270 research outputs found

    Exact relations between damage spreading and thermodynamic functions for the N-color Ashkin-Teller model

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    Exact results are derived relating quantities computable by the so-called damage spreading method and thermodynamic functions for the N-color Ashkin-Teller model. The results are valid for any ergodic dynamics. Since we restrict our analysis to the ferromagnetic case the results are also valid for any translational invariant lattice. The derived relations should be used in order to determine numerically the N-color Ashkin-Teller critical exponents with better accuracy and less computational efforts than standard Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in JSTAT (Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment). The results of a computer simulation were included for N=3 as an example on how to use the analytical relations derived in the paper as a guide to obtain the critical temperature and critical exponent


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    The design, operation, applications, limitations, and programming of an electronic analog computer are described. (C.J.G.

    Dynamika zmian i zależność od masy lewej komory stężenia endoteliny u chorych poddanych planowej przezskórnej angioplastyce wieńcowej

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    Wstęp: Endotelina (Et-1) jest 21-aminokwasowym peptydem, uznawanym za jeden z najsilniejszych czynników wazokonstrykcyjnych. Wywołuje ona powoli narastający, ale długotrwały skurcz mięśni gładkich naczyń krwionośnych. Wzrostu stężenia Et-1 można się spodziewać w odpowiedzi na każdą, nawet niewielką zmianę przepływu krwi w naczyniu bądź reakcję zapalną. Zwiększoną immunoreaktywność Et-1 stwierdzono w blaszkach ateromatycznych izolowanych z naczyń wieńcowych u ok. 80% chorych z niestabilną dławicą piersiową. Badania kliniczne przeprowadzone w ostatnich latach potwierdzają obserwację, że u pacjentów zarówno ze stabilną, jak i niestabilną postacią choroby niedokrwiennej serca stężenia Et-1 w osoczu krwi są podwyższone. Uwzględniając powyższe rozważania, zaplanowano badanie, którego celem była ocena stopnia uwalniania Et-1 w grupie chorych ze stabilną dławicą piersiową poddanych zabiegowi planowej angioplastyki naczyń wieńcowych (PTCA) oraz próba ustalenia zależności pomiędzy osoczowym stężeniem Et-1 a masą lewej komory. Materiał i metody: Grupa badana obejmowała 19 osób (8 kobiet, 11 mężczyzn) w wieku średnio 57,4 roku, ze stabilną dławicą piersiową, poddanych planowej PTCA. U wszystkich chorych przeprowadzono badanie echokardiograficzne. Masę lewej komory obliczono zgodnie z zaleceniami Uniwersytetu Stanu Pensylwania (Penn convention). W dalszych badaniach posługiwano się, bardziej obiektywnym zdaniem wielu autorów, wskaźnikiem masy lewej komory wyrażonym w g/m2. W trakcie PTCA pobierano krew z obwodu przed zabiegiem (Et-A) oraz 3-krotnie z zatoki wieńcowej: przed rozpoczęciem zabiegu (Et-B) oraz po pierwszej (Et-C) i drugiej (Et-D) inflacji balonu w tętnicy wieńcowej. W każdej próbce krwi oznaczono stężenie Et-1, używając gotowych zestawów radioimmunologicznych firmy Peninsula. Wyniki: Po pierwszej inflacji balonu w tętnicy wieńcowej średnie stężenie Et-1 było znamiennie wyższe niż stężenie wyjściowe, czyli oznaczone przed rozpoczęciem PTCA (p < 0,05). Po drugiej inflacji balonu średnie stężenie Et-1 było statystycznie znamiennie wyższe niż stężenie wyjściowe, jednak istotnie obniżone w porównaniu ze stężeniem Et-1 oznaczonym w tej samej grupie po pierwszej inflacji (p < 0,05). W grupie I stężenia Et-1 dodatnio korelowały ze wskaźnikiem masy lewej komory. Wnioski: Zabieg PTCA przeprowadzony u pacjentów w stabilnym okresie choroby wieńcowej prowadzi do wzrostu stężenia Et-1 w krwi. Masa lewej komory istotnie wpływa na stopień uwalniania ET-1

    A Study in Depth of f0(1370)

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    Claims have been made that f0(1370) does not exist. The five primary sets of data requiring its existence are refitted. Major dispersive effects due to the opening of the 4pi threshold are included for the first time; the sigma -> 4pi amplitude plays a strong role. Crystal Barrel data on pbar-p -> 3pizero at rest require f0(1370) signals of at least 32 and 33 standard deviations in 1S0 and 3P1 annihilation respectively. Furthermore, they agree within 5 MeV for mass and width. Data on pbar-p -> eta-eta-pizero agree and require at least a 19 standard deviation contribution. This alone is sufficient to demonstrate the existence of f0(1370). BES II data for J/Psi -> phi-pi-pi contain a visible f0(1370) signal > 8 standard devations. In all cases, a resonant phase variation is required. The possibility of a second pole in the sigma amplitude due to the opening of the 4pi channel is excluded. Cern-Munich data for pi-pi elastic scattering are fitted well with the inclusion of some mixing between sigma, f0(1370) and f0(1500). The pi-pi widths for f2(1565), rho3(1690), rho3(1990) and f4(2040) are determined.Comment: 25 pages, 22 figures. Typos corrected in Eqs 2 and 7. Introduction rewritten. Conclusions unchange

    Relativistic Effects in the Scalar Meson Dynamics

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    A separable potential formalism is used to describe the ππ\pi\pi and KK‾K\overline{K} interactions in the scalar-isoscalar states in the energy range from the ππ\pi\pi threshold up to 1.4 GeV. Introduction of relativistic propagators into a system of Lippmann-Schwinger equations leads to a very good description of the data (χ2=0.93\chi^{2}=0.93 per one degree of freedom). Three poles are found in this energy region: fo(500) (M=506±10M=506\pm 10 MeV, Γ=494±5\Gamma=494\pm 5 MeV), fo(975) (M=973±2M=973\pm 2 MeV, Γ=29±2\Gamma=29\pm 2 MeV) and fo(1400) (M=1430±5M=1430\pm 5 MeV, Γ=145±25\Gamma=145\pm 25 MeV). The fo(975) state can be interpreted as a KK‾K\overline{K} bound state. The fo(500) state may be associated with the often postulated very broad scalar resonance under the KK‾K\overline{K} threshold (sometimes called σ\sigma or ϵ\epsilon meson). The scattering lengths in the ππ\pi\pi and KK‾K\overline{K} channels have also been obtained. The relativistic approach provides qualitatively new results (e.g. the appearance of the fo(500)) in comparison with previously used nonrelativistic approach.Comment: 30 pages in LaTeX + 5 figures available on request. Preprint Orsay No IPNO/TH 93-3

    LaAlO3 stoichiometry found key to electron liquid formation at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces

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    Emergent phenomena, including superconductivity and magnetism, found in the two-dimensional electron liquid (2-DEL) at the interface between the insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 distinguish this rich system from conventional two-dimensional electron gases at compound semiconductor interfaces. The origin of this 2-DEL, however, is highly debated with focus on the role of defects in the SrTiO3 while the LaAlO3 has been assumed perfect. Our experiments and first principles calculations show that the cation stoichiometry of the nominal LaAlO3 layer is key to 2-DEL formation: only Al-rich LaAlO3 results in a 2-DEL. While extrinsic defects including oxygen deficiency are known to render LaAlO3/SrTiO3 samples conducting, our results show that in the absence of such extrinsic defects, an interface 2-DEL can form. Its origin is consistent with an intrinsic electronic reconstruction occurring to counteract a polarization catastrophe. This work provides a roadmap for identifying other interfaces where emergent behaviors await discovery

    Programmed death ligand-1 expression on donor T cells drives graft-versus-host disease lethality

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    Programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) interaction with PD-1 induces T cell exhaustion and is a therapeutic target to enhance immune responses against cancer and chronic infections. In murine bone marrow transplant models, PD-L1 expression on host target tissues reduces the incidence of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). PD-L1 is also expressed on T cells; however, it is unclear whether PD-L1 on this population influences immune function. Here, we examined the effects of PD-L1 modulation of T cell function in GVHD. In patients with severe GVHD, PD-L1 expression was increased on donor T cells. Compared with mice that received WT T cells, GVHD was reduced in animals that received T cells from Pdl1–/– donors. PD-L1–deficient T cells had reduced expression of gut homing receptors, diminished production of inflammatory cytokines, and enhanced rates of apoptosis. Moreover, multiple bioenergetic pathways, including aerobic glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and fatty acid metabolism, were also reduced in T cells lacking PD-L1. Finally, the reduction of acute GVHD lethality in mice that received Pdl1–/– donor cells did not affect graft-versus-leukemia responses. These data demonstrate that PD-L1 selectively enhances T cell–mediated immune responses, suggesting a context-dependent function of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis, and suggest selective inhibition of PD-L1 on donor T cells as a potential strategy to prevent or ameliorate GVHD

    Feed-Forward Microprocessing and Splicing Activities at a MicroRNA–Containing Intron

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    The majority of mammalian microRNA (miRNA) genes reside within introns of protein-encoding and non-coding genes, yet the mechanisms coordinating primary transcript processing into both mature miRNA and spliced mRNA are poorly understood. Analysis of melanoma invasion suppressor miR-211 expressed from intron 6 of melastatin revealed that microprocessing of miR-211 promotes splicing of the exon 6–exon 7 junction of melastatin by a mechanism requiring the RNase III activity of Drosha. Additionally, mutations in the 5′ splice site (5′SS), but not in the 3′SS, branch point, or polypyrimidine tract of intron 6 reduced miR-211 biogenesis and Drosha recruitment to intron 6, indicating that 5′SS recognition by the spliceosome promotes microprocessing of miR-211. Globally, knockdown of U1 splicing factors reduced intronic miRNA expression. Our data demonstrate novel mutually-cooperative microprocessing and splicing activities at an intronic miRNA locus and suggest that the initiation of spliceosome assembly may promote microprocessing of intronic miRNAs

    Chromophobe renal cell cancer - review of the literature and potential methods of treating metastatic disease

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    Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (ChRCC) is a subtype of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). ChRCC is diagnosed mainly in 6th decade of life. An incidence of ChRCC is similar in both men and woman. Eighty six percent of ChRCCs cases are diagnosed in stage 1 or 2. Prognosis of ChRCC is better than in other types of RCC. Five- and 10-year disease free survival (DFS) for ChRCC was 83.9% and 77.9%, respectively. Expression of immunohistological markers: cytokeratins (CK), vimentin, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), CD10 could be potentially helpful in diagnosis of different subtypes of RCC. From all conventional RCC, CD 117 was detected (overexpression) in membrane of cells ChRCC
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