24 research outputs found

    Epidemiological situation of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the Rostov region: analysis and forecast

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    Objective: monitoring, analysis and forecast of the spread of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the Rostov region.Materials and methods: analysis of data on the incidence of COVID-19 in the Rostov region, obtained on the basis of agencies: Department of the Federal service for supervision of consumer protection and human welfare in the Rostov region, Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Rostov region, Rostov research Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology, as well as the monitoring of information on the Internet sites of the Government of the Rostov region and the regional headquarters for the fight against the spread of COVID-19. Application of the SEIR analytical platform to build a mathematical model for predicting the spread of infection in the Rostov region.Results: the article presents an analysis of the epidemiological situation for the incidence of COVID-19 in the Rostov region, analyzes the effectiveness of preventive and anti-epidemic measures with the ability to predict the development of the epidemiological process in the region

    Thermodynamic, dynamic and solvational properties of PDEฮด binding to farnesylated cystein: A model study for uncovering the molecular mechanism of PDEฮด interaction with prenylated proteins

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    The protein PDEฮด is an important solubilizing factor for several prenylated proteins including the Ras subfamily members. The binding occurs mainly through the farnesyl anchor of Ras proteins, which is recognized by a hydrophobic pocket of PDEฮด. In this study, we carried out a detailed study of the thermodynamic and solvational properties of PDEฮด binding to farnesyl-cystein, which serves as a model for PDEฮด association to prenylated proteins. Using various biophysical approaches in conjunction with theoretical considerations, we show here that binding of the largely hydrophobic ligand surprisingly has enthalpy-driven signature, and the entropy change is largely controlled by the fine balance between the hydrational and conformational terms. Moreover, binding of PDEฮด to farnesyl-cystein is accompanied by an increase in thermal stability, the release of about 150 water molecules from the interacting species, a decrease in solvent accessible surface area, and a marked decrease of the volume fluctuations and hence dynamics of the protein. Altogether, our results shed more light on the molecular mechanism of PDEฮด interaction with prenylated Ras proteins, which is also prerequisite for an optimization of the structure-based molecular design of drugs against Ras related diseases and for understanding the multitude of biological functions of PDEฮด

    Consideration of complex climatic parameters during construction climatic regions in the background of climate change

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    แƒ“แƒฆแƒ”แƒ•แƒแƒœแƒ“แƒ”แƒš แƒžแƒ˜แƒ แƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒจแƒ˜, แƒ แƒแƒ’แƒแƒ แƒช แƒ”แƒ™แƒแƒšแƒแƒ’แƒ˜แƒฃแƒ แƒ˜, แƒ˜แƒกแƒ” แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒ”แƒ แƒ˜แƒแƒšแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒ—แƒ•แƒแƒšแƒกแƒแƒ–แƒ แƒ˜แƒกแƒ˜แƒ— แƒจแƒ”แƒฃแƒซแƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ”แƒšแƒ˜แƒ แƒ›แƒ˜แƒฆแƒ”แƒ‘แƒฃแƒšแƒ˜ แƒ˜แƒฅแƒœแƒแƒก แƒกแƒฌแƒแƒ แƒ˜ แƒ’แƒแƒ“แƒแƒฌแƒงแƒ•แƒ”แƒขแƒ˜แƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ›แƒแƒชแƒ”แƒ›แƒฃแƒšแƒ˜ แƒแƒ“แƒ’แƒ˜แƒšแƒ˜แƒก แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒžแƒ˜แƒ แƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒแƒ—แƒ•แƒแƒšแƒ˜แƒกแƒฌแƒ˜แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒแƒ แƒ”แƒจแƒ”. แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒกแƒแƒ™แƒฃแƒ—แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒ— แƒ›แƒœแƒ˜แƒจแƒ•แƒœแƒ”แƒšแƒแƒ•แƒแƒœแƒ˜แƒ แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒžแƒ˜แƒ แƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ“แƒ”แƒขแƒแƒšแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒฌแƒแƒ•แƒšแƒ แƒ˜แƒกแƒ”แƒ—แƒ˜ แƒฅแƒ•แƒ”แƒงแƒœแƒ˜แƒกแƒแƒ—แƒ•แƒ˜แƒก, แƒ แƒแƒ’แƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒช แƒกแƒแƒฅแƒแƒ แƒ—แƒ•แƒ”แƒšแƒแƒ, แƒ แƒแƒ›แƒ”แƒšแƒ˜แƒช แƒฎแƒแƒกแƒ˜แƒแƒ—แƒ“แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒ˜แƒก แƒ›แƒ แƒแƒ•แƒแƒšแƒคแƒ”แƒ แƒแƒ•แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒ—. แƒแƒกแƒ”แƒ— แƒ›แƒชแƒ˜แƒ แƒ” แƒขแƒ”แƒ แƒ˜แƒขแƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒแƒ–แƒ” แƒ’แƒ•แƒฎแƒ•แƒ“แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ แƒ—แƒ˜แƒ—แƒฅแƒ›แƒ˜แƒก แƒงแƒ•แƒ”แƒšแƒ แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒ–แƒแƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ’แƒแƒ แƒ“แƒ แƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒกแƒ. แƒแƒ›แƒ“แƒ”แƒœแƒแƒ“ แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒžแƒ˜แƒ แƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒฌแƒแƒ•แƒšแƒ แƒฌแƒแƒ แƒ›แƒแƒแƒ“แƒ’แƒ”แƒœแƒก แƒ™แƒ•แƒšแƒ”แƒ•แƒ˜แƒก แƒกแƒแƒ’แƒแƒœแƒก. แƒฌแƒแƒ แƒ›แƒแƒ“แƒ’แƒ”แƒœแƒ˜แƒš แƒœแƒแƒจแƒ แƒแƒ›แƒจแƒ˜ แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒฃแƒšแƒ˜แƒ แƒ™แƒแƒ›แƒžแƒšแƒ”แƒฅแƒกแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒžแƒแƒ แƒแƒ›แƒ”แƒขแƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒแƒฌแƒ˜แƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒแƒ—แƒ แƒ™แƒแƒœแƒแƒœแƒ–แƒแƒ›แƒ˜แƒ”แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒแƒœแƒ˜ แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒ˜แƒก แƒชแƒ•แƒšแƒ˜แƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒคแƒแƒœแƒ–แƒ”. แƒ•แƒ˜แƒœแƒแƒ˜แƒ“แƒแƒœ แƒกแƒแƒจแƒ˜แƒจแƒ˜ แƒ™แƒšแƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜ แƒžแƒ˜แƒ แƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ™แƒแƒ›แƒžแƒšแƒ”แƒฅแƒกแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒกแƒแƒ™แƒฃแƒ—แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒ— แƒกแƒแƒงแƒฃแƒ แƒแƒ“แƒฆแƒ”แƒ‘แƒแƒ แƒ”แƒ™แƒแƒœแƒแƒ›แƒ˜แƒ™แƒ˜แƒก แƒ˜แƒกแƒ”แƒ—แƒ˜ แƒ“แƒแƒ แƒ’แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒ•แƒ˜แƒ—แƒแƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒกแƒแƒ—แƒ•แƒ˜แƒก, แƒ แƒแƒ’แƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒชแƒแƒ แƒกแƒแƒ›แƒจแƒ”แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒšแƒ แƒ˜แƒœแƒ“แƒฃแƒกแƒขแƒ แƒ˜แƒ, แƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ˜แƒ–แƒ›แƒ˜ แƒ“แƒ แƒกแƒแƒ™แƒฃแƒ แƒแƒ แƒขแƒ แƒ›แƒ”แƒฃแƒ แƒœแƒ”แƒแƒ‘แƒ, แƒ”แƒœแƒ”แƒ แƒ’แƒ”แƒขแƒ˜แƒ™แƒฃแƒšแƒ˜ แƒ แƒ”แƒกแƒฃแƒ แƒกแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ›แƒแƒ แƒ—แƒ•แƒ. แƒœแƒแƒจแƒ แƒแƒ›แƒจแƒ˜ แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒฃแƒšแƒ˜แƒ แƒฅแƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒก แƒ“แƒ แƒฌแƒ•แƒ˜แƒ›แƒ˜แƒก แƒ”แƒ แƒ—แƒแƒ‘แƒšแƒ˜แƒ•แƒ˜ แƒ™แƒแƒ›แƒžแƒšแƒ”แƒฅแƒกแƒ˜, แƒ แƒแƒ›แƒ”แƒšแƒกแƒแƒช แƒ˜แƒ แƒ˜แƒ‘ แƒฌแƒ•แƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒก แƒฃแƒฌแƒแƒ“แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ”แƒœ. แƒ“แƒแƒ›แƒฃแƒจแƒแƒ•แƒ”แƒ‘แƒฃแƒšแƒ˜ แƒ›แƒ”แƒ—แƒแƒ“แƒ˜แƒ™แƒ˜แƒก แƒ›แƒ˜แƒฎแƒ”แƒ“แƒ•แƒ˜แƒ— แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒกแƒแƒ–แƒฆแƒ•แƒ แƒฃแƒšแƒ˜แƒ แƒ”.แƒฌ. แƒ˜แƒ แƒ˜แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒฌแƒ•แƒ˜แƒ›แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒแƒกแƒ˜แƒแƒ—แƒ”แƒ‘แƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒกแƒแƒฅแƒแƒ แƒ—แƒ•แƒ”แƒšแƒแƒก แƒกแƒฎแƒ•แƒแƒ“แƒแƒกแƒฎแƒ•แƒ แƒ แƒ”แƒ’แƒ˜แƒแƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒกแƒ—แƒ•แƒ˜แƒก, แƒ›แƒ˜แƒฆแƒ”แƒ‘แƒฃแƒšแƒ˜ แƒ›แƒแƒœแƒแƒชแƒ”แƒ›แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒกแƒแƒคแƒฃแƒซแƒ•แƒ”แƒšแƒ–แƒ” แƒจแƒ”แƒคแƒแƒกแƒ”แƒ‘แƒฃแƒšแƒ˜แƒ แƒ˜แƒ แƒ˜แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒฌแƒ•แƒ˜แƒ›แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ–แƒ”แƒ›แƒแƒฅแƒ”แƒ“แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒฎแƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒกแƒฎแƒ˜ แƒกแƒฎแƒ•แƒแƒ“แƒแƒกแƒฎแƒ•แƒ แƒ แƒ”แƒ’แƒ˜แƒแƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ›แƒ˜แƒฎแƒ”แƒ“แƒ•แƒ˜แƒ—. แƒกแƒแƒ™แƒ˜แƒ—แƒฎแƒ˜แƒก แƒแƒกแƒ”แƒ—แƒ˜ แƒ’แƒแƒ“แƒแƒฌแƒงแƒ•แƒ”แƒขแƒ แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒแƒžแƒ˜แƒ แƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒœแƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ“แƒแƒœแƒ”แƒกแƒขแƒ˜แƒแƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒกแƒ’แƒแƒœ แƒ“แƒแƒชแƒ•แƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒแƒ‘แƒแƒ›แƒ˜แƒกแƒ˜ แƒ–แƒแƒ›แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒก แƒ›แƒ˜แƒฆแƒ”แƒ‘แƒแƒก.In today's conditions, both from the ecological and material point of view, it is impossible to make the right decisions without taking into account the climatic conditions of the given place. A detailed study of climatic conditions is especially important for a country like Georgia, which is characterized by a variety of climates. In such a small area, almost all climatic zones except two can be found. Thus, the study of climatic conditions is the subject of research. The regularities of the distribution of complex climatic parameters against the background of climate change are discussed in the presented paper. Since the complex of dangerous climatic conditions is especially important for the development of such branches of the economy as construction industry, tourism and resort economy, management of energy resources. The paper discusses the joint complex of wind and rain, which is called indirect rain. According to the developed methodology, the so-called Characteristics of indirect rains for different regions of Georgia, on the basis of the received data, the quality of the slopes of indirect rains has been evaluated according to different regions

    Effects of kisspeptin administration in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder: a randomized clinical trial

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    Importance: The absence or deficiency of sexual desire leading to distress or interpersonal difficulty defines โ€˜hypoactive sexual desire disorderโ€™ (HSDD). Despite being the most common female sexual health complaint worldwide, current treatment options for HSDD are limited in their safety and effectiveness. The hormone kisspeptin is a key endogenous activator of the reproductive hormonal axis with additional emerging roles in sexual and emotional behavior, however, its effects in women with HSDD are unknown. Objective: To test the hypothesis that kisspeptin enhances sexual and attraction brain processing in women with HSDD. Design: A randomized, double-blind, two-way crossover, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Functional neuroimaging, psychometric and hormonal analyses were employed to investigate the effects of kisspeptin administration on brain processing, in response to erotic stimuli (erotic videos) and facial attraction (face images of varying attractiveness). Setting: The trial was conducted in a university research setting from October 2020 to April 2021. Data were analyzed from May to December 2021. Participants: 32 premenopausal women with HSDD for at least 6 monthsโ€™ duration. Interventions: 75-minute intravenous infusion of kisspeptin-54 (1 nmol/kg/h) vs equivalent-rate placebo infusion. Main Outcome and Measures: Blood oxygen levelโ€“dependent responses across the whole brain and regions of interest during kisspeptin vs placebo administration, in response to erotic and facial attraction stimuli. Results: Of the 40 participants who were randomized, 32 women completed both kisspeptin and placebo visits, and the mean (SEM) age was 29.2 (1.2) years. Kisspeptin administration resulted in modulations in sexual and facial attraction brain processing (all P<.05). Furthermore, positive correlations were observed between kisspeptin-enhanced hippocampal activity in response to erotic videos, and baseline distress relating to sexual function (P<.01). In addition, kisspeptinโ€™s enhancement 4 of posterior cingulate cortex activity in response to attractive male faces correlated with reduced sexual aversion (P<.01), providing additional functional significance. Kisspeptin was well-tolerated with no reported side-effects. Conclusions and Relevance: These findings lay the foundations for clinical applications for kisspeptin in women with HSDD. Trial Registration: ISRCTN Trial Registry: ISRCTN17271094