17 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menemukan Realitas Kehidupan dalam Cerita Anak Menggunakan Media Audiovisual pada Kelas VII B

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    This study aims ability to find the reality of life in the children's story is by creating a creative an innovative media like audiovisual media. The research uses a qualitative approach using PTK ( research class actions) which will be held in Junior High School 2 Sebawi. Research conducted collaboratively with the involvement of subject teachers in Indonesia. Data colletion techniques used were direct observation techniques, APKG 1, APKG 2 appliance is technic observation and result of student writings. Techinc as for data analysis used in this study is the technique of descriptive qualitative supported by quantitative data. This action research has been able to express that the ability to discover the reality of a child's life which was reflected in the children's story VII B grade students of Junior High School 2 Sebawi. significantly increased through the use of the audiovisual mediumcanbeimproved

    Desain Industri : Studi Model Perlindungan Hukum Berbasis Nilai

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    Establishing model of protection of the law industral designs that meet the value of the social justice shlml be conducted, becoese industrial designs law are now transplantation Trip's Agreement and International conventions tempered capitalist uncongenial with result Indonesial nation. The impacted the registration of ime to time less deliver results satisfactory and heppened degradation creativity. District government not response and give such a plolicy of the granting of funds, stimulant registration with the “jemputbola”. Internalisation value of the Pancasila shlml be made as spirit and soul Indonesian nation to arrangements for the protection industrial designs vertion Indonesia as hyper development ceativit

    Ethical Perspectives of Sustainable Use of Reef's Invertebrates as a Source of Marine Natural Products

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    Among marine animals, reef's invertebrates are the most prolific producers of secondary metabolites and have become sources of great interest to natural product chemistry, since they provide a large proportion of bioactive compounds with different biological activities. Supply's problem has hampered the investigation of secondary metabolites from marine invertebrates, and many highly active compounds produced contribute to<10-6 % of the body-wet weight. Providing sufficient amounts of these biologically active substances, hence, may be a difficult task. In addition, it has often proven extremely difficult, and some cases impossible, to provide from invertebrates sufficient amounts of many of these substances due to limited amounts found in the producing organism, or to limited quantity of the organism itself, or to geographic, seasonal or sexual variations in the amounts and in the nature of produced secondary metabolites. There has an increasing concerns regarding the collecting reef's organisms for the discovery and development of pharmaceuticals since it has been perceived variously as sustaining and threatening conservation. There is an urgent need to take into account the bioethical considerations in anticipating the potential consequences of these activities and proposing management options for sustainable use of reef's invertebrates as the sources of bioactive compounds


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    The concept of Limited Liability Companies is undoubtedly affected by the changes that take place. This essay will examine this issue by focusing on a few key points, contrasting the Job Creation Law and the Limited Liability Company Law from an institutional standpoint. The research's findings indicate that the idea of a company has changed. Article 1 of Law No. 40 of 2007 was amended, and the new basis is now contained in Article 109 number 1 of Law No. 6 of 2023. For this reason, the government wants to provide space for MSEs to establish business entities in the form of Individual Companies, so the government must also be consistent, namely by creating norms that differentiate the structure of Capital Partnership Companies from Individual Companies

    Police Role in the Effort Management and Control the Fight Between Youth in Making Public Order in the Blora Regency

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    Group fights criminal acts defined as crimes of violence together as provided for in Article 170 of the Criminal Code. Data from Blora Regency police indicate that a fight between youth always the case in every year in the Blora Regency. This study aims to determine the role of the police in handling and overcoming a fight between youth, barriers and solutions in realizing the public order in Blora. The method used is the juridical sociological, descriptive analytical research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data, while the data collection method is field studies and literature. Using data analysis methods of qualitative analysis. The analysis used as knife crime prevention theory, theory and the theory of the role of law enforcement. The results showed that the role of the police in handling and overcoming a fight between youth in realizing the public order in Blora is through the efforts of non penal (preventive) and attempts penal (repressive). Barriers arising in the treatment and prevention of fights between youth to realize the public order in Blora is the number of police personnel limited, the police difficult to present witnesses so that not all the perpetrators can be arrested, the third party to interfere in the settlement of the problem, and the lack of awareness Public

    Kewenangan Notaris dalam Pembuatan Akta Otentik Berkaitan dengan Kontrak Kerjasama

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    Dalam pasal 1 ayat (1) UU No 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris, Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta otentik dan kewenangan lainnya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam undang-undang ini. Salah satu kewenangan notaris adalah membuat akta otentik, dimana hal tersebut sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam pasal 15 UU No 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris.Hal ini penulis mencoba menelaah kewenangan notaris dalam pembuatan akta otentik berkaitan dengan kontrak kerjasama.Peneitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative, dimana pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual.Akta-akta yang dibuat oleh Notaris misalnya pedirian Perseroan Terbatas (PT), Perubahan dan risalah umum pemegang saham, pendirian yayasan, pendirian bahan usaha-badan usaha lainnya, kuasa untuk menjual, perjanjian sewa menyewa, perjanjian jual beli, keterangan hak waris, wasiat, pendirian CV termasuk Perubahannya, pengakuan utang, perjanjian kredit dan dan pemberian hak tanggungan, perjanjian kerjasama, kontrak kerja, segala bentuk perjanjian yang tidak dikecualikan kepada pejabat lain, oleh sebab itu akta yang berkaitan dengan kontrak kerjasama mutlak merupakan wewenang oleh sorang Notaris untuk membuat akta otentik tersebu

    Implementasi UU No. 15 Tahun 2001 (Tentang Merek) Terhadap Pelanggar Merek Di Bidang Garment Oleh Para UKM Di Pasar Johar Semarang

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    Bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran merek di bidang garment yang dilakukan oleh UKM di pasar johar semarang itu sebenarnya ada baik secara sebagian maupun keseluruhan pada pokoknya akan tetapii mereka para UKM di bidang garment tidak tahu menahu tentang merek dan rnereka pada pokoknya hanya sebagai pedagang eceran yang didrop oleh para produsen. Dan sejauh ini belurn ada yang komplin terhadap merek-merek tertentu di bidang garment yang mereka jual, baik itu dengan pemilik merek di bidang garment maupun para konsumen. Sedangkan motivasi para UKM di bidang Garment adalah untuk mencari keuntungan, sesuai dengan prinsip ekonomi dengan modal yang sedikit tapi menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar atau banyak dan tentunya juga memuaskan para konsumen dan pelanggan merek di bidang garment di wilayah Pasar Johar Semarang. Pelanggaran merek yang dilakukan oleh para UKM di Pasar JoharSemarang bisa dikenakan sanksi asalkan pemilik merek di bidang garment yang merasa dirugikan telah melaporkan kepada pihak yang berwajib karena tindak pidana di bidang merek merek ini adalah merupakan delik aduan (Klacht Delict) artinya bahwa hanya dengan adanya laporan atau Klacht dari pemilik merek yang bersangkutan maka akan dituntut dan dikenakan sanksi tersebut atau diadakan penyidikan

    Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (Haki) sebagai Alternatif Sumber Pembiayaan Perguruan Tinggi

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    Salah satu lingkup otonomi suatu lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi adalah hak untuk menetapkan prioritasnya sendiri dan melakukan penelitian ilmiah kearah manapun tujuannya dengan mempertimbangkan kepentingan masyarakat (Wissenschafisfreiheit). Sebagai salah satu alternative yang tepat dipilih adalah dengan memberdayakan penelitian yang berbasis atau berpotensi Hak Kekayaan lntelektual (HaKI), seperti penelitian dibidang Paten, Hak Cipta, Desain Industri dll. Dengan penelitian di bidang HaKI ini di samping berfungsi pengembangan ilmu juga bisa sebagai sumber pembiayaan perguruan tingi yang bersangkutan dalam kerangka pelaksanaan pemberian status otonomi. Namun persoalan pokok yang dihadapi adalah masih lemahnya kesadaran hukum terhadap arti pentingnya HaKI baik dikalangan masyarakat luas maupun kalangan Perguruan Tinggi (swasta maupun negeri)