17,071 research outputs found

    Dynamics of fingering convection II: The formation of thermohaline staircases

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    Regions of the ocean's thermocline unstable to salt fingering are often observed to host thermohaline staircases, stacks of deep well-mixed convective layers separated by thin stably-stratified interfaces. Decades after their discovery, however, their origin remains controversial. In this paper we use 3D direct numerical simulations to shed light on the problem. We study the evolution of an analogous double-diffusive system, starting from an initial statistically homogeneous fingering state and find that it spontaneously transforms into a layered state. By analysing our results in the light of the mean-field theory developed in Paper I, a clear picture of the sequence of events resulting in the staircase formation emerges. A collective instability of homogeneous fingering convection first excites a field of gravity waves, with a well-defined vertical wavelength. However, the waves saturate early through regular but localized breaking events, and are not directly responsible for the formation of the staircase. Meanwhile, slower-growing, horizontally invariant but vertically quasi-periodic gamma-modes are also excited and grow according to the gamma-instability mechanism. Our results suggest that the nonlinear interaction between these various mean-field modes of instability leads to the selection of one particular gamma-mode as the staircase progenitor. Upon reaching a critical amplitude, this progenitor overturns into a fully-formed staircase. We conclude by extending the results of our simulations to real oceanic parameter values, and find that the progenitor gamma-mode is expected to grow on a timescale of a few hours, and leads to the formation of a thermohaline staircase in about one day with an initial spacing of the order of one to two metres.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, associated mpeg file at http://earth.uni-muenster.de/~stellma/movie_small.mp4, submitted to JF

    A systems approach to device-circuit interaction in electrical power processing Annual status report, 1 Jun. 1967 - 31 May 1968

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    Initial research on switched and modulated networks, tunable and bandwith-adjustable filter and FET current density for device circuit interaction in power processin

    NMR evidence for a strong modulation of the Bose-Einstein Condensate in BaCuSi2_2O6_6

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    We present a 63,65^{63,65}Cu and 29^{29}Si NMR study of the quasi-2D coupled spin 1/2 dimer compound BaCuSi2_2O6_6 in the magnetic field range 13-26 T and at temperatures as low as 50 mK. NMR data in the gapped phase reveal that below 90 K different intra-dimer exchange couplings and different gaps (ΔB/ΔA\Delta_{\rm{B}}/\Delta_{\rm{A}} = 1.16) exist in every second plane along the c-axis, in addition to a planar incommensurate (IC) modulation. 29^{29}Si spectra in the field induced magnetic ordered phase reveal that close to the quantum critical point at Hc1H_{\rm{c1}} = 23.35 T the average boson density nˉ\bar{n} of the Bose-Einstein condensate is strongly modulated along the c-axis with a density ratio for every second plane nˉA/nˉB5\bar{n}_{\rm{A}}/\bar{n}_{\rm{B}} \simeq 5. An IC modulation of the local density is also present in each plane. This adds new constraints for the understanding of the 2D value ϕ\phi = 1 of the critical exponent describing the phase boundary

    Big bang nucleosynthesis as a probe of fundamental "constants"

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    Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is the earliest sensitive probe of the values of many fundamental particle physics parameters. We have found the leading linear dependences of primordial abundances on all relevant parameters of the standard BBN code, including binding energies and nuclear reaction rates. This enables us to set limits on possible variations of fundamental parameters. We find that 7Li is expected to be significantly more sensitive than other species to many fundamental parameters, a result which also holds for variations of coupling strengths in grand unified (GUT) models. Our work also indicates which areas of nuclear theory need further development if the values of ``constants'' are to be more accurately probed.Comment: Refereed article to be published in Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics III Proceedings, J. Phys. G. Special Issue. Based on work in collaboration with C. Wetterich (Heidelberg). 6 page

    Quark Effects in the Gluon Condensate Contribution to the Scalar Glueball Correlation Function

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    One-loop quark contributions to the dimension-four gluon condensate term in the operator product expansion (OPE) of the scalar glueball correlation function are calculated in the MS-bar scheme in the chiral limit of nfn_f quark flavours. The presence of quark effects is shown not to alter the cancellation of infrared (IR) singularities in the gluon condensate OPE coefficients. The dimension-four gluonic condensate term represents the leading power corrections to the scalar glueball correlator and, therein, the one-loop logarithmic contributions provide the most important condensate contribution to those QCD sum-rules independent of the low-energy theorem (the subtracted sum-rules).Comment: latex2e, 6 pages, 7 figures embedded in latex fil

    The Faint End of the Quasar Luminosity Function at z ~ 4: Implications for Ionization of the Intergalactic Medium and Cosmic Downsizing

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    We present an updated determination of the z ~ 4 QSO luminosity function (QLF), improving the quality of the determination of the faint end of the QLF presented by Glikman et al. (2010). We have observed an additional 43 candidates from our survey sample, yielding one additional QSO at z = 4.23 and increasing the completeness of our spectroscopic follow-up to 48% for candidates brighter than R = 24 over our survey area of 3.76 deg^2. We study the effect of using K-corrections to compute the rest-frame absolute magnitude at 1450 Å compared with measuring M_(1450) directly from the object spectra. We find a luminosity-dependent bias: template-based K-corrections overestimate the luminosity of low-luminosity QSOs, likely due to their reliance on templates derived from higher luminosity QSOs. Combining our sample with bright quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and using spectrum-based M 1450 for all the quasars, we fit a double power law to the binned QLF. Our best fit has a bright-end slope, α = 3.3 ± 0.2, and faint-end slope, β = 1.6^(+0.8)_(–0.6). Our new data revise the faint-end slope of the QLF down to flatter values similar to those measured at z ~ 3. The break luminosity, though poorly constrained, is at M* = –24.1^(+0.7)_(–1.9), approximately 1-1.5 mag fainter than at z ~ 3. This QLF implies that QSOs account for about half the radiation needed to ionize the intergalactic medium at these redshifts

    Spatially Resolved Magnetization in the Bose-Einstein Condensed State of BaCuSi2O6: Evidence for Imperfect Frustration

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    In order to understand the nature of the two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) phase in BaCuSi2O6, we performed detailed 63Cu and 29Si NMR above the critical magnetic field, Hc1= 23.4 T. The two different alternating layers present in the system have very different local magnetizations close to Hc1; one is very weak, and its size and field dependence are highly sensitive to the nature of inter-layer coupling. Its precise value could only be determined by "on-site" 63Cu NMR, and the data are fully reproduced by a model of interacting hard-core bosons in which the perfect frustration associated to tetragonal symmetry is slightly lifted, leading to the conclusion that the population of the less populated layers is not fully incoherent but must be partially condensed