422 research outputs found
Narrow-Band Emission in Thomson Sources Operating in the High-Field Regime
We present a novel and quite general analysis of the interaction of a high-field chirped laser pulse and a relativistic electron, in which exquisite control of the spectral brilliance of the up-shifted Thomson-scattered photon is shown to be possible. Normally, when Thomson scattering occurs at high field strengths, there is ponderomotive line broadening in the scattered radiation. This effect makes the bandwidth too large for some applications and reduces the spectral brilliance. We show that such broadening can be corrected and eliminated by suitable frequency modulation of the incident laser pulse. Furthermore, we suggest a practical realization of this compensation idea in terms of a chirped-beam-driven free electron laser oscillator configuration and show that significant compensation can occur, even with the imperfect matching to be expected in these conditions
Creating new genetic variability in sunflower using induced mutations
The objective of the study was to provide new genetic variability in important agronomic traits that can be exploited for improvement of sunflower production. Seeds of eight sunflower inbred lines from gene collection of Institute of Field and Vegetables, Novi Sad were irradiated with gamma rays (γ) and fast neutrons (Nf) and treated in ethyle-methane-sulphonate (EMS) solution. The manifestation of mutations was mostly expressed in M2 and M3 generation. Seven mutants were developed; one early flowering, two short stature and one high, two with higher oil content and one branching. The stable progenies were evaluated in micro-plot tests in M6 generation for seed yield and other traits in comparison with respective original line. Further studies should be focused on testing new mutant lines in hybrid combinations, as well as the determination of inheritance of mutant traits
Uticaj dodavanja neproteinskih azotnih supstanci na kvalitet silaže komine grožđa
In this study grape pomace was ensilaged without and with the addition of NPN substances (Benural) at the dose of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of the amount of husk and with the addition of inoculant based on homo and hetero fermentative lactic acid bacteria. The greatest effect on the nutritional value had application of Benural, especially in increasing the CP content from 126.9 to 178.3 g kg-1DM, an increase of over 40%. Application of Benural increased the ammonia and soluble nitrogen several times, but even with the maximum addition of Benural percentage of ammonia nitrogen in the total nitrogen reached only slightly above 5% NH3 -N/Σ N (5.38%), while the percentage of soluble nitrogen in total nitrogen was 28.29%. The application of inoculants generally had no significant impact, both on the chemical composition and the fermentation process.U istraživaniima komina grožđa je silirana bez i uz dodatak NPN supstanci (Benural) u količini od 0,5; 1,0 i 1,5% od količine komina i sa dodatkom inokulantana na bazi homo i heterofementativnih mlečno-kiselinskih bakterija. Najveći efekat na hranljivu vrednost imala je primena NPN, posebno u povećanju sadržaja SP od 126,9 na 178,3 gkg-1SM. Primena NPN supstanci je uticala na povećanje amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota nekoliko puta, ali i pri najvećoj količini dodatog NPN supstanci udeo amonijačnog azota u ukupnom azotu je neznatno prešao vrednost od 5% (%NH3-N/ΣN 5,38) dok je udeo rastvorljivog azota u ukupnom azotu iznosio 28,29%. Primena inokulanata uglavnom nije imala značajnog uticaja, kako na hemijski sastav, tako i na proces fermentacije
Multidisciplinary investigations of a karst reservoir for managed aquifer recharge applications on the island of Vis (Croatia)
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) refers to a suite of methods by which excess surface water or non-conventional water is stored underground for subsequent recovery or environmental purposes. MAR solutions have been largely used in unconsolidated aquifers, while their application in karst aquifers is rare. This research presents the first results of a MAR viability study on the island of Vis, a small karstic island in the Adriatic Sea. Favorable geological and hydrogeological conditions enable the formation of karst aquifers, making the island autonomous in terms of water supply. The island's main aquifer, exploited in the Korita well field, is protected from seawater intrusion by several hydrogeological barriers. However, climate change and high seasonal pressures related to tourism pose a threat to the future availability of freshwater. Multidisciplinary field and laboratory investigations were carried out to detail the geological and hydrogeological setting of the island and its groundwater resource. Field analyses consisted of groundwater monitoring and sampling, geophysical investigations (i.e., electrical resistivity tomography), and structural measurements. Laboratory analyses included measurements of principal cations and anions and tritium activity. Despite low precipitation during the observation period (September 2019 - December 2020), the groundwater resource at the Korita site showed stable trends of physico-chemical parameters with a good storage potential and a long-term reserve. Geophysical investigations evidenced a relatively homogeneous sequence of the rock mass at a larger scale, while structural analyses indicated the occurrence of E-W karstified and open fractures that could represent a preferential flow path in the carbonate aquifer. A MAR solution for the Vis island was proposed combining an infiltration pond scheme with the direct injection of the accumulated waters into the aquifer using available wells. The potential water source could be represented by the runoff collected in an old artificial channel and the associated pond system in Korita
Effects of long-term fertilization on yield of siderates and organic matter content of soil in the process of recultivation
The aim of this research was to determine the possibility of increasing organic matter content in humusless deposol topsoil and forming of a more favourable adsorptive complex by introducing green manure. Green manure biomass came from these compound plant species: winter rye + common vetch, forage pea + rapeseed mustard and Sudan grass. Compound feed was sown on degraded soil (type deposol) of the Stanari coal mine. Applied cultivation practices included primary and secondary tillage and additional plant nutrition. Mineral fertilizers were applied: NPK 7:20:30 (400 kg ha(-1)) and CAN 27% (200 kg ha(-1)). One of the treatments included addition of bentonite clay as absorbent of nutrients. During intensive vegetation the growth of the green biomass was measured, the crops were harvested, cut and ploughed in deposol topsoil. Organic matter content in deposol was determined when soil samples were taken 6 months after green manure incorporation. The results show that the mineral fertilization of siderates significantly increased green biomass yield and Sudan grass gave two cuts, which positively affected the increase of organic matter content in soil
Simulations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Parallel Hybrid GPU/CPU Platform
Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is an effect of self-interaction of an electron bunch as it traverses a curved path. It can cause a significant emittance degradation, as well as fragmentation and microbunching. Numerical simulations of the 2D/3D CSR effects have been extremely challenging due to computational bottlenecks associated with calculating retarded potentials via integrating over the history of the bunch. We present a new high-performance 2D, particle-in-cell code which uses massively parallel multicore GPU/GPU platforms to alleviate computational bottlenecks. The code formulates the CSR problem from first principles by using the retarded scalar and vector potentials to compute the self-interaction fields. The speedup due to the parallel implementation on GPU/CPU platforms exceeds three orders of magnitude, thereby bringing a previously intractable problem within reach. The accuracy of the code is verified against analytic 1D solutions (rigid bunch) and semi-analytic 2D solutions for the chirped bunch. Finally, we use the new code in conjunction with a genetic algorithm to optimize the design of a fiducial chicane
Mobile Free-Electron Laser for Remote Atmospheric Survey
Reliable atmospheric surveys for carbon distributions will be essential to building an understanding of the Earth\u27s carbon cycle and the role it plays in climate change. One of the core needs of NASA \u27s Active Sensing of CO2 Over Nights, Days and Seasons (ASCENDS) Mission is to advance the range and precision of current remote atmospheric survey techniques. The feasibility of using accelerator-based sources of infrared light to improve current airborne lidar systems has been explored. A literary review has been conducted to asses the needs of ASCENDS versus the current capabilities of modern atmospheric survey technology, and the parameters of a free electron laser (FEL) source were calculated for a lidar system that will meet these needs. By using the Next Linear Collider from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), a mobile FEL-based lidar may be constructed for airborne surveillance. The calculated energy of the lidar pulse is 0.1 joule: this output is a two orders of magnitude gain over current lidar systems, so in principle, the mobile FEL will exceed the needs of ASCENDS. Further research will be required to asses other challenges to mobilizing the FEL technology
Analiza dizajna LCLC rezonantnog invertera za dvostupanjsko dvofazno napajanje
This paper deals with the design analysis and synthesis of power resonant inverter with sinusoidal output voltage for sensitive loads. The proposed filter must be capable of removing higher harmonic components from the supplying voltage to reach a harmonic distortion of roughly 5% in the whole range of the load (0 − 100%). The inverter can be supplied from either single-phase voltage inverter in full- or half- bridge connection, or from simple DC/DC buck converter. Non-symmetrical control causes higher harmonic content, both odd and even. Simulation and experimental results based on designed parameters and subsequently obtained from Matlab and OrCad models confirm good quality of output quantities, voltage and current.Tema je ovog članka analiza dizajna i sinteza učinskog rezonantnog invertera sa sinisuidalnim izlaznim naponom za osjetljive terete. Predloženi filtar mora moći filtrirati više harmonike ulaznog napona kako bi distorzija harmonika bila oko 5% u čitavom radnom području (0−100%). Inverter se može napajati ili iz jednofaznog naponskog invertera u mosnom ili uzrokuje pojavu viših harmonika u signalu, kako parnih tako i neparnih. Simulacijski i eksperimentalni rezultati temeljeni na sintetiziranim parametrima dobivenim od modela napravljenih u programskim paketima Matlab i OrCad potvr.uju dobru kvalitetu izlaznih veličina napona i struje
Fenotipska i molekularna evaluacija genetičke raznolikosti NS kolekcije šafranjike (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) belongs to the Asteraceae (Compositae) family. It is primarily grown for seeds used for bird feed or as edible oil. Stamens are used in traditional medicine and nutrition. Breeding for high resistance to dry growing conditions has initiated intensive studies of this plant species in recent years. Six safflower genotypes of different geographical origins (Ukraine, Italy, Turkey) were collected and added to the collection of less cultivated oil plant species of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Phenotypic observations during two growing seasons revealed that analysed genotypes differed in flower colour (yellow, orange, red), in the presence of spines, and in seed oil and protein content. Oil and protein content differed between years and genotypes, indicating large influence of genotype and environmental conditions on variations of these quantitative traits that are negatively correlated. Genetic variability of the analysed genotypes was tested by use of molecular markers. Given that sunflower and safflower belong to the same family, the possibility of applying SSR markers developed for sunflower for molecular analysis of safflower was analysed. The obtained results proved that sunflower markers can be successfully transferred to safflower. Future studies should include larger number of markers in order to identify polymorphic and informative ones. Significant variations within a relatively small number of the analysed safflower genotypes justify further work on the evaluation of the collection, taking into account both genetic and environmental factors.Šafranjika (Carthamus tinctorius L.) pripada porodici Asteraceae (Composita). Gaji se prvenstveno za dobijanje semena koje se koristi za ishranu ptica ili proizvodnju jestivog ulja. Prašnici se koriste u tradicionalnoj medicini i ishrani. Visoka otpornost na sušne uslove gajenja inicirala je poslednjih godina intenzivnija istraživanja ove biljne vrste. Za kolekciju manje gajenih uljanih biljnih vrsta Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, prikupljeno je šest genotipova šafranjike različitog geografskog porekla (Ukrajina, Italija, Turska). Fenotipskim opažanjem u toku dve vegetacione sezone utvrđeno je da se genotipovi među sobom razlikuju u boji cveta (žuta, narandžasta, crvena), u prisustvu bodlji, kao i sadržaju ulja i proteina u semenu. Sadržaj ulja i proteina se razlikovao između godina i genotipova, što ukazuje na veliki uticaj i genotipa i spoljašnje sredine u variranju ovih kvantitativnih svojstava koja se nalaze u negativnoj korelaciji. Genetička varijabilnost genotipova je ispitana molekularnim markerima. S obzirom na to da suncokret i šafranjika pripadaju istoj porodici, proučavana je mogućnost upotrebe SSR markera suncokreta za molekularnu analizu šafranjike. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da se markeri suncokreta mogu uspešno koristiti za šafranjiku i da buduća istraživanja treba da sadrže veći broj markera u cilju identifikovanja polimorfnih i informativnih markera. Značajne razlike u relativno malom broju analiziranih genotipova šafranjike opravdavaju dalji rad na evaluaciji kolekcije, uzimajući u obzir i uslove sredine i genetičku varijabilnost
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