58 research outputs found

    MAX-91: Polarimetric SAR results on Montespertoli site

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    The polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a powerful sensor for high resolution ocean and land mapping and particularly for monitoring hydrological parameters in large watersheds. There is currently much research in progress to assess the SAR operational capability as well as to estimate the accuracy achievable in the measurements of geophysical parameters with the presently available airborne and spaceborne sensors. An important goal of this research is to improve our understanding of the basic mechanisms that control the interaction of electro-magnetic waves with soil and vegetation. This can be done both by developing electromagnetic models and by analyzing statistical relations between backscattering and ground truth data. A systematic investigation, which aims at a better understanding of the information obtainable from the multi-frequency polarimetric SAR to be used in agro-hydrology, is in progress by our groups within the framework of SIR-C/X-SAR Project and has achieved a most significant milestone with the NASA/JPL Aircraft Campaign named MAC-91. Indeed this experiment allowed us to collect a large and meaningful data set including multi-temporal multi-frequency polarimetric SAR measurements and ground truth. This paper presents some significant results obtained over an agricultural flat area within the Montespertoli site, where intensive ground measurements were carried out. The results are critically discussed with special regard to the information associated with polarimetric data

    The Measurement of Solar Diameter and Limb Darkening Function with the Eclipse Observations

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    The Total Solar Irradiance varies over a solar cycle of 11 years and maybe over cycles with longer period. Is the solar diameter variable over time too? We introduce a new method to perform high resolution astrometry of the solar diameter from the ground, through the observations of eclipses by reconsidering the definition of the solar edge. A discussion of the solar diameter and its variations must be linked to the Limb Darkening Function (LDF) using the luminosity evolution of a Baily's Bead and the profile of the lunar limb available from satellite data. This approach unifies the definition of solar edge with LDF inflection point for eclipses and drift-scan or heliometric methods. The method proposed is applied for the videos of the eclipse in 15 January 2010 recorded in Uganda and in India. The result shows light at least 0.85 arcsec beyond the inflection point, and this suggests to reconsider the evaluations of the historical eclipses made with naked eye.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted in Solar Physics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/0601109 by other author

    A new approach for the heliometric optics

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    The heliometer of Fraunhofer in Koenigsberg (1824) is a refractor in which the lens is split into two halves to which is applied a linear displacement along the cut. Later in 1890s a variation of the heliometer has been realized in Goettingen using a beam splitting wedge: these methods were both subjected to chromatic and refractive aberrations; the second configuration being much less affected by thermal fluctuations. The reflector version of the heliometer conceived at the Observatorio Nacional of Rio de Janeiro overcome these problems: the two halves of the vitrified ceramic mirror split at a fixed heliometric angle produce the two images of the Sun exempt of chromatisms and distortions. The heliometer of Rio is a telescope which can rotate around its axis, to measure the solar diameter at all heliolatitudes. A further development of that heliometer, now under construction, is the annular heliometer, in which the mirrors are concentric, with symmetrical Point Spread Functions. Moreover the location of the Observatory of Rio de Janeiro allows zenithal observations, with no atmospheric refraction at all heliolatitudes, in December and January

    Il Nibbio reale Milvus milvus svernante in Italia, sintesi di cinque anni di monitoraggio

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    Beginning in December 2011, CISO has promoted a monitoring project for Red kite\u2019s wintering population in Italy. This paper shows the results of the first five survey seasons, ie from December 2011 to January 2016. The censuses, always done at sunset, covered the eleven Central-Southern regions for which winter roosts were already known. The number of actual kites censuses each winter varied between about 1500 and over 1700 individuals, with strong oscillations for single roosts. The population is mainly concentrated in Basilicata with more than 64% of the entire winter population. Interesting data were also been found in Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise, which altogether host about 25% of the national population. Encouraging data come from Tuscany where, following a reintroduction project, a wintering roost of about 80 units was found. Bad results are from censuses conducted in Campania, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia, where the population seems to be greatly reduced

    Harmonization of Zika neutralization assays by using the WHO International Standard for anti-Zika virus antibody

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    During outbreaks of emerging viruses, such as the Zika outbreak in 2015–2016, speed and accuracy in detection of infection are critical factors to control the spread of the disease; often serological and diagnostic methods for emerging viruses are not well developed and validated. Thus, vaccines and treatments are difficult to evaluate due to the lack of comparable methods. In this study, we show how the 1st WHO International Standard for anti-Zika antibody was able to harmonize the neutralization titres of a panel of serological Zika-positive samples from laboratories worldwide. Expression of the titres in International Unit per millilitre reduced the inter-laboratory variance, allowing for greater comparability between laboratories. We advocate the use of the International Standard for anti-Zika virus antibodies for the calibration of neutralization assays to create a common language, which will permit a clear evaluation of the results of different clinical trials and expedite the vaccine/treatment development

    La pianificazione di corridoi ecologici lungo alvei torrentizi: il controllo dei carichi inquinanti residui per la creazione di eco-sistemi filtro

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    Il mantenimento dei valori naturalistici e paesaggistici dei bacini idrografici soggetti ad un intenso ed irregolare sviluppo territoriale delle attività antropiche può essere promosso attraverso opportune azioni di pianificazione. Il presente articolo illustra i criteri di inserimento di interventi finalizzati alla conservazione degli habitat e delle acque in azioni integrate di pianificazione di aree destinate alla valorizzazione naturalistica del territorio a scala di bacino. La memoria, in particolare, evidenzia le potenzialità di zone umide artificiali e di bacini di trattamento naturali per il controllo della diffusione dell’inquinamento dei carichi inquinati residui originati da aree urbane e industriali lungo corsi d’acqua a carattere torrentizio. Questa tipologia di intervento è stata analizzata per valutare la fattibilità di un corridoio ecologico da realizzarsi lungo il torrente Cervaro che sorge nell'Appennino meridionale, attraversa il Tavoliere e sfocia nel mare adriatico
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