1,543 research outputs found

    Classification of Several Skin Cancer Types Based on Autofluorescence Intensity of Visible Light to Near Infrared Ratio

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    Skin cancer is a Malignant growth on the skin caused by many factors. The most common skin cancers are Basal Cell Cancer (BCC) and Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC). This research uses a discriminant analysis to classify some tissues of skin cancer based on criterion number of independent variables. An independent variable is variation of excitation light sources (LED lamp), filters, and sensors to measure autofluorescence intensity (IAF) of visible light to near infrared (VIS/NIR) ratio of paraffin embedded tissue biopsy from BCC, SCC, and Lipoma. From the result of discriminant analysis, it is known that the discriminant function is determined by 4 (four) independent variables i.e., blue LED-red filter, blue LED-yellow filter, UV LED-blue filter, and UV LED-yellow filter. The accuracy of discriminant in classifying the analysis of three skin cancer tissues is 100%

    Peran World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) dalam Perlindungan Badak di Afrika Selatan Tahun 2010-2014

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    This research aims to analyze the role of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Rhino Protection in South Africa. South Africa has the highest rhino population in Africa. As home for the African rhinoceros, South Africa faced by the high level of rhino poaching because that, the rhino population in South Africa getting decreased every year since 2010.This research use library research method. All data in this research collected from books, literature, magazine articles, journals, bulletins, documents and websites. This research use international organization level of analyze that focused on WWF. Besides that, this research also using pluralism perspective the assumpt state is not the single actor in international relations.This research concluded that WWFs role to influence the South African government to improve monitoring and make a policy for rhino conservation. WWF success to ask the South African government to establish cooperation with rhinos horn consumer countries to combat rhino poaching in South Africa. Besides that, WWF and South African government made a cooperation to stopping rhino poaching in some national parks of South Africa.Keywords: role of WWF, rhino poaching, protect, South Afric

    Perancangan Kapal Kontainer 400 Teu Dengan Radius Pelayaran 764 Mil Laut

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    Kapal kontainer adalah kapal yang khusus digunakan untuk mengangkut peti kemas yang standar. Memiliki rongga (cells) untuk menyimpan peti kemas ukuran standar. Peti kemas diangkat ke atas kapal di terminal peti kemas dengan menggunakan crane / derek khusus yang dapat dilakukan dengan cepat, baik derek-derek yang berada di dermaga maupun derek yang berada di atas kapal itu sendiri. Pada penelitian ini direncanakan desain lambung kapal, hidrostatik, hambatan, stabilitas dan olah gerak kapal yang sesuai dengan standart IMO. Ukuran utama kapal didapatkan menggunakan metode regresi yang didasarkan pada data 7 kapal pembanding. Dari ukuran utama yang didapat kemudian dilakukan pembuatan linesplan, general arrangement, hambatan kapal, olah gerak kapal dan stabilitas kapal yang sesuai dengan standart IMO. Setelah dilakukan analisa dengan menggunakan metode regresi yang didasarkan pada data 7 kapal pembanding yang diambil dari register Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia tahun 2001 dihasilkan alternatif ukuran utama kapal, yaitu dengan panjang kapal (Lpp) = 102,79 m, lebar kapal (B) = 18,47 m, tinggi kapal (H) = 8,74 m, sarat kapal (T) = 6,49 m, dan kecepatan kapal (Vd) = 14 knot. Pada kecepatan maksimal 14 knot hambatan yang di terima sebesar = 255 KN dan power sebesar 2623.68 Hp. Nilai GZ maksimum kapal = 47,3 – 49,1 m.deg dan nilai GM awal = 2,245 – 10,461 m

    Pengaman Sepeda Motor Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    In this paper, we present an additional security device for motorcycles. When a motorcycle with this security device is stolen, the security device will stop the motorcycle from working and ring the alarm. The security system will also send an SMS and make 3 phone calls to the motorcycle owner's mobile phone. The tests performed on a motorcycle brand "S" show that the security system works as expected. When the secret switch is turned on and the ignition is switched on, the alarm immediately rang and the motorcycle engine could not be turned on. Within 3-5 seconds later the phone owner received an SMS message "your bike is stolen" and 3 phone calls.Pada makalah ini dibahas sistem pengamanan tambahan untuk sepeda motor. Sistem pengaman diaktifkan dengan cara meng-ON-kan saklar yang ditempatkan di tempat tersembunyi yang hanya diketahui oleh pemilik sepeda motor. Apabila terjadi percobaan pencurian maka pengaman tambahan ini akan menyebabkan mesin sepeda motor tidak dapat dinyalakan dan membunyikan alarm. Selain itu sistem pengaman akan mengirimkan SMS dan panggilan telepon sebanyak 3 kali ke nomor handphone pemilik sepeda motor. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada sepeda motor merk “S” menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengaman telah bekerja sesuai yang telahdiharapkan. Ketika saklar rahasia diaktifkan dan kunci kontak dinyalakan, maka klakson akan langsung berbunyi dan mesin sepeda motor tidak dapat dihidupkan. Selanjutnya dalam waktu 3-5 detik handphone pemilik akan menerima SMS “motor anda dicuri” dan panggilan telepon sebanyak 3 kali

    Survey Dan Pemetaan Status Hara-P Di Kecamatan Kabanjahe Kabupaten Karo

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    The research of survey and mapping nutriens status of P2O5 at Kabanjahe sub-district, regensi Karo, aims to determine the spread of the availability of P2O5 in agricultural areas for plants. The survey was conducted using a free grid survey methode with with density 6.25 ha each of the grid and analysis of P2O5 content of 25% HCl extract. Analysis of the levels of P2O5 done in the laboratory of Research and Technology of the North Sumatra University, Medan. The results showed that the P2O5 classified into 5 criteria such as; very low 18.74 ha, 10 ha Low, Medium 70 ha, 140 ha of high and very high 343.75 ha. From the results obtained by laboratory analysis of soil samples with the highest P2O5 content is 2,376 % and lowest content is 0,016 %

    Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Kayu Benuang (Octomeles Sumatrana Miq) Yang Didensifikasi Berdasarkan Suhu Dan Waktu Kempa

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    Benuang (Octomeles sumatrana Miq) wood less attractive to industrial carpentry, because of Benuang wood has a low at strength level (strength class IV - V). Densification of wood is one solution, which is the timber compaction process that aims to improve the strength and durability of the wood. There are two factors for treatment in this study that include temperature factors felts (1700C, 1800C and 1900C) and Time Felts (50 minutes and 60 minutes). Samples made of from Benuang with wood measuring 30 cm (L) x 8 cm (W) x 4 cm (H), then steamed in an autoclave and hot pressed (hot press) with a target thickness of 30% and the pressure felt by 60 kg/cm2. Then created a test sample for testing. The parameters measured are physical properties (color and touch wood impression, moisture content, density and dimensional changes) and mechanical properties (static bending persistence / Modulus of Elasticity, strength of bending fracture / Modulus of Rupture, and firmness press parallel fiber / Cruishing Maximum Strength). The design that used in this study is a 3x2 factorial experimental design in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications. Results showed that the densification process on wood Benuang generally not been able to increase the strength of the timber, that is still in the same class with the timber control (strenght class IV-V). But partially strength there is still best value that on the showed densification timber with temperature 1800C with clamp time for 60 minutes, with decrease in water content of 43.12%, increase in value density of 27,22%, dimensional change impairment of 7,57%, MOE impairment of 71,61%, MOR values decrease by 61,93% and MCS impairment of 18,41%. Keyword : Octomeles sumatran

    Neck injury patterns resulting from the use of petrol and electric chainsaws in suicides. Report on two cases.

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    Suicides due to neck injuries caused by chainsaws are uncommon events. The cutting elements of petrol and electric chainsaws produce different features in lethal neck injuries. The accurate evaluation of the death scene, of the power and mechanical characteristics of the chainsaw and of wound morphology are all essential in distinguishing a case of suicide. \ua9 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    HIV-Reverse Transcriptase Inhibition: Inclusion of Ligand-Induced Fit by Cross-Docking Studies

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    Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) have, in addition to the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and protease inhibitors (PIs), a definitive role in the treatment of HIV-1 infections. Since the appearance of HEPT and TIBO, more than 30 structurally different classes of compounds have been reported as NNRTIs, which are specific inhibitors of HIV-1 replication, targeting the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT). Nevirapine and delavirdine are the first formally licensed for clinical use, and others have been licensed afterward, while several are in preclinical or clinical development. The NNRTIs interact with a specific site of HIV-1 RT (nonnucleoside binding site, NNBS) that is close to, but distinct from, the NRTI binding site. In this work we report the application of the Autodock program assessing its usability through reproduction of 41 NNRTI experimental bound conformations. Moreover, cross-docking experiments on the wild-type and mutated RT forms were conducted to take into account the enzyme flexibility as a valuable tool for structure-based drug design (SBDD) studies and to gain insight on the mode of action of new anti-HIV agents active against both wild-type and resistant strains
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