2,681 research outputs found

    Contrary to First Impression, Genes are Patentable: Should There be Limitations?

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    An empirical study of electricity and gas demand drivers in large food retail buildings of a national organisation

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    AbstractFood retail buildings account for a measurable proportion of a country's energy consumption and resultant carbon emissions so energy-operating costs are key business considerations. Increased understanding of end-use energy demands in this sector can enable development of effective benchmarking systems to underpin energy management tools. This could aid identification and evaluation of interventions to reduce operational energy demand. Whilst there are a number of theoretical and semi-empirical benchmarking and thermal modelling tools that can be used for food retail building stocks, these do not readily account for the variance of technical and non-technical factors that can influence end-use demands.This paper discusses the various drivers of energy end-uses of typical UK food retail stores. It reports on an empirical study of one organisation's hypermarket stock to evaluate the influence of various factors on annual store electricity and gas demands. Multiple regression models are discussed in the context of the development and application of a methodology for estimating annual energy end-use demand in food retail buildings. The established models account for 75% of the variation in electricity demand, 50% of the variation in gas demand in stores without CHP and 77% of the variation in gas demand in stores with CHP

    NHEJ protects mycobacteria in stationary phase against the harmful effects of desiccation

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    The physiological role of the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) was examined in Mycobacterium smegmatis using DNA repair mutants (DeltarecA, Deltaku, DeltaligD, Deltaku/ligD, DeltarecA/ku/ligD). Wild-type and mutant strains were exposed to a range of doses of ionizing radiation at specific points in their life-cycle. NHEJ-mutant strains (Deltaku, DeltaligD, Deltaku/ligD) were significantly more sensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) during stationary phase than wild-type M. smegmatis. However, there was little difference in IR sensitivity between NHEJ-mutant and wild-type strains in logarithmic phase. Similarly, NHEJ-mutant strains were more sensitive to prolonged desiccation than wild-type M. smegmatis. A DeltarecA mutant strain was more sensitive to desiccation and IR during both stationary and especially in logarithmic phase, compared to wild-type strain, but it was significantly less sensitive to IR than the DeltarecA/ku/ligD triple mutant during stationary phase. These data suggest that NHEJ and homologous recombination are the preferred DSB repair pathways employed by M. smegmatis during stationary and logarithmic phases, respectively

    Determination of characteristic muon precession and relaxation signals in FeAs and FeAs2, possible impurity phases in pnictide superconductors

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    We report muon-spin relaxation measurements of highly homogeneous samples of FeAs and FeAs2, both previously found as impurity phases in some samples of recently synthesized pnictide superconductors. We observe well defined muon precession in the FeAs sample with two precession frequencies of 38.2(3) and 22.7(9) MHz at 7.5 K, with the majority of the amplitude corresponding to the lower frequency component. In FeAs2 we confirm previous measurements showing that no long-ranged magnetic order occurs above 2 K and measure the muon spin relaxation rate, which increases on cooling. Our results exclude the possibility that previous muon-spin relaxation measurements of pnictide superconductors have been measuring the effect of these possible impurities.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, corrected Figure

    Obese Subjects Show Sex-Specific Differences in Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

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    As right ventricular (RV) remodeling in obesity remains underinvestigated, and the impact of left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction on RV hypertrophy is unknown, we aimed to investigate whether (1) sex-specific patterns of RV remodeling exist in obesity and (2) LV diastolic dysfunction in obesity is related to RV hypertrophy.Seven hundred thirty-nine subjects (women, n=345; men, n=394) without identifiable cardiovascular risk factors (body mass index [BMI], 15.3-59.2 kg/m2) underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance (1.5 T) to measure RV mass (g), RV end-diastolic volume (mL), RV mass/volume ratio, and LV diastolic peak filling rate (mL/s). All subjects were normotensive (average, 119±11/73±8 mm Hg), normoglycaemic (4.8±0.5 mmol/L), and normocholesterolaemic (4.8±0.9 mmol/L) at the time of scanning. Across both sexes, there was a moderately strong positive correlation between BMI and RV mass (men, +0.8 g per BMI point increase; women, +1.0 g per BMI point increase; both P<0.001). Whereas women exhibited RV cavity dilatation (RV end-diastolic volume, +1.0 mL per BMI point increase; P<0.001), BMI was not correlated with RV end-diastolic volume in men (R=0.04; P=0.51). Concentric RV remodeling was present in both sexes, with RV mass/volume ratio being positively correlated to BMI (men, R=0.41; women, R=0.51; both P<0.001). Irrespective of sex, the LV peak filling rate was negatively correlated with both RV mass (men, R=-0.43; women, R=-0.44; both P<0.001) and RV mass/volume ratio (men, R=-0.37; women, R=-0.35; both P<0.001).A sex difference in RV remodeling exists in obesity. Whereas men exhibit concentric RV remodeling, women exhibit a mixed pattern of eccentric and concentric remodeling. Regardless of sex, reduced LV diastolic function is associated with concentric RV remodeling

    Normal Acquisition of Expertise with Greebles in Two Cases of Acquired Prosopagnosia

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    Face recognition is generally thought to rely on different neurocognitive mechanisms than most types of objects, but the specificity of these mechanisms is debated. One account suggests the mechanisms are specific to upright faces, whereas the expertise view proposes the mechanisms operate on objects of high within-class similarity with which an observer has become proficient at rapid individuation. Much of the evidence cited in support of the expertise view comes from laboratory-based training experiments involving computer-generated objects called greebles that are designed to place face-like demands on recognition mechanisms. A fundamental prediction of the expertise hypothesis is that recognition deficits with faces will be accompanied by deficits with objects of expertise. Here we present two cases of acquired prosopagnosia, Herschel and Florence, who violate this prediction: Both show normal performance in a standard greeble training procedure, along with severe deficits on a matched face training procedure. Herschel and Florence also meet several response time criteria that advocates of the expertise view suggest signal successful acquisition of greeble expertise. Furthermore, Herschel’s results show that greeble learning can occur without normal functioning of the right fusiform face area, an area proposed to mediate greeble expertise. The marked dissociation between face and greeble expertise undermines greeble-based claims challenging face-specificity and indicates face recognition mechanisms are not necessary for object recognition after laboratory-based training


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    We followed the abundance and distribution of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA) in the North Sea from April 2003 to February 2005 and from October 2007 to March 2008 by quantification of archaeal genes and core glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) membrane lipids in suspended particulate matter, to determine whether their abundance in the North Sea is seasonal. GDGT and gene abundance increased during winters and was low during the summer. Crenarchaeol-a GDGT specific to AOA-was a major fraction of the GDGTs and varied in concert with AOA gene abundance, indicating that AOA are the predominant source of crenarchaeol. The presence of crenarchaeol-based intact polar lipids (IPLs) confirmed that the GDGTs recovered were derived from living AOA, as IPLs are rapidly degraded upon cell senescence and thus their occurrence represents living biomass more robustly than their fossil (i.e., core GDGT) counterparts. Dark incubations of North Sea water sampled during the 2007-2008 seasonal cycle with C-13-labeled bicarbonate revealed incorporation of inorganic carbon into IPL-derived GDGTs, directly showing autotrophic production of Thaumarchaeota biomass during the winter. Inhibition of C-13 uptake by nitrification inhibitors confirmed that ammonia oxidation was the main source of energy for carbon fixation. Winter blooms of planktonic AOA in the North Sea were recurrent and predictable, occurring annually between November and February, emphasizing the potential importance of AOA in nitrogen cycling in the North Sea

    Nitrification and growth of autotrophic nitrifying bacteria and Thaumarchaeota in the coastal North Sea

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    Nitrification and the associated growth of autotrophic nitrifiers, as well as the contributions of bacteria and Thaumarchaeota to total autotrophic C-fixation by nitrifiers were investigated in the Dutch coastal North Sea from October 2007 to March 2008. Rates of nitrification were determined by incubation of water samples with <sup>15</sup>N-ammonium and growth of autotrophic nitrifiers was measured by incubation with <sup>13</sup>C-DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) in the presence and absence of nitrification inhibitors (nitrapyrin and chlorate) in combination with compound-specific stable isotope (<sup>13</sup>C) analysis of bacterial and Thaumarchaeotal lipid biomarkers. Net nitrification during the sampling period was evident from the concentration dynamics of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate. Measured nitrification rates were high (41–221 nmol N L<sup>-1</sup> h<sup>-1</sup>). Ammonium assimilation was always substantially lower than nitrification – with nitrification on average contributing 89% (range 73–97%) to total ammonium consumption.<sup>13</sup>C-DIC fixation into bacterial and Thaumarchaeotal lipids was strongly reduced by the nitrification inhibitors (27–95 %). The inhibitor-sensitive <sup>13</sup>C-PLFA (phospholipid-derived fatty acid) pool was dominated by the common PLFAs 16:0, 16:1?7c and 18:1?7c throughout the whole sampling period and occasionally also included the polyunsaturated fatty acids 18:2?6c and18:3?3. <sup>13</sup>C-DIC fixation activity of the nitrifying bacteria was much higher than that of the nitrifying Thaumarchaeota throughout the whole sampling period, even during the peak in Thaumarchaeotal abundance and activity. This suggests that the contribution of autotrophic Thaumarchaeota to nitrification during winter in the coastal North Sea may have been smaller than expected from their gene abundance (16S rRNA and <i>amoA</i> (ammonia monooxygenase)). These results emphasize the importance of direct measurements of the actual activity of bacteria and Thaumarchaeota, rather than abundance measurements only, in order to elucidate their biogeochemical importance. The ratio between rates of nitrification versus DIC fixation by bacterial nitrifiers was higher or even much higher than typical values for autotrophic nitrifiers, indicating that little DIC was fixed relative to the amount of energy that was generated by nitrification

    Short emergency department length of stay attributed to full-body digital radiography - a review of 3 paediatric cases

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    Multiple casualties strain the resources of emergency departments. Two polytraumatised patients arriving simultaneously can overwhelm a small community hospital, while the capacity of a large urban emergency department does not extend beyond the treatment of 3 - 4 severely injured patients at the same time using the routine trauma protocol.1 Emergency department overcrowding because of multiple casualties leads to increased length of stay and can have an adverse effect on patient outcome. Variations from the norm in trauma management, particularly during the initial assessment and resuscitation phase of care, during a multiple casualty incident, has been associated with 10% and 9% incidence of preventable morbidity and mortality, respectively.2 Inadequate evaluation may contribute to up to 30% of early deaths in children with polytrauma.

    Iatrogenic pneumatosis intestinalis and pneumatosis hepatis

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    A term male fetus with meconium-stained liquor was delivered at a peripheral hospital. He developed abdominal distension and bile-stained vomiting shortly after birth. Meconium ingestion was suspected. Gastric lavage was attempted using inappropriately high volumes and concentrations of sodium bicarbonate in this newborn with undiagnosed jejunal atresia. Subsequent abdominal radiographs documented the presence of the jejunal atresia and pneumatosis intestinalis (PI), together with air in both the porta hepatis and liver parenchyma (Figs 1 - 3). The latter features were interpreted as representing necrotising enterocolitis. The child was transferred to Red Cross Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, for corrective surgery