353 research outputs found

    Transport of cross helicity and radial evolution of alfvenicity in the solar wind

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    A transport theory including cross helicity, magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) turbulence, and driving by shear and pickup ions, is applied to the radial evolution of the solar wind. The radial decrease of cross helicity observed in the solar wind can be accounted for when sufficient driving is included to overcome the inherent tendency for MHD turbulence to produce Alfvenic states

    Radial evolution of cross helicity at low and high latitudes in the solar wind

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    We employ a turbulence transport theory to the radial evolution of the solar wind at both low and high latitudes. The theory includes cross helicity, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, and driving by shear and pickup ions. The radial decrease of cross helicity, observed in both low and high latitudes, can be accounted for by including sufficient shear driving to overcome the tendency of MHD turbulence to produce Alfvénic states. The shear driving is weaker at high latitudes leading to a slower evolution. Model results are compared with observations from Ulysses and Voyager

    Stabilization of expansive soils using alkali activated fly ash

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    This research work presents the efficacy of sodium based alkaline activators and class F fly ash as an additive in improving the engineering characteristics of expansive Black cotton soils. Sodium hydroxide concentrations of 10, 12.5 and 15 molal along with 1 Molar solution of sodium silicate were used as activators. The activator to ash ratios was kept between between 1 and 2.5 and ash percentages of 20, 30 and 40 %, relatively to the total solids. The effectiveness of this binder is tested by conducting the Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) at curing periods of 3,7 and 28 days and is compared with that of a common fly ash based binder, also the most effective mixtures were analysed for mineralogy with XRD. Suitability of alkaline activated fly ash mix as a grouting material is also ascertained by studying the rheological properties of the grout such as, setting time, density and viscosity and is compared with that of common cement grouts. Results shows that the fluidity of the grouts correlate very well with UCS, with an increase in the former resulting in a decrease in the latter

    Optimal Stack Layout in a Sea Container Terminal with Automated Lifting Vehicles

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    Container terminal performance is largely determined by its design decisions, which include the number and type of quay cranes (QCs), stack cranes (SCs), transport vehicles, vehicle travel path, and stack layout. The terminal design process is complex because it is affected by factors such as topological constraints, stochastic interactions among the quayside, vehicle transport and stackside operations. Further, the orientation of the stack layout (parallel or perpendicular to the quayside) plays an important role in the throughput time performance of the terminals. Previous studies in this area typically use deterministic optimization or probabilistic travel time models to analyze the effect of stack layout on terminal throughput times, and ignore the stochastic interactions among the resou

    Topological Structure of Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain Networks

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    Empirical analyses of supply chain networks (SCNs) in extant literature have been rare due to scarcity of data. As a result, theoretical research have relied on arbitrary growth models to generate network topologies supposedly representative of real-world SCNs. Our study is aimed at filling the above gap by systematically analysing a set of manufacturing sector SCNs to establish their topological characteristics. In particular, we compare the differences in topologies of undirected contractual relationships (UCR) and directed material flow (DMF) SCNs. The DMF SCNs are different from the typical UCR SCNs since they are characterised by a strictly tiered and an acyclic structure which does not permit clustering. Additionally, we investigate the SCNs for any self-organized topological features. We find that most SCNs indicate disassortative mixing and power law distribution in terms of interfirm connections. Furthermore, compared to randomised ensembles, self-organized topological features were evident in some SCNs in the form of either overrepresented regimes of moderate betweenness firms or underrepresented regimes of low betweenness firms. Finally, we introduce a simple and intuitive method for estimating the robustness of DMF SCNs, considering the loss of demand due to firm disruptions. Our work could be used as a benchmark for any future analyses of SCNs

    Extraction of Scandium (III) from acidic solutions using organo-phosphoric acid reagents: A comparative study

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    Comparative and synergistic solvent extraction of Sc(III) using two phosphoric acidic reagents such as di-(2-ethyhexyl) phosphoric acid and 2,4,4,tri-methyl,pentyl-phosphinic acid was investigated. Slope analysis method suggests a cation exchange reaction of Sc(III) with both extractants at a molar ratio of extractant: Sc(III) = 2.5:1 at equilibrium pH< 1.5. The plot of log D vs. log [Extractant] yield the slope (n) value as low as 1.2-1.3 and as high as n=7 at low and high extrcatant concentration level, respectively. Extraction isotherm study predicted the need of 2 stages at A: O=1:4 and A: O=1:3 using 0.1 M D2EHPA and 0.1 M Cyanex 272, respectively. Stripping of Sc (III) was carried out at varied NaOH concentration to ascertain the optimum stripping condition for effective enrichment of metal. The predicted stripping condition (2)-stages with A: O=1:3 and 1:4 for D2EHPA and Cyanex 272, respectively) obtained from Mc-Cabe Thiele plot was further validated by 6-cycles CCS study. An actual leach solution of Mg-Sc alloy bearing 1.0 g/L of Sc (III), 2.5 g/L of Mg and 0.2 M HCl was subjected for selective separation of Sc at the optimum condition. The counter current simulation (CCS) study for both extraction and stripping of actual solution resulted quantitative separation of Sc with ∼12 fold enrichment. The organic phase before and after loading of Sc (III) along with the diluents was characterized by FTIR to ascertain the phase transportation of Sc (III)

    Interplay of Ferromagnetism and Static Band Jahn-Teller Distortion in La1-xSrxMnO3

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    Study of Magneto-Resistivity in Manganite Systems

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    Storage stability of vitamin C fortified purple mashed potatoes processed with microwave-assisted thermal sterilization system

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    Quality changes in ready-to-eat, shelf-stable foods, during storage can be influenced by many factors, such as processing, storage conditions, and the barrier properties of the packaging. This research investigated retention of vitamin C and anthocyanin in purple mashed potatoes as influenced by packaging barrier properties and encapsulation during storage after microwave assisted thermal sterilization. Purple mashed potatoes fortified with encapsulated (EVC) or non-encapsulated vitamin C (NVC) were packaged in two high-barrier polymer pouches (TLMO and PAA), processed with a pilot-scale microwave assisted thermal sterilization (MATS) system (F0 = 10.7 min), and stored at 37.8 °C for 7 months. MATS processing caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the oxygen transmission rates (OTRs) of PAA pouches but did not affect the barrier properties of TLMO pouches. PAA film also had a significantly higher (P < 0.05) water vapor transmission rate (WVTRs) than TLMO films, which resulted in a significantly higher (P < 0.05) weight loss in the samples packaged in PAA pouches than TLMO pouches. Purple mashed potatoes containing encapsulated vitamin C in both TLMO and PAA pouches showed the highest retention over 2 months of storage at 37.8 °C than non-encapsulated vitamin C. Additionally, purple mashed potatoes exposed to 700 lumens light showed a significantly higher (P < 0.05) deterioration in the anthocyanin, total phenolic content, color, and vitamin C. Overall, MATS processed purple mashed potatoes in high barrier polymeric packaging can minimize the quality changes when stored in dark conditions during storage and have an extended shelf life