1,073 research outputs found

    Role of echocardiography for assessment of cardiovascular haemodynamics during pregnancy

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    Background: Pregnancy is associated with volume overload producing significant vascular and hemodynamic adaptations in cardiovascular physiology. Present study was designed to follow up gradual adaptations in cardiovascular hemodynamics during the course of pregnancy using Doppler echocardiography which is reproducible and noninvasive technique.Methods: In present prospective study of 50 women, were divided into 2 groups of 25 each: control group & study group (pregnant patient in I trimester, II trimester & III trimester). They were non-invasively analysed for cardiovascular function and systemic hemodynamics using echocardiography and compared with control group. The data was analysed using ANOVA for comparison within the group and student’s t- test for comparison between the groups. p value <0.05 was considered to be significant.Results: Mean age and height in control and study groups were comparable. Weight gain was within the expected range with advancement of pregnancy. Heart rate was increased in I and II trimesters with peak rise in III trimester. The difference between control group and study groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05).Systolic blood pressure was slightly decreased in all the trimesters as compared to control group which was statistically not significant. There was gradual increase in SBP from I to III trimesters. Diastolic blood pressure progressively decreased in I and II trimesters and then increased in III trimester. The difference in DBP between control group and I, II trimesters of pregnancy was significant (p<0.05).Systemic vascular resistance progressively decreased with advancement of pregnancy and difference was statistically significant (p <0.05) . Cardiac output is steadily increased in all trimesters of pregnancy with peak at 36 weeks and was statistically significant (p<0.05). It was due to increase in both heart rate and Stroke volume. Ejection fraction also increased in all trimesters.Conclusions: Present study shows significant functional changes in the cardiovascular dynamics during pregnancy. Doppler echocardiography provides an excellent noninvasive method for the evaluation and serial analysis of hemodynamic changes. These results will help in distinguishing abnormal echocardiographic changes from the normal physiologic changes of pregnancy. Therefore maternal echocardiography should be introduced into the antenatal management protocol, which will help to identify women at high risk to developing cardiovascular complications and there by early intervention.

    A study of intra-operative maternal morbidity after repeating caesarean section

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    Background: Caesarean section (CS) is one of the most common obstetric procedures worldwide and an increased rate of caesarean section has been observed in recent studies. Maternal morbidities and mortality associated with repeat caesarean section is an important health problem. The present study aims at knowing the various intraoperative complications encountered during repeat caesarean sections. Objective was to study the incidence and type of surgical difficulties encountered in repeat cesarean sectionsMethods: It was a prospective observational study of 118 cases of repeat cesarean sections. Intra-operative findings of all cases were analyzed to know the difficulties encountered because of previous cesarean section.Results: In present study, out of total 118 cases of previous cesarean sections, 71 (60.17%) cases were of previous one caesarean section and 47(39.83%) were of previous two cesarean sections. Following intraoperative morbidities were encountered – adhesions (1 caesarean section vs 2 caesarean section – 40.85 vs 65.96% respectively) , thin lower uterine segment (1 caesarean section vs 2 caesarean section – 21.13 vs 36.17% respectively), advanced bladder(1 caesarean section vs 2 caesarean section – 15.49 vs 36.17 % respectively) , extension of uterine incision(1 caesarean section vs 2 caesarean section – 9.86 vs 19.15% respectively) , scar dehiscence(1 caesarean section vs 2 caesarean section –7.04 vs 31.91% respectively), excess blood loss (1 caesarean section vs 2 caesarean section –7.04 vs 19.15% respectively), 1 case of placenta accrete was found in previous 2 caesarean section 2.13%) which needed caesarean hysterectomy. uterine rupture and bladder injury seen in one patients of previous 2caesarean section. Time taken for surgery was more in repeat CS group Delivery.Conclusions: An increasing number of CS is accompanied by increased maternal morbidity. Intraoperative complication which increase the risk of morbidity are adhesion, placenta accreta. It is prudent to involve a senior experienced obstetrician in repeat cesarean section. The best way to reduce this is by reducing primary caesarean section rates. Patients with previous caesarean section should be considered as high risk and should be counseled for regular antenatal check-up and they should be given option of vaginal birth after CS whenever possible

    Squeezing out the last 1 nanometer of water: A detailed nanomechanical study

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    In this study, we present a detailed analysis of the squeeze-out dynamics of nanoconfined water confined between two hydrophilic surfaces measured by small-amplitude dynamic atomic force microscopy (AFM). Explicitly considering the instantaneous tip-surface separation during squeezeout, we confirm the existence of an adsorbed molecular water layer on mica and at least two hydration layers. We also confirm the previous observation of a sharp transition in the viscoelastic response of the nanoconfined water as the compression rate is increased beyond a critical value (previously determined to be about 0.8 nm/s). We find that below the critical value, the tip passes smoothly through the molecular layers of the film, while above the critical speed, the tip encounters "pinning" at separations where the film is able to temporarily order. Pre-ordering of the film is accompanied by increased force fluctuations, which lead to increased damping preceding a peak in the film stiffness once ordering is completed. We analyze the data using both Kelvin-Voigt and Maxwell viscoelastic models. This provides a complementary picture of the viscoelastic response of the confined water film

    Evaluation of series of 177 cases of acute gynaecological emergencies in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Gynecologic emergencies are relatively common and acute pain of pelvic origin is a common symptom necessitating emergency medical evaluation, because late diagnosis, potentially leading to progression to severe morbidity or death, is a matter of concern. The objective of present study is to have an overview of emergency gynecological conditions and their management.Methods: In present retrospective observational study total 177 cases were analyzed. They were divided into three groups depending on age, adolescent group patients aged 19 year and below (group A), reproductive group between 20 to 44 year (group B) and perimenopausal/postmenopausal group aged 45year and above (group C). The data collected were expressed as mean±S.D.Results: The distribution of cases was as follows: 29 cases (16.38%) in group A with a mean age of 15.5±2.21 years, 97 cases (54.80 %) in group B with a mean age of 24.20±4.38 years and 51 cases (28.81%) in group C with a mean age of 46.75±9.11 years. Pain was in right lower quadrant (36.70%), in left lower quadrant (27.95%), suprapubic (19.35%) and diffuse (16%). The most common etiology of APP were as follows: simple ovarian cysts in 16.9% patients followed by ectopic pregnancy (15.2%), complication of uterine fibroid (10.7%), rupture ovarian of cysts (9.7%) and haemorragic ovarian cysts (6.8%). Modality of management in all of the groups was as follows: observation in 21.5%, medical in 25.4% and surgical in 53.1%.Conclusions: Accurate clinical and laboratory evaluation are essential in gynecological emergencies. There should be a high index of suspicion for early detection and early intervention to reduce morbidity and mortality

    Polyglucosan bodies in medullary catecholaminergic neurones in SUDEP

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    Polyglucosan bodies have been reported in the context of hypoxic-ischaemic perinatal brain injury, mainly in the pallidum but with rare reports in brainstem neurones. We report a case of a five year old boy with cerebral palsy, complex neurology and epilepsy with a sudden nocturnal death. At post-mortem long-standing bilateral necrosis of basal ganglia and hippocampal atrophy was identified in keeping with hypoxic-ischaemic perinatal injury. In addition numerous polyglucosan bodies, which were PAS, p62 and ubiquitin positive, were noted in brainstem neurones and dendrites, primarily involving the ventrolateral and dorsomedial medulla. Immunohistochemistry confirmed relative preservation of medullary neuronal populations in the reticular formation, including catecholaminergic (tyrosine hydroxylase, TH), serotonergic (tryptophan hydroxylase) and neurokinin1 receptor/somatostatin positive neurones. The polyglucosan bodies predominated in catecholaminergic neurones which could indicate their selective vulnerability and a functional deficiency, which during a critical peri-ictal period contributed to the sudden death in epilepsy

    Review: Neuropathology findings in autonomic brain regions in SUDEP and future research directions

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    Autonomic dysfunction is implicated from clinical, neuroimaging and experimental studies in sudden and unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Neuropathological analysis in SUDEP series enable exploration of acquired, seizure-related cellular adaptations in autonomic and brainstem autonomic centres of relevance to dysfunction in the peri-ictal period. Alterations in SUDEP compared to control groups have been identified in the ventrolateral medulla, amygdala, hippocampus and central autonomic regions. These involve neuropeptidergic, serotonergic and adenosine systems, as well as specific regional astroglial and microglial populations, as potential neuronal modulators, orchestrating autonomic dysfunction. Future research studies need to extend to clinically and genetically characterized epilepsies, to explore if common or distinct pathways of autonomic dysfunction mediate SUDEP. The ultimate objective of SUDEP research is the identification of disease biomarkers for at risk patients, to improve post-mortem recognition and disease categorisation, but ultimately, for exposing potential treatment targets of pharmacologically modifiable and reversible cellular alterations

    The availability, cost, limitations, learning curve and future of robotic systems in urology and prostate cancer surgery

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    Robot-assisted surgical systems (RASS) have revolutionised the management of many urological conditions over the last two decades with robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) now being considered by many to be the preferred surgical approach. Intuitive Surgical has dominated the market during this time period with successive iterations of the da Vinci model. The expiration of patents has opened the RASS market and several new contenders have become available or are currently in development. This comprehensive narrative review aims to explore the merits of each robotic system as well as the evidence and barriers to their use. The newly developed RASS have increased the versality of robotic surgical systems to a wider range of settings through advancement in technology. The increased competition may result in an overall reduction in cost, broadening the accessibility of RASS. Learning curves and training remain a barrier to their use, but the situation appears to be improving through dedicated training programmes. Outcomes for RARP have been well investigated and tend to support improved early functional outcomes. Overall, the rapid developments in the field of robot-assisted surgery indicate the beginning of a promising new era to further enhance urological surgery

    Enhanced gene expression in the brain following intravenous administration of lactoferrin-bearing polypropylenimine dendriplex

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    The possibility of using gene therapy for the treatment of brain diseases such as brain cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, is currently hampered by the lack of gene delivery systems able to cross the blood–brain barrier and deliver DNA to the brain following intravenous administration. On the basis that lactoferrin can effectively reach the brain by using specific receptors for crossing the blood–brain barrier, we propose to investigate if a lactoferrin-bearing generation 3-diaminobutyric polypropylenimine (DAB) dendrimer would allow the transport of plasmid DNA to the brain after intravenous administration. In this work, we demonstrated that the conjugation of lactoferrin to the dendrimer led to an enhanced DNA uptake by 2.1-fold in bEnd.3 murine brain capillary endothelial cells compared to the unmodified dendriplex in vitro. In vivo, the intravenous administration of lactoferrin-bearing DAB dendriplex resulted in a significantly increased gene expression in the brain, by more than 6.4-fold compared to that of DAB dendriplex, while decreasing gene expression in the lung and the kidneys. Gene expression in the brain was significantly higher than in any other major organs of the body. Lactoferrin-bearing generation 3 polypropylenimine dendrimer is therefore a highly promising delivery system for systemic gene delivery to the brain
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