3 research outputs found

    Pain in elderly people with severe dementia: A systematic review of behavioural pain assessment tools

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    BACKGROUND: Pain is a common and major problem among nursing home residents. The prevalence of pain in elderly nursing home people is 40–80%, showing that they are at great risk of experiencing pain. Since assessment of pain is an important step towards the treatment of pain, there is a need for manageable, valid and reliable tools to assess pain in elderly people with dementia. METHODS: This systematic review identifies pain assessment scales for elderly people with severe dementia and evaluates the psychometric properties and clinical utility of these instruments. Relevant publications in English, German, French or Dutch, from 1988 to 2005, were identified by means of an extensive search strategy in Medline, Psychinfo and CINAHL, supplemented by screening citations and references. Quality judgement criteria were formulated and used to evaluate the psychometric aspects of the scales. RESULTS: Twenty-nine publications reporting on behavioural pain assessment instruments were selected for this review. Twelve observational pain assessment scales (DOLOPLUS2; ECPA; ECS; Observational Pain Behavior Tool; CNPI; PACSLAC; PAINAD; PADE; RaPID; Abbey Pain Scale; NOPPAIN; Pain assessment scale for use with cognitively impaired adults) were identified. Findings indicate that most observational scales are under development and show moderate psychometric qualities. CONCLUSION: Based on the psychometric qualities and criteria regarding sensitivity and clinical utility, we conclude that PACSLAC and DOLOPLUS2 are the most appropriate scales currently available. Further research should focus on improving these scales by further testing their validity, reliability and clinical utility

    Patients' and doctors' perception of long-term morbidity in patients with testicular cancer clinical stage I - A descriptive pilot study

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    Patient-based questionnaires were designed with the aim to identify and rank long-term somatic and psychosocial morbidity in patients with low-stage testicular cancer. A further intention was to compare patients' assessments with experienced doctors' general opinion on quality of life items in cured testicular cancer patients. In pilot study I, 103 tumour-free patients ranked items of physical and psychosocial morbidity after having had various kinds of treatment, Though the ranking procedure appeared to cause some difficulties amongst the patients and subsequently was abandoned, the results indicated considerable differences between the patients' and doctors' evaluations. In pilot study II patients were asked to score the different items. The questionnaire of pilot study II was completed by 107 patients from the Norwegian Radium Hospital (NRH) and 99 relapse-free patients from the Royal Marsden Hospital (RMH) with testicular cancer stage I at least 1 year after infradiaphragmatic radiotherapy (n = 94) or adjuvant chemotherapy (2 cycles, n = 26), or patients who had been followed on the surveillance program (n = 86). A total of 93 doctors completed a similar questionnaire, thereby expressing their general opinion on long-term morbidity in comparable testicular cancer patients as seen during routine clinical follow-up. Both the irradiated patients and those on the surveillance program reported slight degrees of Raynaud-like phenomena, neurotoxicity and ototoxicity, most probably representing ''background morbidity'' in an age-matched general male population. Doctors tended to underestimate their patients' somatic morbidity, but often overestimated the degree of psychological distress, in particular in patients on the surveillance program. Significant differences between RMH and NRH patients with regard to sexual problems and to leisure time activity may be explained by cultural differences in the two countries. The items presented in the questionnaire used identify important issues for patients cured of testicular cancer which may be used in future multicentre trans-cultural studies assessing these patients' quality of life. This will provide sufficient data for psychometric testing and, together with the findings from patients' free comments, support the final design of a testicular cancer quality of life module

    Reliability study in five languages of the translation of the pain behavioural scale Doloplus (R)

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    Non-verbal pain assessment scales are useful tools for pain evaluation in persons with communication disorders and moderate-severe dementia. The Doloplus was one of the first scales to be developed and validated as a pain assessment tool in older adults with dementia. This study aims at evaluating the translation of the Doloplus scale in five languages, as regards test-retest and inter-rater reliability. Results show that both tests are good or excellent for the English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish versions and moderate for the Dutch version. These results bring a unique opportunity to include the translated Doloplus scale in daily assessment of elderly persons with communication disorders, and future studies should focus on enriching the validation of the scale in each language