13 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of two Early Palaeozoic marine impact structures in Estonia, Baltic Sea: Neugrund and Kärdla

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    Kärdla and Neugrund are two Early Palaeozoic offshore impact structures located some 50 km apart along the Estonian coast of the Baltic Sea. They share many similarities but differing features are also found. The Kärdla impact structure is located at the NE coast of Hiiumaa Island (58°58’N, 22°46’E). The inner crater has a 4 km rim-to-rim diameter and a c. 130 m high central uplift, surrounded by a ring fault, c. 12 km in diameter. The well-preserved buried inner crater is outlined in the landscape by a circular ridge of uplifted bedrock. The perimeter of the outer crater is outlined on the seafloor by a semicircular ridge of narrow shoals. The variable height of the rim wall (50–240 m above the crystalline basement level) and the asymmetric location of the inner crater is obviously a result of an oblique impact in a layered target and partial collapse of the rim wall. Shortly after the impact in a shallow epicontinental sea during Late Ordovician time (c. 455 My), calcareous biodetritic muds were deposited and the crater was buried. The Neugrund impact structure is located in the seabed at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland (59°20’N, 23°31’E). The inner crater has a 7 km rim-to-rim diameter and the outer limit of the structure passes through the Osmussaar Island to the southwest of the impact centre. The crater was buried in a shallow epicontinental sea with siliciclastic deposition shortly after the impact at Early Cambrian time, c. 535 My. It was partially re-exposed by erosion during Pliocene. The target had a three-layered composition: Precambrian metamorphic rocks covered by Ediacaran and Early Cambrian siliciclastic rocks (c. 150 m) and water (c. 100 m). The structure has been studied with seismoacoustic and sidescan sonar profiling, and by diving and sampling of submarine outcrops. Several hundred samples of impact breccias have been collected and investigated from erratic boulders distributed by glacial action in the west Estonian mainland, islands and sea floor

    Lawsonia intracellularis and Porcine Circovirus type - 2 infection in Estonia

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    The present study describes the reasons of post-weaning distress in Estonian pig herds. Here we examined the natural cases of Lawsonia intracellularis and porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) infection and co-infections. The presence of L. intracellularis in swine herds were tested by PCR and by histopathological methods, whereas PCV2 was detected by real-time-PCR and immunohistochemical stainings. Seven of the 11 investigated herds with signs of post-weaning wasting were infected with L. intracellularis and all 11 herds with PCV2. From the analysed samples 22.2% were infected with L. intracellularis and 25% with PCV2. The results of microbiological studies suggested that the piglets suffered from enteritis and pneumonia. Escherichia coli and Pasteurella multocida often aggravated the process of illness. The frequency of L. intracellularis was high in pigs 7-12 weeks old (18.5-42.7%) and PCV2 infection was too high in pigs 7-12 weeks old (24.8-32.7%). E. coli was often a co-factor with L. intracellularis and PCV2. The primary reasons of post weaning wasting were PCV2 and E. coli, later aggravated by L. intracellularis and other pathogens. Our results indicated that different pathogens have an important role in developing post-weaning wasting. Proliferative intestinal inflammation caused by L. intracellularis is mainly characterised by its localization and morphological findings. The main gross lesions were the enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes and thickening of the wall of ileum. In post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome there are characteristic histological lesions in lymphoid tissues. They consist of a variable degree of lymphocyte depletion, together with histiocytic and/or multinucleate giant cell infiltration. This basic lymphoid lesions is observable in almost all tissues of a single severely affected animal, including lymph nodes, Peyer’s patches and spleen. Sporadically, multifocal coagulative necrosis may be observed

    Rapid Magnetic Susceptibility Characterization of Coastal Morphosedimentary Units at Two Insular Strandplains in Estonia

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    Coastal archives of changing hydrometeorological conditions include mineralogical anomalies, such as heavy-mineral concentrations (HMCs) of variable thickness and intensity, which contain varying ferrimagnetic (e.g., magnetite) fractions. As an effective alternative to laborious mineralogical and granulometric analysis, we present the first set of bulk-volume low-field magnetic susceptibility (MS) databases from beach and dune lithosomes in the Western Estonian archipelago: Harilaid cuspate foreland (westernmost Saaremaa Island) and Tahkuna strandplain (northernmost Hiiumaa Island). Readings were conducted both in situ from trench walls and on core subsamples. At the Tahkuna site, late Holocene beach ridges reveal substantially lower values: quartz-dominated dune sequences grade from 5–20 μSI downward to diamagnetically dominated (−1–7 μSI) beach facies. Values are higher (20–140 μSI) in historically reactivated parabolic dunes that are encroaching southward over the strandplain. At the Harilaid site, four beach dune ridges (height: 2–3 m) that span the past 250–300 years show a general increase in mean MS from 320–850 μSI with decreasing age, with peaks of 1000–2000 μSI below the dune crests (depth: ~0.3–0.6 m) likely related to contemporary wind acceleration during ridge aggradation. The highest mineralogical anomalies range from 2000–5500 μSI in the historic dune sections and exceed 8000 μSI along the actively eroding upper-berm segments, typical of HMCs generated by moderate storms. MS anomalies are likely correlated with high-amplitude electromagnetic signal responses in georadar records and provide useful information for optical luminescence sampling strategies. Our study demonstrates that magnetic susceptibility trends provide a useful means of rapidly assessing relative temporal changes in overall wave/wind climates, help identify and correlate discrete anomalies related to extreme events, serve as local beach/dune boundary indicators, and represent potentially quantifiable paleo-energy indices

    Tartu Ülikooli Õppe- ja Katsemetskonna Kastre Peravalla metsandike plaanid (kvartalid nr 161-292)

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    PlaanidTartu Ülikooli Õppe- ja Katsemetskonna Kastre Peravalla metsandike takseerkirjeldused aastatest 1931, 1932. Kvartalite nr 161-292 käsikirjalised originaalplaanid on mõõtkavas 1:2500. Koloreeritud plaanid sisaldavad kvartalite numbreid, leppemärkide seletusi, ilmakaari, graafilist mõõtkava, autorite nimesid. Autorite nimedes võib esineda eksimusi. Loetamatud nimed puuduvad autorite loendis