391 research outputs found

    Cold weld cracking susceptibility of high strength low alloyed (hsla) steel nionikral 70

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    In view of the importance of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels, particularly for critical applications such as offshore platforms, pipeline and pressure vessels, this paper reports on an investigation of how to weld this type of steel without cold cracking. Using manual metal arc welding process and Tekken test (Y - Grove test) has been caned Out both to observe the cold cracking phenomenon, and to investigate the influencing factors, such as preheating temperature and energy input, as well as electrode strength and diameter. However the result of the experiments show that there is a risk of cold cracking

    Identification of low cycle fatigue parameters of high strength low-alloy (hsla) steel at room temperature

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    Low cycle fatigue test was performed in ambient atmosphere at room temperature. cycle loading of material, in case of High strength low-alloy steel, entails modifications of its properties and in this paper is therefore shown behavior of fatigue life using low cycle fatigue parameters. Mere precisely, crack initiation life of tested specimens Was computed using theory of Coffin-Manson relation during the fatigue loading. The geometry Of the stabilized hysteresis loop of welded joint HSLA steel, marked as Nionikral 70, is also analyzed. This stabilized hysteresis loop is very important for determination of materials properties

    Micromechanical modelling of ductile fracture – local approach

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    Micromechanical modelling of ductile fracture by using the local approach has been presented as the review of previously obtained results for welded joints made of low alloyed high strength steel. Experimental work was performed on 3PB specimens and tensile panels, which were then modelled by finite element method, using two- and three-dimensional meshes, respectively. The local approach was used to simulate both for crack initiation and growth during ductile fracture process

    Numerical aspects for efficient welding computational mechanics

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    The effect of the residual stresses and strains is one of the most important parameter in the structure integrity assessment. A finite element model is constructed in order to simulate the multi passes mismatched submerged arc welding SAW which used in the welded tensile test specimen. Sequentially coupled thermal mechanical analysis is done by using ABAQUS software for calculating the residual stresses and distortion due to welding. In this work, three main issues were studied in order to reduce the time consuming during welding simulation which is the major problem in the computational welding mechanics (CWM). The first issue is dimensionality of the problem. Both two- and three-dimensional models are constructed for the same analysis type, shell element for two dimension simulation shows good performance comparing with brick element. The conventional method to calculate residual stress is by using implicit scheme that because of the welding and cooling time is relatively high. In this work, the author shows that it could use the explicit scheme with the mass scaling technique, and time consuming during the analysis will be reduced very efficiently. By using this new technique, it will be possible to simulate relatively large three dimensional structures

    Impact of choice of stabilized hysteresis loop on the end result of investigation of high-strength low-alloy (hsla) steel on low cycle fatigue

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    High strength low-alloy steel under low cycle fatigue at a certain level of strain controlled achieve stabilized condition. During the fatigue loading stabilized hysteresis loop is determined, which typical cycle of stabilization is calculated as half number of cycles to failure. Stabilized hysteresis loop is a representative of all hysteresis and it's used to determine all of the parameters for the assessment of low cycle fatigue. This paper Shows comparison of complete strain-life curves of low cycle fatigue for two chosen stabilized hysteresis loop cycles of base metal HSLA steel marked as Nionikral 70

    Micromechanical Coupled Study of Crack Growth Initiation Criterion in Pressure Vessel Steel

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    We present results of the combined design-theoretical investigation of the mechanism of crack growth at the onset of ductile fracture of NPP reactor pressure vessels. Micromechanical approach to the prediction of ductile fracture has been applied, according to which the volume fraction of voids in the deformed material is determined by finite-element method. On the basis of CT-specimen tests and known damage parameters, obtained on smooth spherical specimens, we obtained micromechanical criterion of crack growth initiation for ductile fracture.Представлены результаты комплексного расчетно-экспериментального исследования механизма распространения трещины на начальном этапе вязкого разрушения корпусных сталей АЭС. Использован микромеханический подход к прогнозированию вязкого разрушения, согласно которому объемное содержание пор деформируемого материала определяется методом конечных элементов. На основании проведенных испытаний образцов СТ с трещиной и имеющихся данных о параметрах разрушения гладких сферических образцов установлен микромеханический критерий начала развития трещины в условиях вязкого разрушения материала.Представлено результати комплексного розрахунково-експериментального дослідження механізму розповсюдження тріщини на початковому етапі в’язкого руйнування корпусних сталей АЕС. Використовується мікромеха- нічний підхід до прогнозування в ’язкого руйнування, згідно з яким об’ємний вміст пор деформівного матеріалу визначається методом скінченних елементів. На основі проведених випробувань зразків СТ із тріщиною та відомих даних про параметри руйнування гладких сферичних зразків установлено мікромеханічний критерій початку розвитку тріщини в умовах в ’язкого руйнування

    Integrity and life estimation of turbine runner cover in a hydro power plant

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    This paper presents integrity and life estimation of turbine runner cover in a vertical pipe turbines,Kaplan 200 MW nominal output power, produced in Russia, and built in six hydro-generation units ofhydroelectric power plant „Đerdap 1” in Serbia. Fatigue and corrosion-fatigue interaction have been taken intoaccount using experimentally obtained material properties, as well as analytical and numerical calculations ofstress state, to estimate appropriate safety factors. Fatigue crack growth rate, da/dN, was also calculated,indicated that internal defects of circular or elliptical shape, found out by ultrasonic testing, do not affect reliableoperation of runner cover

    Selection of the optimal hard facing (HF) technology of damaged forging dies based on cooling time t8/5

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    In exploitation, the forging dies are exposed to heating up to very high temperatures, variable loads: compressive, impact and shear. In this paper, the reparatory hard facing of the damaged forging dies is considered. The objective was to establish the optimal reparatory technology based on cooling time t8/5 . The verification of the adopted technology was done by investigation of the hard faced layers microstructure and measurements of hardness within the welded layers’ characteristic zones. Cooling time was determined theoretically, numerically and experimentally

    The influence of temperature on mechanical properties of the base material (BM) and welded joint (WJ) made of steel S690QL

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    This paper presents the analysis of the influence of temperature on mechanic properties of the base material and welded joints made of high strength steel. The joints were welded on S690QL high strength steel plates using the Metal Active Gas (MAG) Welding and two filler materials of different properties. Since the steel S690QL belongs to a group of steels with high strength, the aim of this paper is to determine the temperature at which strength starts to decrease. Experimental tensile testings of the welded joints were performed at five different temperatures in the range from 20 to 550 °C