7 research outputs found

    Buddhist Ethics in Economic System

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    The research was conducted to find out why Buddhist ethics important for the economic system, to know the ethics according to Buddhism and the benefits of Buddhist ethics in the global era of the economic system. The data of the research was collected to identify the texts from the Scriptures of the Tipitaka/Tripitaka related to the main problem. All collected data were analyzed and dissected using the theory included structural, hermeneutic, and paticcasamuppada functionalism. The theories were used to compile the role of the Buddhist ethics in the economic system, the hope was through the role and implementation of the Buddhist ethics in the future will be a living condition for being happy and welfare. Regarding the household (micro) economic system, the Buddhist ethics were used to create a happy and prosperous household life. Thus, the householders were free from poverty with the right livelihood, to use wealth properly, and to develop spiritual virtues. Related to the government/state (macro) economy, the Buddhist ethics play an important role in creating happiness to live together in the nation and state. The Buddhist ethics in the economic system offered a middle way system between capitalism and socialism. The Buddhist ethics contributed greatly related to the development of the economic system. It was very relevant in dealing with the current situation, especially, in human character building, developing tolerance, and service culture, social independence building, building, and work ethic enhancing, building an openness spirit, motivation to do better, as an accommodative step facing of the free competition

    Kebijakan USAha Tambang Batubara di Kawasan Hutan: Studi Kasus Kalimantan Timur

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    Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) merupakan provinsi yang paling kaya akan sumber daya batubara di Pulau Kalimantan. Namun demikian, persoalan tambang batubara di Kaltim cukup kompleks khususnya keberadaan USAha tambang di kawasan hutan yang tidak prosedural mencapai 2 kali lipat dari jumlah unit yang berizin resmi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (i) mengkaji perkembangan USAha tambang batubara di Kaltim, (ii) menganalisis perijinan tambang batubara, (iii) mengidentifikasi persoalan konflik kebijakan USAha tambang, dan (iv) menyusun kebijakan resolusi konflik tambang di kawasan hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi batubaranya Kaltim setiap tahun mencapai 192,97juta ton atau 86% dari produksi batubara nasional dan ekspornya mencapai 145,82 juta ton atau 73% dari total ekspor batabara nasional. Saat ini USAha tambang di kawasan hutannya mencapai 159 unit dengan luasan sebesar 362.061 ha, tetapi jumlah unit USAha tambang batubara yang tidak prosedural sebanyak 223 unit dengan luasan 774.519 ha. Kasus-kasus konflik USAha tambang di kawasan hutan berbeda-beda di setiap kabupaten dengan faktor penyebab dan dampak yang berbeda-beda juga sehingga menuntut resolusi konflik yang khas sesuai dengan karakteristik dan tipe konflik yang dihadapinya. Ada tujuh aksi yang harus diambil dalam penyusunan kebijakan sebagai upaya penyelesian konflik-konflik tambang di kawasan hutan

    Peta Beberapa Penyakit Hewan di Propinsi Sumatera Barat, Jambi dan Riau

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    Usaha pemetaan penyakit yang ditemuakn dan didiagnosa di BPH Bukittinggi sudah dilakukan sejak tahun 1974.Beberapa penyakit yang ditemukan dibuatkan titik lokasinya dan daerah penyebaran penyakit tersebut di suatu kabupaten digambar. Demikian juga data mengenai bulan kejadian dan banyaknya kasus yang berhasil dikumpulkan di dalam rangka memberikan informamsi yang diperlukan mengenai penyakit hewan kepada Dinas Peternakan.Pemetaan dan Data ini penting artinya dalam perencanaan pemberantasan oleh Dinas Peternakan dalam hal menentukan macam obat, jenis vaksin dan jadwal vaksinasi

    Relevansi Surat Edaran Menteri Agama Tentang Pedoman Pengeras Suara di Masjid/Mushollah dalam Mengimplementasikan Toleransi Umat Beragama Kota Lubuklinggau

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    The issuance of a circular letter from the minister of religion regarding the rules for loudspeakers in mosques/mushollah indeed brings many positive and negative sides. Each resident has the choice to decide to admit or dismiss. This small-scale research is planned to find out and understand the fairness of issuing circulars from scholars regarding the rules for loudspeakers in mosques or rooms asking for God with the peculiarities experienced by non-Muslim community groups in the city of Lubuklinggau. Therefore, leading research is very important. The right exploration strategy for us to use in overcoming these problems is a subjective examination technique that puts forward interviews (interviews). From the consequences of our exploration, it is possible to reason that the circular letter of the religious pastor regarding the rules for amplifiers in the mosque/mushollah in the view of non-Muslim groups in Lubuklinggau is very relevant. less applicable. This is because there is only one respondent who feels helped by the circular letter. Meanwhile, 1 other respondent felt that the round had no impact, and surprisingly, 1 other reaction emphatically rejected it