4,506 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect in the Two Dimensional Hole Gas

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    We show that two types of spin-orbit coupling in the 2 dimensional hole gas (2DHG), with and without inversion symmetry breaking, contribute to the intrinsic spin Hall effect\cite{murakami2003,sinova2003}. Furthermore, the vertex correction due to impurity scattering vanishes in both cases, in sharp contrast to the case of usual Rashba coupling in the electron band. Recently, the spin Hall effect in a hole doped GaAsGaAs semiconductor has been observed experimentally by Wunderlich \emph{et al}\cite{wunderlich2004}. From the fact that the life time broadening is smaller than the spin splitting, and the fact impurity vertex corrections vanish in this system, we argue that the observed spin Hall effect should be in the intrinsic regime.Comment: Minor typos fixed, one reference adde

    Antiproton-Proton Channels in J/psi Decays

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    The recent measurements by the BES Collaboration of J/psi decays into a photon and a proton-antiproton pair indicate a strong enhancement at the proton-antiproton threshold not observed in the decays into a neutral pion and a proton-antiproton pair. Is this enhancement due to a proton-antiproton quasi-bound state or a baryonium? A natural explanation follows from a traditional model of proton-antiproton interactions based on G-parity transformation. The observed proton-antiproton structure is due to a strong attraction in the 1S0 state, and possibly to a near-threshold quasi-bound state in the 11S0 wave.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. The antiproton-proton pair being in isospin one in the J/Psi decay into neutral pion-antiproton-proton, the antiproton-proton 1P1 and 3S1 waves have been replaced by the 31P1 and 33S1 ones and Figs. 1 and 2 have been replaced accordingly. Conclusions are unchanged. Most of the content of the paper is published in Phys. Rev. C72, 011001 (2005

    Revealing evolutionary constraints on proteins through sequence analysis

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    Statistical analysis of alignments of large numbers of protein sequences has revealed "sectors" of collectively coevolving amino acids in several protein families. Here, we show that selection acting on any functional property of a protein, represented by an additive trait, can give rise to such a sector. As an illustration of a selected trait, we consider the elastic energy of an important conformational change within an elastic network model, and we show that selection acting on this energy leads to correlations among residues. For this concrete example and more generally, we demonstrate that the main signature of functional sectors lies in the small-eigenvalue modes of the covariance matrix of the selected sequences. However, secondary signatures of these functional sectors also exist in the extensively-studied large-eigenvalue modes. Our simple, general model leads us to propose a principled method to identify functional sectors, along with the magnitudes of mutational effects, from sequence data. We further demonstrate the robustness of these functional sectors to various forms of selection, and the robustness of our approach to the identification of multiple selected traits.Comment: 37 pages, 28 figure

    A sufficient condition for the absence of the sign problem in the fermionic quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm

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    Quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) simulations involving fermions have the notorious sign problem. Some well-known exceptions of the auxiliary field QMC algorithm rely on the factorizibility of the fermion determinant. Recently, a fermionic QMC algorithm [1] has been found in which the fermion determinant may not necessarily factorizable, but can instead be expressed as a product of complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues, thus eliminating the sign problem for a much wider class of models. In this paper, we present general conditions for the applicability of this algorithm and point out that it is deeply related to the time reversal symmetry of the fermion matrix. We apply this method to various models of strongly correlated systems at all doping levels and lattice geometries, and show that many novel phases can be simulated without the sign problem.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Topological Mott Insulators

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    We consider extended Hubbard models with repulsive interactions on a Honeycomb lattice and the transitions from the semi-metal phase at half-filling to Mott insulating phases. In particular, due to the frustrating nature of the second-neighbor repulsive interactions, topological Mott phases displaying the quantum Hall and the quantum spin Hall effects are found for spinless and spinful fermion models, respectively. We present the mean-field phase diagram and consider the effects of fluctuations within the random phase approximation (RPA). Functional renormalization group analysis also show that these states can be favored over the topologically trivial Mott insulating states.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 figure

    Collective modes of a helical liquid

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    We study low energy collective modes and transport properties of the "helical metal" on the surface of a topological insulator. At low energies, electrical transport and spin dynamics at the surface are exactly related by an operator identity equating the electric current to the in-plane components of the spin degrees of freedom. From this relation it follows that an undamped spin wave always accompanies the sound mode in the helical metal -- thus it is possible to `hear' the sound of spins. In the presence of long range Coulomb interactions, the surface plasmon mode is also coupled to the spin wave, giving rise to a hybridized "spin-plasmon" mode. We make quantitative predictions for the spin-plasmon in Bi2Se3{\rm Bi}_2{\rm Se}_3, and discuss its detection in a spin-grating experiment.Comment: 4 Pages, 2 Figure

    Pair Density Wave in the Pseudogap State of High Temperature Superconductors

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    Recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments of Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+δ_{8+\delta} have shown evidence of real-space organization of electronic states at low energies in the pseudogap state. We argue based on symmetry considerations as well as model calculations that the experimentally observed modulations are due to a density wave of d-wave Cooper-pairs without global phase coherence. We show that STM measurements can distinguish a pair-density-wave from more typical electronic modulations such as those due to charge density wave ordering or scattering from an onsite periodic potential.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Final version. PRL 93, 187002 (2004

    On the Feature Discovery for App Usage Prediction in Smartphones

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    With the increasing number of mobile Apps developed, they are now closely integrated into daily life. In this paper, we develop a framework to predict mobile Apps that are most likely to be used regarding the current device status of a smartphone. Such an Apps usage prediction framework is a crucial prerequisite for fast App launching, intelligent user experience, and power management of smartphones. By analyzing real App usage log data, we discover two kinds of features: The Explicit Feature (EF) from sensing readings of built-in sensors, and the Implicit Feature (IF) from App usage relations. The IF feature is derived by constructing the proposed App Usage Graph (abbreviated as AUG) that models App usage transitions. In light of AUG, we are able to discover usage relations among Apps. Since users may have different usage behaviors on their smartphones, we further propose one personalized feature selection algorithm. We explore minimum description length (MDL) from the training data and select those features which need less length to describe the training data. The personalized feature selection can successfully reduce the log size and the prediction time. Finally, we adopt the kNN classification model to predict Apps usage. Note that through the features selected by the proposed personalized feature selection algorithm, we only need to keep these features, which in turn reduces the prediction time and avoids the curse of dimensionality when using the kNN classifier. We conduct a comprehensive experimental study based on a real mobile App usage dataset. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework and show the predictive capability for App usage prediction.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figures, ICDM 2013 short pape

    A minimal two-band model for the superconducting Fe-pnictides

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    Following the discovery of the Fe-pnictide superconductors, LDA band structure calculations showed that the dominant contributions to the spectral weight near the Fermi energy came from the Fe 3d orbitals. The Fermi surface is characterized by two hole surfaces around the Γ\Gamma point and two electron surfaces around the M point of the 2 Fe/cell Brillouin zone. Here, we describe a 2-band model that reproduces the topology of the LDA Fermi surface and exhibits both ferromagnetic and q=(π,0)q=(\pi,0) spin density wave (SDW) fluctuations. We argue that this minimal model contains the essential low energy physics of these materials.Comment: 5 figures, 5 page