1,964 research outputs found

    Acute Effects of Aerosolized S-Nitrosoglutathione in Cystic Fibrosis

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm.165.7.2105032#.VJCPDXs4d41.S-Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), a naturally occurring constituent of airway lining fluid, enhances ciliary motility, relaxes airway smooth muscle, inhibits airway epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium transport, and prevents pathogen replication. Remarkably, airway levels of GSNO are low in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). We hypothesized that replacement of airway GSNO would improve gas exchange in CF. In a double-blind, placebo controlled study, we administered 0.05 ml/kg of 10 mM GSNO or phosphate buffered saline by aerosol to patients with CF and followed oxygen saturation, spirometry, respiratory rate, blood pressure, heart rate, and expired nitric oxide (NO). Nine patients received GSNO and 11 placebo. GSNO inhalation was associated with a modest but sustained increase in oxygen saturation at all time points. Expired NO increased in the low ppb range with GSNO treatment, peaking at 5 minutes but remaining above baseline at 30 minutes. There were no adverse effects. We conclude that GSNO is well tolerated in patients with CF and improves oxygenation through a mechanism that may be independent of free NO. Further, GSNO breakdown increases expired NO. We suggest that therapy aimed at restoring endogenous GSNO levels in the CF airway may merit study

    Endothelial cell-surface tissue transglutaminase inhibits neutrophil adhesion by binding and releasing nitric oxide

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    Nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial cells in response to cytokines displays anti-inflammatory activity by preventing the adherence, migration and activation of neutrophils. The molecular mechanism by which NO operates at the blood-endothelium interface to exert anti-inflammatory properties is largely unknown. Here we show that on endothelial surfaces, NO is associated with the sulfhydryl-rich protein tissue transglutaminase (TG2), thereby endowing the membrane surfaces with anti-inflammatory properties. We find that tumor necrosis factor-α-stimulated neutrophil adherence is opposed by TG2 molecules that are bound to the endothelial surface. Alkylation of cysteine residues in TG2 or inhibition of endothelial NO synthesis renders the surface-bound TG2 inactive, whereas specific, high affinity binding of S-nitrosylated TG2 (SNO-TG2) to endothelial surfaces restores the anti-inflammatory properties of the endothelium, and reconstitutes the activity of endothelial-derived NO. We also show that SNO-TG2 is present in healthy tissues and that it forms on the membranes of shear-activated endothelial cells. Thus, the anti-inflammatory mechanism that prevents neutrophils from adhering to endothelial cells is identified with TG2 S-nitrosylation at the endothelial cell-blood interface

    Population assessment of future trajectories in coronary heart disease mortality.

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    Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates have been decreasing in Iceland since the 1980s, largely reflecting improvements in cardiovascular risk factors. The purpose of this study was to predict future CHD mortality in Iceland based on potential risk factor trends. Methods and findings: The previously validated IMPACT model was used to predict changes in CHD mortality between 2010 and 2040 among the projected population of Iceland aged 25–74. Calculations were based on combining: i) data on population numbers and projections (Statistics Iceland), ii) population risk factor levels and projections (Refine Reykjavik study), and iii) effectiveness of specific risk factor reductions (published meta-analyses). Projections for three contrasting scenarios were compared: 1) If the historical risk factor trends of past 30 years were to continue, the declining death rates of past decades would level off, reflecting population ageing. 2) If recent trends in risk factors (past 5 years) continue, this would result in a death rate increasing from 49 to 70 per 100,000. This would reflect a recent plateau in previously falling cholesterol levels and recent rapid increases in obesity and diabetes prevalence. 3) Assuming that in 2040 the entire population enjoys optimal risk factor levels observed in low risk cohorts, this would prevent almost all premature CHD deaths before 2040. Conclusions: The potential increase in CHD deaths with recent trends in risk factor levels is alarming both for Iceland and probably for comparable Western populations. However, our results show considerable room for reducing CHD mortality. Achieving the best case scenario could eradicate premature CHD deaths by 2040. Public health policy interventions based on these predictions may provide a cost effective means of reducing CHD mortality in the future

    Urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio and intake of sodium and potassium among men and women from multiethnic general populations: the INTERSALT Study

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    The Na/K ratio may be more strongly related to blood pressure and cardiovascular disease than sodium or potassium. The casual urine Na/K ratio can provide prompt on-site feedback, and with repeated measurements, may provide useful individual estimates of the 24-h ratio. The World Health Organization has published guidelines for sodium and potassium intake, but no generally accepted guideline prevails for the Na/K ratio. We used standardized data on 24 h and casual urinary electrolyte excretion obtained from the INTERSALT Study for 10,065 individuals aged 20-59 years from 32 countries (52 populations). Associations between the casual urinary Na/K ratio and the 24-h sodium and potassium excretion of individuals were assessed by correlation and stratification analyses. The mean 24-h sodium and potassium excretions were 156.0 mmol/24 h and 55.2 mmol/24 h, respectively; the mean 24-h urinary Na/K molar ratio was 3.24. Pearson's correlation coefficients (r) for the casual urinary Na/K ratio with 24-h sodium and potassium excretions were 0.42 and -0.34, respectively, and these were 0.57 and -0.48 for the 24-h ratio. The urinary Na/K ratio predicted a 24-h urine Na excretion of <85 mmol/day (the WHO recommended guidelines) with a sensitivity of 99.7% and 94.0%, specificity of 39.5% and 48.0%, and positive predictive value of 96.3% and 61.1% at the cutoff point of 1 in 24 h and casual urine Na/K ratios, respectively. A urinary Na/K molar ratio <1 may be a useful indicator for adherence to the WHO recommended levels of sodium and, to a lesser extent, the potassium intake across different populations; however, cutoff points for Na/K ratio may be tuned for localization

    Classes of Thiols That Influence the Activity of the Skeletal Muscle Calcium Release Channel

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    The skeletal muscle Ca(2+) release channel/ryanodine receptor (RyR1) is a prototypic redox-responsive ion channel. Nearly half of the 101 cysteines per RyR1 subunit are kept in a reduced (free thiol) state under conditions comparable with resting muscle. Here we assessed the effects of physiological determinants of cellular redox state (oxygen tension, reduced (GSH) or oxidized (GSSG) glutathione, and NO/O(2) (released by 3-morpholinosydnonimine)) on RyR1 redox state and activity. Oxidation of approximately 10 RyR1 thiols (from approximately 48 to approximately 38 thiols/RyR1 subunit) had little effect on channel activity. Channel activity increased reversibly as the number of thiols was further reduced to approximately 23/subunit, whereas more extensive oxidation (to approximately 13 thiols/subunit) inactivated the channel irreversibly. Neither S-nitrosylation nor tyrosine nitration contributed to these effects. The results identify at least three functional classes of RyR1 thiols and suggest that 1) the channel may be protected from oxidation by a large reservoir of functionally inert thiols, 2) the channel may be designed to respond to moderate oxidative stress by a change in activation setpoint, and 3) the channel is susceptible to oxidative injury under more extensive conditions

    Nitric Oxide, NOC-12, and S -Nitrosoglutathione Modulate the Skeletal Muscle Calcium Release Channel/Ryanodine Receptor by Different Mechanisms: AN ALLOSTERIC FUNCTION FOR O2INS-NITROSYLATION OF THE CHANNEL

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    The skeletal muscle Ca(2+) release channel/ryanodine receptor (RyR1) contains approximately 50 thiols per subunit. These thiols have been grouped according to their reactivity/responsiveness toward NO, O(2), and glutathione, but the molecular mechanism enabling redox active molecules to modulate channel activity is poorly understood. In the case of NO, very low concentrations (submicromolar) activate RyR1 by S-nitrosylation of a single cysteine residue (Cys-3635), which resides within a calmodulin binding domain. S-Nitrosylation of Cys-3635 only takes place at physiological tissue O(2) tension (pO(2); i.e. approximately 10 mm Hg) but not at pO(2) approximately 150 mm Hg. Two explanations have been offered for the loss of RyR1 responsiveness to NO at ambient pO(2), i.e. Cys-3635 is oxidized by O(2) versus O(2) subserves an allosteric function (Eu, J. P., Sun, J. H., Xu, L., Stamler, J. S., and Meissner, G. (2000) Cell 102, 499-509). Here we report that the NO donors NOC-12 and S-nitrosoglutathione both activate RyR1 by release of NO but do so independently of pO(2). Moreover, NOC-12 activates the channel by S-nitrosylation of Cys-3635 and thereby reverses channel inhibition by calmodulin. In contrast, S-nitrosoglutathione activates RyR1 by oxidation and S-nitrosylation of thiols other than Cys-3635 (and calmodulin is not involved). Our results suggest that the effect of pO(2) on RyR1 S-nitrosylation is exerted through an allosteric mechanism
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