358 research outputs found

    Electrode level Monte Carlo model of radiation damage effects on astronomical CCDs

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    Current optical space telescopes rely upon silicon Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) to detect and image the incoming photons. The performance of a CCD detector depends on its ability to transfer electrons through the silicon efficiently, so that the signal from every pixel may be read out through a single amplifier. This process of electron transfer is highly susceptible to the effects of solar proton damage (or non-ionizing radiation damage). This is because charged particles passing through the CCD displace silicon atoms, introducing energy levels into the semi-conductor bandgap which act as localized electron traps. The reduction in Charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE) leads to signal loss and image smearing. The European Space Agency's astrometric Gaia mission will make extensive use of CCDs to create the most complete and accurate stereoscopic map to date of the Milky Way. In the context of the Gaia mission CTE is referred to with the complementary quantity Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI = 1-CTE). CTI is an extremely important issue that threatens Gaia's performances. We present here a detailed Monte Carlo model which has been developed to simulate the operation of a damaged CCD at the pixel electrode level. This model implements a new approach to both the charge density distribution within a pixel and the charge capture and release probabilities, which allows the reproduction of CTI effects on a variety of measurements for a large signal level range in particular for signals of the order of a few electrons. A running version of the model as well as a brief documentation and a few examples are readily available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~prodhomme/cemga.php as part of the CEMGA java package (CTI Effects Models for Gaia).Comment: Accepted by MNRAS on 13 February 2011. 15 pages, 7 figures and 5 table

    Modelling electron distributions within ESA's Gaia satellite CCD pixels to mitigate radiation damage

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    The Gaia satellite is a high-precision astrometry, photometry and spectroscopic ESA cornerstone mission, currently scheduled for launch in 2012. Its primary science drivers are the composition, formation and evolution of the Galaxy. Gaia will achieve its unprecedented positional accuracy requirements with detailed calibration and correction for radiation damage. At L2, protons cause displacement damage in the silicon of CCDs. The resulting traps capture and emit electrons from passing charge packets in the CCD pixel, distorting the image PSF and biasing its centroid. Microscopic models of Gaia's CCDs are being developed to simulate this effect. The key to calculating the probability of an electron being captured by a trap is the 3D electron density within each CCD pixel. However, this has not been physically modelled for the Gaia CCD pixels. In Seabroke, Holland & Cropper (2008), the first paper of this series, we motivated the need for such specialised 3D device modelling and outlined how its future results will fit into Gaia's overall radiation calibration strategy. In this paper, the second of the series, we present our first results using Silvaco's physics-based, engineering software: the ATLAS device simulation framework. Inputting a doping profile, pixel geometry and materials into ATLAS and comparing the results to other simulations reveals that ATLAS has a free parameter, fixed oxide charge, that needs to be calibrated. ATLAS is successfully benchmarked against other simulations and measurements of a test device, identifying how to use it to model Gaia pixels and highlighting the effect of different doping approximations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, appearing in Proc. of SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference (Focal Plane Arrays for Space telescopes IV), 2-6 August 2009, San Diego, US

    Local Stellar Kinematics from RAVE data - VII. Metallicity Gradients from Red Clump Stars

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    We investigate the Milky Way Galaxy's radial and vertical metallicity gradients using a sample of 47,406 red clump stars from the RAVE DR4. This sample is more than twice the size of the largest sample in the literature investigating radial and vertical metallicity gradients. The absolute magnitude of Groenewegen (2008) is used to determine distances to our sample stars. The resulting distances agree with the RAVE DR4 distances Binney et al. (2014) of the same stars. Our photometric method also provides distances to 6185 stars that are not assigned a distance in RAVE DR4. The metallicity gradients are calculated with their current orbital positions (RgcR_{gc} and ZZ) and with their orbital properties (mean Galactocentric distance, RmR_{m} and zmaxz_{max}), as a function of the distance to the Galactic plane: d[Fe/H]/dRgc=R_{gc}=-0.047±0.0030.047\pm0.003 dex/kpc for 0Z0.50\leq |Z|\leq0.5 kpc and d[Fe/H]/dRm=R_m=-0.025±0.0020.025\pm0.002 dex/kpc for 0zmax0.50\leq z_{max}\leq0.5 kpc. This reaffirms the radial metallicity gradient in the thin disc but highlights that gradients are sensitive to the selection effects caused by the difference between RgcR_{gc} and RmR_{m}. The radial gradient is flat in the distance interval 0.5-1 kpc from the plane and then becomes positive greater than 1 kpc from the plane. The radial metallicity gradients are also eccentricity dependent. We showed that d[Fe/H]/dRm=R_m=-0.089±0.0100.089\pm0.010, -0.073±0.0070.073\pm0.007, -0.053±0.0040.053\pm0.004 and -0.044±0.0020.044\pm0.002 dex/kpc for ep0.05e_p\leq0.05, ep0.07e_p\leq0.07, ep0.10e_p\leq0.10 and ep0.20e_p\leq0.20 sub-samples, respectively, in the distance interval 0zmax0.50\leq z_{max}\leq0.5 kpc. Similar trend is found for vertical metallicity gradients. Both the radial and vertical metallicity gradients are found to become shallower as the eccentricity of the sample increases. These findings can be used to constrain different formation scenarios of the thick and thin discs.Comment: 18 pages, including 16 figures and 6 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    Radial Distribution of Stellar Motions in Gaia DR2

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    By taking advantage of the superb measurements of position and velocity for an unprecedented large number of stars provided in Gaia DR2, we have generated the first maps of the rotation velocity, VrotV_{\rm rot}, and vertical velocity, VzV_{\rm z}, distributions as a function of the Galactocentric radius, RgalR_{\rm gal}, across a radial range of 5<Rgal<125<R_{\rm gal}<12~kpc. In the RVrotR-V_{\rm rot} map, we have identified many diagonal ridge features, which are compared with the location of the spiral arms and the expected outer Lindblad resonance of the Galactic bar. We have detected also radial wave-like oscillations of the peak of the vertical velocity distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Lette

    Identification of field dwarfs and giants in the second Radial Velocity Experiment Data Release

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    The second Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) Data Release (DR2) derives log g values. However, we present a simpler and cleaner method of identifying dwarfs and giants by using only magnitudes, which does not require spectroscopic analysis. We confirm the method presented in an earlier paper, with which we estimate the number of dwarfs and giants using their positions in the J–V two-magnitude diagram, by applying it to RAVE DR2. It is effective in estimating the number of dwarfs and giants at J–H > 0.4 compared to RAVE’s log g values. For J–H≤ 0.4, where dwarfs and subgiants show a continuous transition in the J magnitude histogram, we used the Besançon Galaxy model predictions to statistically isolate giants. The percentages of giants for red stars and for the whole sample are 85 and 34 per cent, respectively. If we add the subgiants, the percentage of evolved stars for the whole sample increases to 59 per cent. For the first time in the literature, we have analysed the effect of CHISQ on RAVE’s log g values (CHISQ is the penalized χ2 from RAVE’s technique of finding an optimal match between the observed spectrum and synthetic spectra to derive stellar parameters). Neither the CHISQ values nor the signal-to-noise ratio bias the RAVE log g values. Therefore, the method of identifying dwarfs and giants using the two-magnitude diagram has been verified against an unbiased data set

    Impacts of the Local arm on the local circular velocity inferred from the Gaia DR3 young stars in the Milky Way

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    A simple one-dimensional axisymmetric disc model is applied to the kinematics of OB stars near the Sun obtained from Gaia DR3 catalogue. The model determines the 'local centrifugal speed' Vc(R0)V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0}) - defined as the circular velocity in the Galactocentric rest frame, where the star would move in a near-circular orbit if the potential is axisymmetric with the local potential of the Galaxy. We find that the Vc(R0)V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0}) values and their gradient vary across the selected region of stars within the solar neighbourhood. By comparing with an N-body/hydrodynamic simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy, we find that the kinematics of the young stars in the solar neighbourhood is affected by the Local arm, which makes it difficult to measure Vc(R0)V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0}). However, from the resemblance between the observational data and the simulation, we suggest that the known rotational velocity gap between the Coma Bernices and Hyades-Pleiades moving groups could be driven by the co-rotation resonance of the Local arm, which can be used to infer the azimuthally averaged circular velocity. We find that Vc(R)V_\mathrm{c}(R) obtained from the D<2\mathrm{D}<2 kpc sample is well matched with this gap at the position of the Local arm. Hence, we argue that our results from the D<2\mathrm{D}<2 kpc sample, Vc(R0)=233.95±2.24V_\mathrm{c}(R_{0})= 233.95\pm2.24 km s1\mathrm{s}^{-1}, is close to the azimuthally averaged circular velocity rather than the local centrifugal speed, which is influenced by the presence of the Local arm.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Local stellar kinematics from RAVE data - II. Radial metallicity gradient

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    We investigate radial metallicity gradients for a sample of dwarf stars from the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) Data Release 3 (DR3). We select a total of approximately 17 000 F-type and G-type dwarfs, using a selection of colour, log g and uncertainty in the derived space motion, and calculate for each star a probabilistic (kinematic) population assignment to a thick or thin disc using space motion and additionally another (dynamical) assignment using stellar vertical orbital eccentricity. We additionally subsample by colour, to provide samples biased toward young thin-disc and older thin-disc stars. We derive a metallicity gradient as a function of Galactocentric radial distance, i.e. d[M/H]/dRm=−0.051 ± 0.005 dex kpc−1, for the youngest sample, F-type stars with vertical orbital eccentricities ev≤ 0.04. Samples biased toward older thin-disc stars show systematically shallower abundance gradients

    Gaia CCDs: charge transfer inefficiency measurements between five years of flight

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    The European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft was launched in December 2013 and has been in orbit at the Earth-Sun Lagrange point 2 (L2) for over 6 years. The spacecraft measures the positions, distances, space motions and many other physical characteristics of around one billion stars in the Milky Way and beyond. It has a focal plane of 106 Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) which have all been performing well but have been measuring a small but quantifiable degradation in performance in time due to Non-Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL) damage from interstellar radiation. This NIEL damage produces trap defects which can capture charge from signals and reduces the quality of the data. Gaia’s original mission lifetime was planned to be around 5 years and the pre-flight testing and radiation damage analysis was tailored around those timescales as well as with the projected solar activity before launch. Closer to the time of launch and during Gaia’s years of orbit, it has been noted that the solar activity was lower than what was initially predicted. From the previous analysis of in-flight data in 2016, it was calculated that Gaia was experiencing an order of magnitude less radiation damage than was predicted. This paper describes the analysis of charge calibration data and corresponding Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) measurements from the in-flight CCDs, both near the beginning of the mission and after more than 5 years in orbit to quantify the radiation damage impact. These sets of results can be compared with those from the pre-flight tests which can be used to evaluate and understand the differences between the on-ground and in-flight results

    RVS Spectra of Gaia Photometric Science Alerts

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    Gaia Photometric Science Alerts (GPSA) publishes Gaia G magnitudes and Blue Photometer (BP) and Red Photometer (RP) low-resolution epoch spectra of transient events. 27 high-resolution spectra from Gaia's Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) of 12 GPSAs have also been published. These 27 RVS epoch spectra are presented next to their corresponding BP and RP epoch spectra in a single place for the first time. We also present one new RVS spectrum of a 13th GPSA that could not be published by the GPSA system. Of the 13 GPSA with RVS spectra, five are photometrically classified as unknown, five as supernovae (three as SN Ia, one as SN II, one as SN IIP), one as a cataclysmic variable, one as a binary microlensing event and one as a young stellar object. The five GPSAs classified as unknown are potential scientific opportunities, while all of them are a preview of the epoch RVS spectra that will be published in Gaia's fourth data release