23 research outputs found

    Strengthening Biotechnology Research In Indonesia

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    The wave of biotechnology promises has struck not only the developed countries but the developing countries as well. The scientific community in Indonesia is aware of the opportunities and is eager to take an active part in this particular endeavour. Meanwhile resources are required to welcoming the biotech­nology era. The need of trained manpower, appropriate infrastructure and equipment, operational and maintenance costs requires serious consideration if a unit or a laboratory is expected to be functional in biotechnology. There is a good opportunity of applying biotechnology in the field of agriculture and industry considering the availability of biological resources in Indonesia. This paper outlines what have been done so far, the difficulties encountered and the efforts made to strengthening biotechnology research in Indonesia

    Komponen Hayati Yang Sering Dijumpai Di Pekarangan Kasus Teluknaga, Citeureup Dan Pacet

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    D.S. SASTRAPRADJA, M. IMELDA & S. ADISOEMARTO.1985. Biological components frequently encountered in the kitchen gardens : thein Teluk Naga, Citeureup and Pacet.Berita Biologi 3 (2) : 25 - 36. Based on the grouping into ornamental plants, fruit trees, vegetables, medicinal plants, industrial plants and tu\u27oer crops, the vegetation of kitchen gardens showed uniform peicentage in the three study localities.The highest was occupied by ornamental plants, followed by lruit trees and vegetables, then industrial and medicinal plants, while the least was tuber crops.However, the three localities showed variations in frequency classes of each plant group, whilst in total, these frequency classes were uniform. Animal comiponents in the kitchen gardens were represented by variaous numbers of species in the three localities.In any case, chickens were the dominant group of animals, These birds were raised traditionally in most cases.Of the decomposing insects, each of the three localities showed their specificities. The coastal area was dominated by underground beetles, the interior low land by termites and the higher altitude by dung beetles. Different compositions were showed also by the insect pest groups


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    Di Indonesia ada dua marga polong-polongan yang dimanfaatkan bijinya untuk makanan manusia. Kedua marga tersebut adalah Parkia dan Pithecellebium. Dari tiga Jenis Parkia yang dilaporkan tumbuh di Jawa, P. speciosa merupakan petai yang limum diperjualbelikan.Menurut Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink (1963), petai menyilang secara alami dengan kedawung (P. roxburghiij dan bastar alaminya adalah P. intermedia.Dari segi morfologi, petai dan kedawung mud&h dibedakan, baik dari segi perawakan pohon maupun sifat-sifat polongnya.Dengan demikian adanya bastar antara kedua jenis yang berbeda sifatnya ini akan dapat dikenali dengan mudah pula.Meskipun petai sudah lama dibudidayakan dan dimanfaatkan, keanekaragaman yang ada pada petai ini belum diungkapkan.Memang benar Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink (1963) menyebutkan bahwa dua macam P.intermedia menyerupai petai sifat-sifatnya, tetapi secara jelas tidak disinggung sifat-sifat yang berbeda pada contoh-contoh petai sendiri.Berbicara mengenai keanekaragaman petai, pada akhir bulan Mei 1979 dari pasar besar Padang dikumpulkan contoh-contoh petai yang dijual di sana. Keanekaragaman polong dan biji dibahas.Demikian juga kadar protein bijinya


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    D.S. SASTRAPRADJA, M. IMELDA & S. ADISOEMARTO.1985. Biological components frequently encountered in the kitchen gardens : thein Teluk Naga, Citeureup and Pacet.Berita Biologi 3 (2) : 25 - 36. Based on the grouping into ornamental plants, fruit trees, vegetables, medicinal plants, industrial plants and tu'oer crops, the vegetation of kitchen gardens showed uniform peicentage in the three study localities.The highest was occupied by ornamental plants, followed by lruit trees and vegetables, then industrial and medicinal plants, while the least was tuber crops.However, the three localities showed variations in frequency classes of each plant group, whilst in total, these frequency classes were uniform. Animal comiponents in the kitchen gardens were represented by variaous numbers of species in the three localities.In any case, chickens were the dominant group of animals, These birds were raised traditionally in most cases.Of the decomposing insects, each of the three localities showed their specificities. The coastal area was dominated by underground beetles, the interior low land by termites and the higher altitude by dung beetles. Different compositions were showed also by the insect pest groups


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    Potensi jenis-jenis Costus (Zingiberaceae) sebagai sumber diosgenin diungkapkan pada penelitian ini. C speciosus (Koen.) J.E. Smith (pacing) dan beberapa jenis Costus lainnya seperti C. rumphianus Valet., C. spimlis Rose dan C. villocissimus Jacq yang banyak terdapat di Indonesia mengandung 0,8 sampai 2,9% diosgenin pada rimpangnya, sedang pada biji C. speciosus terdapat 3.1 sampai 3.6% diosgenin. Pertumbuhan yang cepat dan bio massanya yang tinggi, merupakan sifat-sifat yang mendukung pemanfaatan Costus ini sebagai penghasil diosgenin. Bagaimana kaitan sifat-sifat pertumbuhan dengan kadar diosgeninnya dianalisis

    Abstrak Makalah Persidangan Poster Dalam Rangka Ulang Tahun Kebun Raya Indonesia,lbn-lipi 18 Mei 1817-1984

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    Potensi jenis-jenis Costus (Zingiberaceae) sebagai sumber diosgenin diungkapkan pada penelitian ini. C speciosus (Koen.) J.E. Smith (pacing) dan beberapa jenis Costus lainnya seperti C. rumphianus Valet., C. spimlis Rose dan C. villocissimus Jacq yang banyak terdapat di Indonesia mengandung 0,8 sampai 2,9% diosgenin pada rimpangnya, sedang pada biji C. speciosus terdapat 3.1 sampai 3.6% diosgenin. Pertumbuhan yang cepat dan bio massanya yang tinggi, merupakan sifat-sifat yang mendukung pemanfaatan Costus ini sebagai penghasil diosgenin. Bagaimana kaitan sifat-sifat pertumbuhan dengan kadar diosgeninnya dianalisis