We compute the viscous dissipation resulting from tidal and libration forcing in the moon's subsurface ocean using the linearised Navier-Stokes equation in a 3-dimensional spherical model. We conclude that libration is the dominant cause of dissipation at the linear order, providing up to about 0.001 GW of heat to the ocean, which remains insufficient to explain the (about) 10 GW observed by Cassini. We also illustrate how resonances with inertial modes can significantly augment the dissipation. Our work is an extension to Rovira-Navarro et al. [2019] to include the effects of libration. The model developed here is readily applicable to the study of other moons and planets

    Instabilities induced by the precession of spherical shell

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    Analisa Customer Lifetime Value Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Pemasaran Menggunakan Metode Rfm

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    PT. Ritel Bersama Nasional is the e-commerce company. In the business, PT. Ritel Bersama Nasional have been trying to do User Acquisition as much as possible. Yet, the marketing of PT. Ritel Bersama Nasional had the issues after successfully claiming the amount of new customers. The issues are the marketing division hardly decide which kind of promotion that suit to the customers and keep pushing the customers to do the transaction frequently and increase the value of transaction as well. So, in these research will be focusing on how we can categorise the customers by using Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) method and clustering the customers into 3 cluster (Low, Middle and Superior). With this research, it is expected to help raise the value and frequency of transactions of each customer

    Aplikasi Data Warehouse untuk Menunjang Standar 3 Borang Akreditasi Prodi Informatika Universitas Mercu Buana

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    Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan secara berkelanjutan baik input, proses maupun output dalam suatu program studi, diperlukan aplikasi yang dapat mendukung bisnis proses. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan solusi dasar dalam pembuatan laporan borang akreditasi khususnya standar 3 yang dapat mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan strategis untuk tingkat manajemen. Model pengambangan data warehouse yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model skema star. Hal ini akan menghasilkan suatu sistem informasi data warehouse yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam pengisian borang akreditasi. Data warehouse dapat menyajikan data dengan lebih cepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan serta menghasilkan informasi yang lebih ringkas. Kemudian dengan bantuan aplikasi data warehouse dapat juga dilakukan analisis multidimensi dan dapat menghasilkan informasi yang bersifat analistis, sehingga bermanfaat dalam pengambilan keputusan selanjutny

    Utilization of Shrimp Shell Wastes to Produce Chitinase From Streptomyces Macrosporeus Inacc A454

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    Chitinases (EC hydrolyze chitin polymers into shorter oligomers and N-acetyl glucosamine monomers. Chitinis found in marineinvertebrates shell, particularly crustaceans, insects, mollusks, and fungal cell walls. Shrimp waste is very important source of chitin. This study aimed to determine actinomycetes ability from P. Belitung to produce chitinase with substrate contained chitin from shrimp waste. The chitinase enzyme was characterized including incubation time, the optimum pH, temperature and stability. The effect of metal ions as activators or inhibitors of the enzyme were measured using spectrophotometer at ? 584 nm. Actinomycetes strain was identifiedusing 16S rDNA sequences. Chitinase activity was qualitatively demonstrated by clear zone around the colonies in the medium containing 1% colloidal chitin. The result showed that the highest activity were incubation time of five days, temperature of 50ºC and pH 8 by 0.0304 U/mL, 0.0312 U/mL and 0.0421 U/mL, respectively. At concentration of 1mM the enzyme were activated by divalent cations CaCl2, MnCl2, CuCl2and monovalent cations KCl, NaCl. Molecular identification based on 16S rDNA sequences showed that actinomycetes isolate was Streptomyces ­­­macrosporeus. The strain was registered in the InaCC collection (no. A 454)

    Analisa Perbaikan Kualitas Produk Keramik Tableware dengan Pendekatan Six Sigma Studi Kasus PT Haeng Nam Sejahtera Indonesia

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    Dalam era globalisasi saat ini, perkembangan dalam dunia industri baik dari sektor manufaktur dan jasa telah mengalami Perubahan dan perkembangan. Tiap Perusahaan saling berkompetisi untuk memenangkan persaingan dan mendapatkan pangsa pasar. Dalam pencapaian visi dan misi, Perusahaan terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan produksi dan peningkatan kualitas baik dari sistem manajemen mutu yang diterapkan maupun kualitas dari produk yang dihasilkan.Six sigma merupakan suatu metode dan teknik pengendalian dan peningkatan kualitas menuju target 3,4 kegagalan per sejuta kesempatan (DPMO) untuk setiap transaksi produk barang dan jasa. Jadi six sigma merupakan suatu metode atau teknik pengendalian dan peningkatan kualitas dramatik yang merupakan terobosan baru dalam bidang manajemen kualitas. Dengan menggunakan metode six sigma dapat diketahui bahwa kualitas keramik yang diproduksi oleh PT Haeng Nam Sejahtera Indonesia cukup baik yaitu 3,32 sigma dengan tingkat kerusakan 47722 untuk sejuta produksi (DPMO). Pedekatan six sigma pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada empat penyebab produk defect tertinggi yaitu: Crawling 32%, glasir pinhole sebanyak 27%, glasir kurang rata sebanyak 21% dan bintik hitam 18%

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Minat Kunjungan Ulang Yang Dimediasi Oleh Kepuasan Pasien Di Klinik Rumah Zakat YOGYAKARTA

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    Rumah Zakat Clinic of Yogyakarta is a form of zakat funds in the health service and empowerment programs conducted by Indonesian Rumah Zakat Foundation. The rate of the clinic re-visit for the last 3 years data indicates the minimal amount of the re-visit patient, so that the study of service quality, patient satisfaction, and how much interest the patient to revisit is very important for future improvement. This research is a quantitative research which design with no treatment (observational) cross sectional analytic approach. The population study was all the outpatients that were in general patient status. The number of samples are 118 people. The analysis test use gradual regression test and mediation test with Sobel test. The dimensions of service quality that influence the patient satisfaction are the responsiveness and empathy, while the dimensions of tangible, reliability, and assurance have no effect to the patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction directly affects the re-visit interest. Patient satisfaction becomes the partial mediator between the service quality dimensions namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy to the re-visit intention. There is an effect on service quality to the re-visit intention mediated by the patient satisfaction at clinic Rumah Zakat Yogyakarta
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