15 research outputs found

    Usporedba djelovanja blokatora kalcijevih kanala, blokatora autonomnoga živčanog sustava te inhibitora slobodnih radikala na hiposekreciju inzulin iz izolirnih langerhansovih otočića štakora uzrokovanu diazinonom

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    Hyperglycaemia has been observed with exposure to organophosphate insecticides. This study was designed to compare the effects of calcium channel blockers, alpha-adrenergic, beta-adrenergic, and muscarinic receptor blockers, and of free radical scavengers on insulin secretion from diazinon-treated islets of Langerhans isolated from the pancreas of rats using standard collagenase digestion, separation by centrifugation, and hand-picking technique. The islets were then cultured in an incubator at 37 °C and 5 % CO2. In each experimental set 1 mL of 8 mmol L-1 glucose plus 125 µg mL-1 or 625 µg mL-1 of diazinon were added, except for the control group, which received 8 mmol L-1 glucose alone. The cultures were then treated with one of the following: 30 µmol L-1 atropine, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmine, 0.1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipine, 50 µmol L-1 phenoxybenzamine, or 10 µmol L-1 alphatocopherol. In all experiments, diazinon significantly reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion at both doses, showing no dose dependency, as the average inhibition for the lower dose was 62.20 % and for the higher dose 64.38 %. Acetylcholine and alpha-tocopherol restored, whereas atropine potentiated diazinoninduced hyposecretion of insulin. Alpha-, beta- and calcium channel blockers did not change diazinoninduced effects. These findings suggest that diazinon affects insulin secretion mainly by disturbing the balance between free radicals and antioxidants in the islets of Langerhans and by inducing toxic stress.U osoba izloženih organofosfatnim insekticidima zamijećen je nastanak hiperglikemije. Svrha je ovo istraživanja bila usporediti djelovanje blokatora kalcijevih kanala, alfa i beta-adrenergičkih i muskarinskih receptora te inhibicije slobodnih radikala na lučenje inzulina iz Langerhansovih otočića izoliranih iz štakora tretiranih diazinonom. Otočići su izolirani iz gušterače štakora s pomoću standardnog postupka digestije kolagenazom, odvajanja centrifugiranjem i metodom ručnog probira (engl. hand-picking) te su kultivirani u inkubatoru pri 37 °C i 5 % CO2. Pokusne su kulture inkubirane s 1 mL glukoze u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1 te diazinonom u dozi od 125 μg mL-1, odnosno 625 μg mL-1. U kontrolu je dodana samo glukoza u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1. Nakon toga je u kulture dodan jedan od sljedećih agenasa: 30 µmol L-1 atropin, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmin, 0,1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipin, 50 µmol L-1 fenoksibenzamin, odnosno 10 µmol L-1 alfa-tokoferol. U svim je pokusima diazinon značajno smanjio lučenje inzulina, s time da je doza od 125 μg mL-1 dovela do 62,2 %-tne inhibicije, a doza od 625 μg mL-1 do 64,38 %-tne inhibicije lučenja inzulina, što upućuje na djelovanje neovisno o dozi. Acetilkolin i alfa-tokoferol su ponovno potaknuli lučenje inzulina, za razliku od atropina koji ga je dodatno smanjio. Primjena blokatora alfa i beta-adrenergičkih receptora te blokatora kalcijevih kanala nije utjecala na djelovanje diazinona. Autori zaključuju da diazinon utječe na lučenje inzulina ponajviše narušavanjem ravnoteže između slobodnih radikala i antioksidansa u Langerhansovim otočićima te dovodi do toksičnoga stresa

    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) activates AMPK through the inhibition of glutamate dehydrogenase in muscle and pancreatic ß-cells: A potential beneficial effect in the pre-diabetic state?

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    Glucose homeostasis is determined by insulin secretion from the ß-cells in pancreatic islets and by glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and other insulin target tissues. While glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) senses mitochondrial energy supply and regulates insulin secretion, its role in the muscle has not been elucidated. Here we investigated the possible interplay between GDH and the cytosolic energy sensing enzyme 5'-AMP kinase (AMPK), in both isolated islets and myotubes from mice and humans. The green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) was used to inhibit GDH. Insulin secretion was reduced by EGCG upon glucose stimulation and blocked in response to glutamine combined with the allosteric GDH activator BCH (2-aminobicyclo-[2,2,1] heptane-2-carboxylic acid). Insulin secretion was similarly decreased in islets of mice with ß-cell-targeted deletion of GDH (ßGlud1(-/-)). EGCG did not further reduce insulin secretion in the mutant islets, validating its specificity. In human islets, EGCG attenuated both basal and nutrient-stimulated insulin secretion. Glutamine/BCH-induced lowering of AMPK phosphorylation did not operate in ßGlud1(-/-) islets and was similarly prevented by EGCG in control islets, while high glucose systematically inactivated AMPK. In mouse C2C12 myotubes, like in islets, the inhibition of AMPK following GDH activation with glutamine/BCH was reversed by EGCG. Stimulation of GDH in primary human myotubes caused lowering of insulin-induced 2-deoxy-glucose uptake, partially counteracted by EGCG. Thus, mitochondrial energy provision through anaplerotic input via GDH influences the activity of the cytosolic energy sensor AMPK. EGCG may be useful in obesity by resensitizing insulin-resistant muscle while blunting hypersecretion of insulin in hypermetabolic states

    Delineation of glutamate pathways and secretory responses in pancreatic islets with β-cell-specific abrogation of the glutamate dehydrogenase

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    In pancreatic β-cells, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) modulates insulin secretion, although its function regarding specific secretagogues is unclear. This study investigated the role of GDH using a β-cell-specific GDH knockout mouse model, called βGlud1(-/-). The absence of GDH in islets isolated from βGlud1(-/-) mice resulted in abrogation of insulin release evoked by glutamine combined with 2-aminobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid or l-leucine. Reintroduction of GDH in βGlud1(-/-) islets fully restored the secretory response. Regarding glucose stimulation, insulin secretion in islets isolated from βGlud1(-/-) mice exhibited half of the response measured in control islets. The amplifying pathway, tested at stimulatory glucose concentrations in the presence of KCl and diazoxide, was markedly inhibited in βGlud1(-/-) islets. On glucose stimulation, net synthesis of glutamate from α-ketoglutarate was impaired in GDH-deficient islets. Accordingly, glucose-induced elevation of glutamate levels observed in control islets was absent in βGlud1(-/-) islets. Parallel biochemical pathways, namely alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, could not compensate for the lack of GDH. However, the secretory response to glucose was fully restored by the provision of cellular glutamate when βGlud1(-/-) islets were exposed to dimethyl glutamate. This shows that permissive levels of glutamate are required for the full development of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and that GDH plays an indispensable role in this process

    Delineation of glutamate pathways and secretory responses in pancreatic islets with β-cell–specific abrogation of the glutamate dehydrogenase

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    In pancreatic β-cells, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) modulates insulin secretion, although its function regarding specific secretagogues is unclear. This study investigated the role of GDH using a β-cell–specific GDH knockout mouse model, called βGlud1(−/−). The absence of GDH in islets isolated from βGlud1(–/–) mice resulted in abrogation of insulin release evoked by glutamine combined with 2-aminobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid or l-leucine. Reintroduction of GDH in βGlud1(–/–) islets fully restored the secretory response. Regarding glucose stimulation, insulin secretion in islets isolated from βGlud1(–/–) mice exhibited half of the response measured in control islets. The amplifying pathway, tested at stimulatory glucose concentrations in the presence of KCl and diazoxide, was markedly inhibited in βGlud1(–/–) islets. On glucose stimulation, net synthesis of glutamate from α-ketoglutarate was impaired in GDH-deficient islets. Accordingly, glucose-induced elevation of glutamate levels observed in control islets was absent in βGlud1(–/–) islets. Parallel biochemical pathways, namely alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, could not compensate for the lack of GDH. However, the secretory response to glucose was fully restored by the provision of cellular glutamate when βGlud1(–/–) islets were exposed to dimethyl glutamate. This shows that permissive levels of glutamate are required for the full development of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and that GDH plays an indispensable role in this process