3 research outputs found

    Incidence and severity of cassava mosaic disease in farmer’s fields in Ghana

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    A survey of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) was carried out in Ghana from 2007-2008 to assess CMD incidence, infection type, severity and adult whitefly population. A total of 136 farmers’ fields across major cassava producing areas in the Brong Ahafo, Western, Northern, Ashanti and Volta regions were assessed. CMD was prevalent in most of the 136 fields surveyed. Frequently encountered local landraces were susceptible to the disease. CMD incidence reached 100% in farmers’ fields. Mean disease incidence ranged from 46% in the Ashanti region to 90% in the Western region of the country. CMD incidence averaged 66.0%, with cutting-borne infection and Whitefly-borne infections being 54.0% and 12.0%, respectively. CMD shoot symptom severity ranged from 2.0 to 3.7 in the farmers’ fields, with a mean of 2.9. Mean adult whitefly population was 0.47. The high prevalence of CMD requires a concerted effort in the management of CMD in the country