10 research outputs found

    Study on Incentive Price of Fermented Cocoa to Overcome Reluctance of Farmer to Apply Fermentation : Case Study in Jembrana Regency

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    Improving cocoa quality through encouraging farmers to do fermentation is one of the ways to increase the added value of cocoa. However, majority ofIndonesian farmers are reluctance to do fermentation. This research aimed to study factors causing farmers reluctant to do fermentation, weight differencebetween fermented and unfermented cocoa, cocoa processing time difference between fermented and unfermented cocoa, quality difference between fermentedand unfermented coco refers to cocoa bean standard (SNI): 01-2323-2008/Amd-2010, and feasible added value incentive of fermented cocoa beans. The data collectionwere conducted through household farmers\u27 survey, focus group discussion and experimental research. The experimental research was conducted to understandthe weight and processing time differences; and to asess the quality, including moisture content, bean count, pH and fermentation index. Analysis of the datawere conducted by methods of Fishbone Ishikawa and logit multiplier linear analysis. The research results showed that the main factors causing farmers reluctant todo fermentation were insuitable of selling price of fermented cocoa, the existence of village collectors in buying unfermented cocoa, the lack of cooperation amongfarmers in farmer group (Subak Abian) and the lack of farmers\u27 skills on cocoa bean fermentation. This study also found that the weight depreciation differencebetween fermented and unfermented cocoa was 0.5-3.75%, and the processing time difference between fermented and unfermented cocoa was 12-24 hours. Qualityof fermented cocoa beans was higher than that of unfermented cocoa beans and it can fulfill the standard of SNI: 01-2323-2008/Amd-2010. It was found that thefeasible added value incentive of fermented cocoa benas was 2,126-3,426 IDR/kg

    Regency Level Hospital Utilization in Indonesia

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    Adanya rumah sakit tingkat kabupaten adalah merupakan tempat perawatan pertama untuk para penderita dan karena itu harus dapat memberikan perawatan minimal kepada para penderita. Rumah sakit sekurang-kurangnya memiliki seorang dokter umum yang bekerja penuh walaupun tidak terdapat tenaga specialist. Kapasitas tempat tidur pada rumah sakit kabupaten bervariasi antara 40 dan 300 t.t. Latar belakang penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya pemanfaatan rumah sakit yang sangat kurang sehingga pelayanan yang diberikan oleh rumah sakit tidak ada manfaatnya. Untuk itu maka perlu dilaku­kan USAha-USAha guna memperbaiki effisiensi dan effektivittas pelayanan dirumah sakit berdasar atas sumber-sumber daya vang ada. Pemanfaatan pelayanan rumah sakit oleh masyarakat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor seperti berikut : faktotor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penderita dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesem­patan misalnya tersedianya waktu, jarak dan keuangan. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penderita seperti umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, kebiasaan, agama, penilaian tugas-tugas dari pelayanan kesehatan oleh masyarakat. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dipergunakan sebagai dasar untuk keperluan perencanaan program pelayanan kesehatan

    Caries inhibitory effect of fluoridated sugar in a trial in Indonesia

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the Australian Dental Association. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Background: In some regional areas of Indonesia, caries prevalence is increasing rapidly. As water, salt or milk fluoridation were not considered suitable for use throughout Indonesia, and fluoridated tooth paste is mostly too expensive, a fluoride cocrystallised sugar containing 10ppm fluoride was prepared. Its efficacy in inhibiting caries development was tested in a field trial. Methods: The field trial was established in Medan, Sumatera. All dietary background data necessary to ensure the safety of a trial were collected. Subjects chosen were 176 children who were residents of two orphanages and a boarding school for children of poor rural families. The trial used a double-blind format. Close monitoring of fluoride consumption was maintained, and fluoride excretion rates were assessed six monthly by urinary fluoride analysis. Results: Records of total tooth surface caries present initially and after 18 months of sugar supply showed that the children using fluoridated sugar had significantly fewer carious lesions than those who used normal sugar. Conclusion: This result indicates that sugar might be considered as a further vehicle for supplementary dietary fluoride in communities where there is a high caries prevalence or high caries risk and little exposure to fluoride.Mulyani, J McIntyr

    Sucrose-Isomaltose Malabsorption

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