20 research outputs found

    Vitamin D and HIV Progression among Tanzanian Adults Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Background: There is growing evidence of an association between low vitamin D and HIV disease progression; however, no prospective studies have been conducted among adults receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels were assessed at ART initiation for a randomly selected cohort of HIV-infected adults enrolled in a trial of multivitamins (not including vitamin D) in Tanzania during 2006–2010. Participants were prospectively followed at monthly clinic visits for a median of 20.6 months. CD4 T-cell measurements were obtained every 4 months. Proportional hazard models were utilized for mortality analyses while generalized estimating equations were used for CD4 T-cell counts. Results: Serum 25(OH)D was measured in 1103 adults 9.2% were classified as vitamin D deficient (30 ng/mL). After multivariate adjustment, vitamin D deficiency was significantly associated with increased mortality as compared to vitamin D sufficiency (HR: 2.00; 95% CI: 1.19–3.37; p = 0.009), whereas no significant association was found for vitamin D insufficiency (HR: 1.24; 95% CI: 0.87–1.78; p = 0.24). No effect modification by ART regimen or change in the associations over time was detected. Vitamin D status was not associated with change in CD4 T-cell count after ART initiation. Conclusions: Deficient vitamin D levels may lead to increased mortality in individuals receiving ART and this relationship does not appear to be due to impaired CD4 T-cell reconstitution. Randomized controlled trials are needed to determine the safety and efficacy of vitamin D supplementation for individuals receiving ART

    Suppression of Poxvirus Replication by Resveratrol

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    Poxviruses continue to cause serious diseases even after eradication of the historically deadly infectious human disease, smallpox. Poxviruses are currently being developed as vaccine vectors and cancer therapeutic agents. Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol stilbenoid found in plants that has been shown to inhibit or enhance replication of a number of viruses, but the effect of resveratrol on poxvirus replication is unknown. In the present study, we found that resveratrol dramatically suppressed the replication of vaccinia virus (VACV), the prototypic member of poxviruses, in various cell types. Resveratrol also significantly reduced the replication of monkeypox virus, a zoonotic virus that is endemic in Western and Central Africa and causes human mortality. The inhibitory effect of resveratrol on poxviruses is independent of VACV N1 protein, a potential resveratrol binding target. Further experiments demonstrated that resveratrol had little effect on VACV early gene expression, while it suppressed VACV DNA synthesis, and subsequently post-replicative gene expression

    Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) Complex Proteins Facilitate Orthopoxvirus Entry, Fusion and Spread

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    Although orthopoxviruses (OPXV) are known to encode a majority of the genes required for replication in host cells, genome-wide genetic screens have revealed that several host pathways are indispensable for OPXV infection. Through a haploid genetic screen, we previously identified several host genes required for monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection, including the individual genes that form the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex. The COG complex is an eight-protein (COG1–COG8) vesicle tethering complex important for regulating membrane trafficking, glycosylation enzymes, and maintaining Golgi structure. In this study, we investigated the role of the COG complex in OPXV infection using cell lines with individual COG gene knockout (KO) mutations. COG KO cells infected with MPXV and vaccinia virus (VACV) produced small plaques and a lower virus yield compared to wild type (WT) cells. In cells where the KO phenotype was reversed using a rescue plasmid, the size of virus plaques increased demonstrating a direct link between the decrease in viral spread and the KO of COG genes. KO cells infected with VACV displayed lower levels of viral fusion and entry compared to WT suggesting that the COG complex is important for early events in OPXV infection. Additionally, fewer actin tails were observed in VACV-infected KO cells compared to WT. Since COG complex proteins are required for cellular trafficking of glycosylated membrane proteins, the disruption of this process due to lack of individual COG complex proteins may potentially impair the virus-cell interactions required for viral entry and egress. These data validate that the COG complex previously identified in our genetic screens plays a role in OPXV infection

    Imatinib Triggers Phagolysosome Acidification and Antimicrobial Activity against Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guerin in Glucocorticoid-Treated Human Macrophages

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    Glucocorticoids are extensively used to treat inflammatory diseases; however, their chronic intake increases the risk for mycobacterial infections. Meanwhile, the effects of glucocorticoids on innate host responses are incompletely understood. In this study, we investigated the direct effects of glucocorticoids on antimycobacterial host defense in primary human macrophages. We found that glucocorticoids triggered the expression of cathelicidin, an antimicrobial critical for antimycobacterial responses, independent of the intracellular vitamin D metabolism. Despite upregulating cathelicidin, glucocorticoids failed to promote macrophage antimycobacterial activity. Gene expression profiles of human macrophages treated with glucocorticoids and/or IFN-gamma, which promotes induction of cathelicidin, as well as antimycobacterial activity, were investigated. Using weighted gene coexpression network analysis, we identified a module of highly connected genes that was strongly inversely correlated with glucocorticoid treatment and associated with IFN-gamma stimulation. This module was linked to the biological functions autophagy, phagosome maturation, and lytic vacuole/lysosome, and contained the vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit a3, alias TCIRG1, a known antimycobacterial host defense gene, as a top hub gene. We next found that glucocorticoids, in contrast with IFN-gamma, failed to trigger expression and phagolyso-some recruitment of TCIRG1, as well as to promote lysosome acidification. Finally, we demonstrated that the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib induces lysosome acidification and antimicrobial activity in glucocorticoid-treated macrophages without reversing the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids. Taken together, we provide evidence that the induction of cathelicidin by glucocorticoids is not sufficient for macrophage antimicrobial activity, and identify the vacuolar H+-ATPase as a potential target for host-directed therapy in the context of glucocorticoid therapy