399 research outputs found

    Energy spectra of gamma-rays, electrons and neutrinos produced at interactions of relativistic protons with low energy radiation

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    We derived simple analytical parametrizations for energy distributions of photons, electrons, and neutrinos produced in interactions of relativistic protons with an isotropic monochromatic radiation field. The results on photomeson processes are obtained using numerical simulations of proton-photon interactions based on the public available Monte-Carlo code SOPHIA. For calculations of energy spectra of electrons and positrons from the pair production (Bethe-Heitler) process we suggest a simple formalism based on the well-known differential cross-section of the process in the rest frame of the proton. The analytical presentations of energy distributions of photons and leptons provide a simple but accurate approach for calculations of broad-band energy spectra of gamma-rays and neutrinos in cosmic proton accelerators located in radiation dominated environments.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, published in Phys.Rev.D. We have corrected two misprints in the text. We note that the correct expressions were used for calculations in the previous versions of the paper, thus the misprints did not have an impact on the figure

    On the spectral shape of radiation due to Inverse Compton Scattering close to the maximum cut-off

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    The spectral shape of radiation due to Inverse Compton Scattering is analyzed, in the Thomson and the Klein-Nishina regime, for electron distributions with exponential cut-off. We derive analytical, asymptotic expressions for the spectrum close to the maximum cut-off region. We consider monoenergetic, Planckian and Synchrotron photons as target photon fields. These approximations provide a direct link between the distribution of parent electrons and the up-scattered spectrum at the cut-off region.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Synchro-curvature radiation of charged particles in the strong curved magnetic fields

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    It is generally believed that the radiation of relativistic particles in a curved magnetic field proceeds in either the synchrotron or the curvature radiation modes. In this paper we show that in strong curved magnetic fields a significant fraction of the energy of relativistic electrons can be radiated away in the intermediate, the so-called synchro-curvature regime. Because of the persistent change of the trajectory curvature, the radiation varies with the frequency of particle gyration. While this effect can be ignored in the synchrotron and curvature regimes, the variability plays a key role in the formation of the synchro-curvature radiation. Using the Hamiltonian formalism, we find that the particle trajectory has the form of a helix wound around the drift trajectory. This allows us to calculate analytically the intensity and energy distribution of prompt radiation in the general case of magnetic bremsstrahlung in the curved magnetic field. We show that the transition to the limit of the synchrotron and curvature radiation regimes is determined by the relation between the drift velocity and the component of the particle velocity perpendicular to the drift trajectory. The detailed numerical calculations, which take into account the energy losses of particles, confirm the principal conclusions based on the simplified analytical treatment of the problem, and allow us to analyze quantitatively the transition between different radiation regimes for a broad range of initial pitch angles. We argue that in the case of realization of specific configurations of the electric and magnetic fields, the gamma-ray emission of the pulsar magnetospheres can be dominated by the component radiated in the synchro-curvature regime.Comment: this article supersedes arXiv:1207.6903 and arXiv:1305.078

    On transition of propagation of relativistic particles from the ballistic to the diffusion regime

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    A stationary distribution function that describes the entire processes of propagation of relativistic particles, including the transition between the ballistic and diffusion regimes, is obtained. The spacial component of the constructed function satisfies to the first two moments of the Boltzmann equation. The angular part of the distribution provides accurate values for the angular moments derived from the Boltzmann equation, and gives a correct expression in the limit of small-angle approximation. Using the derived function, we studied the gamma-ray images produced through the pppp interaction of relativistic particles with gas clouds in the proximity of the accelerator. In general, the morphology and the energy spectra of gamma-rays significantly deviate from the "standard" results corresponding to the propagation of relativistic particles strictly in the diffusion regime

    Mechanics and kinetics in the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker space-times

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    Using the standard canonical formalism, the equations of mechanics and kinetics in the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) space-times in Cartesian coordinates have been obtained. The transformation law of the generalized momentum under the shift of the origin of the coordinate system has been found, and the form invariance of the Hamiltonian function relative to the shift transformation has been proved. The general solution of the collisionless Boltzmann equation has been found. In the case of the homogeneous distribution the solutions of the kinetic equation for several simple, but important for applications, cases have been obtained

    Point Charge Self-Energy in the General Relativity

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    Singularities in the metric of the classical solutions to the Einstein equations (Schwarzschild, Kerr, Reissner -- Nordstr\"om and Kerr -- Newman solutions) lead to appearance of generalized functions in the Einstein tensor that are not usually taken into consideration. The generalized functions can be of a more complex nature than the Dirac \d-function. To study them, a technique has been used based on a limiting solution sequence. The solutions are shown to satisfy the Einstein equations everywhere, if the energy-momentum tensor has a relevant singular addition of non-electromagnetic origin. When the addition is included, the total energy proves finite and equal to mc2mc^2, while for the Kerr and Kerr--Newman solutions the angular momentum is mcamc {\bf a}. As the Reissner--Nordstr\"om and Kerr--Newman solutions correspond to the point charge in the classical electrodynamics, the result obtained allows us to view the point charge self-energy divergence problem in a new fashion.Comment: VI Fridmann Seminar, France, Corsica, Corgeze, 2004, LaTeX, 6 pages, 2 fige

    Angular, spectral, and time distributions of highest energy protons and associated secondary gamma-rays and neutrinos propagating through extragalactic magnetic and radiation fields

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    The angular, spectral and temporal features of the highest energy protons and accompanying them secondary neutrinos and synchrotron gamma-rays propagating through the intergalactic magnetic and radiation fields are studied using the analytical solutions of the Boltzmann transport equation obtained in the limit of the small-angle and continuous-energy-loss approximation.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Production of muon pairs in annihilation of high-energy positrons with resting electrons

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    A Monte Carlo generator for the electromagnetic production of muon pairs by annihilation of high-energy positrons with atomic electrons is described. The computer code is designed as a standard electromagnetic process for GEANT4. The formulas and algorithms are described and illustrated in detail. The code has been applied to study muon production by high energy positrons in a spoiler. The results are presented and compared to muon pair production by gamma conversion
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