1,766 research outputs found

    Upper bounds on fault tolerance thresholds of noisy Clifford-based quantum computers

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    We consider the possibility of adding noise to a quantum circuit to make it efficiently simulatable classically. In previous works, this approach has been used to derive upper bounds to fault tolerance thresholds-usually by identifying a privileged resource, such as an entangling gate or a non-Clifford operation, and then deriving the noise levels required to make it 'unprivileged'. In this work, we consider extensions of this approach where noise is added to Clifford gates too and then 'commuted' around until it concentrates on attacking the non-Clifford resource. While commuting noise around is not always straightforward, we find that easy instances can be identified in popular fault tolerance proposals, thereby enabling sharper upper bounds to be derived in these cases. For instance we find that if we take Knill's (2005 Nature 434 39) fault tolerance proposal together with the ability to prepare any possible state in the XY plane of the Bloch sphere, then not more than 3.69% error-per-gate noise is sufficient to make it classical, and 13.71% of Knill's noise model is sufficient. These bounds have been derived without noise being added to the decoding parts of the circuits. Introducing such noise in a toy example suggests that the present approach can be optimized further to yield tighter bounds

    Families of pure PEPS with efficiently simulatable local hidden variable models for most measurements

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    An important problem in quantum information theory is to understand what makes entangled quantum systems non-local or hard to simulate efficiently. In this work we consider situations in which various parties have access to a restricted set of measurements on their particles, and construct entangled quantum states that are essentially classical for those measurements. In particular, given any set of local measurements on a large enough Hilbert space whose dual strictly contains (i.e. contains an open neighborhood of) a pure state, we use the PEPS formalism and ideas from generalized probabilistic theories to construct pure multiparty entangled states that have (a) local hidden variable models, and (b) can be efficiently simulated classically. We believe that the examples we construct cannot be efficiently classically simulated using previous techniques. Without the restriction on the measurements, the states that we construct are non-local, and in some proof-of-principle cases are universal for measurement based quantum computation.This work was supported by EPSRC grant EP/K022512/1.This work was supported by EPSRC grant EP/K022512/1

    Nonlocality, Asymmetry, and Distinguishing Bipartite States

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    Entanglement is an useful resource because some global operations cannot be locally implemented using classical communication. We prove a number of results about what is and is not locally possible. We focus on orthogonal states, which can always be globally distinguished. We establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for a general set of 2x2 quantum states to be locally distinguishable, and for a general set of 2xn quantum states to be distinguished given an initial measurement of the qubit. These results reveal a fundamental asymmetry to nonlocality, which is the origin of ``nonlocality without entanglement'', and we present a very simple proof of this phenomenon.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Improved in line with referees comments, references added, typo corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Generalised state spaces and non-locality in fault tolerant quantum computing schemes

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    We develop connections between generalised notions of entanglement and quantum computational devices where the measurements available are restricted, either because they are noisy and/or because by design they are only along Pauli directions. By considering restricted measurements one can (by considering the dual positive operators) construct single particle state spaces that are different to the usual quantum state space. This leads to a modified notion of entanglement that can be very different to the quantum version (for example, Bell states can become separable). We use this approach to develop alternative methods of classical simulation that have strong connections to the study of non-local correlations: we construct noisy quantum computers that admit operations outside the Clifford set and can generate some forms of multiparty quantum entanglement, but are otherwise classical in that they can be efficiently simulated classically and cannot generate non-local statistics. Although the approach provides new regimes of noisy quantum evolution that can be efficiently simulated classically, it does not appear to lead to significant reductions of existing upper bounds to fault tolerance thresholds for common noise models.Comment: V2: 18 sides, 7 figures. Corrected two erroneous claims and one erroneous argumen

    Entanglement of multiparty stabilizer, symmetric, and antisymmetric states

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    We study various distance-like entanglement measures of multipartite states under certain symmetries. Using group averaging techniques we provide conditions under which the relative entropy of entanglement, the geometric measure of entanglement and the logarithmic robustness are equivalent. We consider important classes of multiparty states, and in particular show that these measures are equivalent for all stabilizer states, symmetric basis and antisymmetric basis states. We rigorously prove a conjecture that the closest product state of permutation symmetric states can always be chosen to be permutation symmetric. This allows us to calculate the explicit values of various entanglement measures for symmetric and antisymmetric basis states, observing that antisymmetric states are generally more entangled. We use these results to obtain a variety of interesting ensembles of quantum states for which the optimal LOCC discrimination probability may be explicitly determined and achieved. We also discuss applications to the construction of optimal entanglement witnesses

    Classical simulatability, entanglement breaking, and quantum computation thresholds

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    We investigate the amount of noise required to turn a universal quantum gate set into one that can be efficiently modelled classically. This question is useful for providing upper bounds on fault tolerant thresholds, and for understanding the nature of the quantum/classical computational transition. We refine some previously known upper bounds using two different strategies. The first one involves the introduction of bi-entangling operations, a class of classically simulatable machines that can generate at most bipartite entanglement. Using this class we show that it is possible to sharpen previously obtained upper bounds in certain cases. As an example, we show that under depolarizing noise on the controlled-not gate, the previously known upper bound of 74% can be sharpened to around 67%. Another interesting consequence is that measurement based schemes cannot work using only 2-qubit non-degenerate projections. In the second strand of the work we utilize the Gottesman-Knill theorem on the classically efficient simulation of Clifford group operations. The bounds attained for the pi/8 gate using this approach can be as low as 15% for general single gate noise, and 30% for dephasing noise.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. v2: small typos changed, no change to result

    Spin chains and channels with memory

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    In most studies of the channel capacity of quantum channels, it is assumed that the errors in each use of the channel are independent. However, recent work has begun to investigate the effects of memory or correlations in the error. This work has led to speculation that interesting non-analytic behaviour may occur in the capacity. Motivated by these observations, we connect the study of channel capacities under correlated error to the study of critical behaviour in many-body physics. This connection enables us the techniques of many-body physics to either completely solve or understand qualitatively a number of interesting models of correlated error. The models can display analogous behaviour to associated many-body systems, including `phase transitions'.Comment: V2: changes in presentation, some additional comments on generalisation. V3: In accordance with published version, most (but not all) details of proofs now included. A separate paper will shortly be submitted separately with all details and more result
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