55 research outputs found

    Density matrix renormalization group for disordered bosons in one dimension

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    We calculate the zero-temperature phase diagram of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension using the density matrix renormalization group. For integer filling the Mott insulator is always separated from the superfluid by a Bose glass phase. There is a reentrance of the Bose glass both as a function of the repulsive interaction and of disorder. At half-filling where no Mott insulator exists, the superfluid density has a maximum where the kinetic and repulsive energies are about the same. Superfluidity is suppressed both for small and very strong repulsion but is always monotonic in disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, uses RevTe

    Dirty quantum Hall ferromagnets and quantum Hall spin glasses

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    We study quantum Hall ferromagnets in the presence of a random electrostatic impurity potential, within the framework of a classical non-linear sigma model. We discuss the behaviour of the system using a heuristic picture for the competition between exchange and screening, and test our conclusions with extensive numerical simulations. We obtain a phase diagram for the system as a function of disorder strength and deviation of the average Landau level filling factor from unity. Screening of an impurity potential requires distortions of the spin configuration. In the absence of Zeeman coupling there is a disorder-driven, zero-temperature phase transition from a ferromagnet at weak disorder and small deviation from integer filling to a spin glass at stronger disorder or large charge deviation. We characterise the spin glass phase in terms of its magnetic and charge response, as well as its ac conductivity.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, REVTEX

    Commensurate-incommensurate transition of cold atoms in an optical lattice

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    An atomic gas subject to a commensurate periodic potential generated by an optical lattice undergoes a superfluid--Mott insulator transition. Confining a strongly interacting gas to one dimension generates an instability where an arbitrary weak potential is sufficient to pin the atoms into the Mott state; here, we derive the corresponding phase diagram. The commensurate pinned state may be detected via its finite excitation gap and the Bragg peaks in the static structure factor.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Large-N theory of strongly commensurate dirty-bosons: absence of transition in two dimensions

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    The spherical limit of strongly commensurate dirty-bosons is studied perturbatively at weak disorder and numerically at strong disorder in two dimensions (2D). We argue that disorder is not perfectly screened by interactions, and consequently that the ground state in the effective Anderson localisation problem always remains localised. As a result there is only a gapped Mott insulator phase in the theory. Comparisons with other studies and the parallel with disordered fermions in 2D are discussed. We conjecture that while for the physical cases N=2 (XY) and N=1 (Ising) the theory should have the ordered phase, it may not for N=3 (Heisenberg).Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Minor typographical errors correcte

    Spin textures, screening and excitations in dirty quantum Hall ferromagnets

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    We study quantum Hall ferromagnets in the presence of a random electrostatic impurity potential. Describing these systems with a classical non-linear sigma model and using analytical estimates supported by results from numerical simulations, we examine the nature of the ground state as a function of disorder strength, Δ\Delta, and deviation, δν\delta \nu, of the average Landau level filling factor from unity. Screening of an impurity potential requires distortions of the spin configuration, and in the absence of Zeeman coupling there is a disorder-driven, zero-temperature phase transition from a ferromagnet at small Δ\Delta and δν|\delta \nu| to a spin glass at larger Δ\Delta or δν|\delta \nu|. We examine ground-state response functions and excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Stochastic Mean-Field Theory for the Disordered Bose-Hubbard Model

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    We investigate the effect of diagonal disorder on bosons in an optical lattice described by an Anderson-Hubbard model at zero temperature. It is known that within Gutzwiller mean-field theory spatially resolved calculations suffer particularly from finite system sizes in the disordered case, while arithmetic averaging of the order parameter cannot describe the Bose glass phase for finite hopping J>0J>0. Here we present and apply a new \emph{stochastic} mean-field theory which captures localization due to disorder, includes non-trivial dimensional effects beyond the mean-field scaling level and is applicable in the thermodynamic limit. In contrast to fermionic systems, we find the existence of a critical hopping strength, above which the system remains superfluid for arbitrarily strong disorder.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Strong coupling expansion for the Bose-Hubbard and the Jaynes-Cummings lattice model

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    A strong coupling expansion, based on the Kato-Bloch perturbation theory, which has recently been proposed by Eckardt et al. [Phys. Rev. B 79, 195131] and Teichmann et al. [Phys. Rev. B 79, 224515] is implemented in order to study various aspects of the Bose-Hubbard and the Jaynes-Cummings lattice model. The approach, which allows to generate numerically all diagrams up to a desired order in the interaction strength is generalized for disordered systems and for the Jaynes-Cummings lattice model. Results for the Bose-Hubbard and the Jaynes-Cummings lattice model will be presented and compared with results from VCA and DMRG. Our focus will be on the Mott insulator to superfluid transition.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figure

    Glassy features of a Bose Glass

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    We study a two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model at a zero temperature with random local potentials in the presence of either uniform or binary disorder. Many low-energy metastable configurations are found with virtually the same energy as the ground state. These are characterized by the same blotchy pattern of the, in principle, complex nonzero local order parameter as the ground state. Yet, unlike the ground state, each island exhibits an overall random independent phase. The different phases in different coherent islands could provide a further explanation for the lack of coherence observed in experiments on Bose glasses.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures

    Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in Disordered Optical Superlattices

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    The influence of disorder on ultracold atomic Bose gases in quasiperiodic optical lattices is discussed in the framework of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. It is shown that simple periodic modulations of the well depths generate a rich phase diagram consisting of superfluid, Mott insulator, Bose-glass and Anderson localized phases. The detailed evolution of mean occupation numbers and number fluctuations as function of modulation amplitude and interaction strength is discussed. Finally, the signatures of the different phases, especially of the Bose-glass phase, in matter-wave interference experiments are investigated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, using REVTEX

    Fragmented superfluid due to frustration of cold atoms in optical lattices

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    A one dimensional optical lattice is considered where a second dimension is encoded in the internal states of the atoms giving effective ladder systems. Frustration is introduced by an additional optical lattice that induces tunneling of superposed atomic states. The effects of frustration range from the stabilization of the Mott insulator phase with ferromagnetic order, to the breakdown of superfluidity and the formation of a macroscopically fragmented phase.Comment: New version, more results, about 20 page