14 research outputs found

    Effect of electric potential and current on mandibular linear measurements in cone beam CT

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    Objectives The purpose of this study was to compare mandibular linear distances measured from cone beam CT (CBCT) images produced by different radiographic parameter settings (peak kilovoltage and milliampere value). Methods 20 cadaver hemimandibles with edentulous ridges posterior to the mental foramen were embedded in clear resin blocks and scanned by a CBCT machine (CB MercuRayTM; Hitachi Medico Technology Corp., Chiba-ken, Japan). The radiographic parameters comprised four peak kilovoltage settings (60 kVp, 80 kVp, 100 kVp and 120 kVp) and two milliampere settings (10 mA and 15 mA). A 102.4 mm field of view was chosen. Each hemimandible was scanned 8 times with 8 different parameter combinations resulting in 160 CBCT data sets. On the cross-sectional images, six linear distances were measured. To assess the intraobserver variation, the 160 data sets were remeasured after 2 weeks. The measurement precision was calculated using Dahlberg's formula. With the same peak kilovoltage, the measurements yielded by different milliampere values were compared using the paired t-test. With the same milliampere value, the measurements yielded by different peak kilovoltage were compared using analysis of variance. A significant difference was considered when p < 0.05. Results Measurement precision varied from 0.03 mm to 0.28 mm. No significant differences in the distances were found among the different radiographic parameter combinations. Conclusions Based upon the specific machine in the present study, low peak kilovoltage and milliampere value might be used for linear measurements in the posterior mandible

    Comparison of mandibular bone micro-architecture between microCT and cone-beam CT images

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare microarchitecture parameters of bone samples scanned using micro-CT (µCT) to those obtained by using CBCT. METHODS: A bone biopsy trephine bur (3 × 10 mm) was used to remove 20 cylindrical bone samples from 20 dry hemimandibles. Samples were scanned using µCT (µCT 35; SCANCO Medical, Brüttisellen, Switzerland) with a voxel size of 20 µm and CBCT (3D Accuitomo 170; J. Morita, Kyoto, Japan) with a voxel size of 80 µm. All corresponding sample scans were aligned and cropped. Image analysis was carried out using BoneJ, including the following parameters: skeleton analysis, bone surface per total volume (BS/TV), bone volume per total volume (BV/TV), connectivity density, anisotropy, trabecular thickness and spacing, structure model index, plateness and fractal dimension. Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients (R) were calculated. CBCT values were then calibrated using the slope of the linear fit with the µCT values. The mean error after calibration was calculated and normalized to the standard deviation of the µCT values. RESULTS: R-values ranged between 0.05 (plateness) and 0.83 (BS/TV). Correlation was significant for both Spearman and Pearson's R for 8 out of 16 parameters. After calibration, the smallest normalized error was found for BV/TV (0.48). For other parameters, the error range was 0.58-2.10. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the overall correlation, this study demonstrates the uncertainty associated with using bone microarchitecture parameters on CBCT images. Although clinically relevant parameter ranges are not available, the errors found in this study may be too high for some parameters to be considered for clinical application.status: publishe

    Effect of Exposure Parameters and Voxel Size on Bone Structure Analysis in Cone-beam CT

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of exposure parameters and voxel size on bone structure analysis in dental CBCT. METHODS: 20 cylindrical bone samples underwent CBCT scanning (3D Accuitomo 170; J. Morita, Kyoto, Japan) using three combinations of tube voltage (kV) and tube current-exposure time product (mAs), corresponding with a CT dose index of 3.4 mGy: 90 kV and 62 mAs, 73 kV and 108.5 mAs, and 64 kV and 155 mAs. Images were reconstructed with a voxel size of 0.080 mm. In addition, the 90 kV scan was reconstructed at voxel sizes of 0.125, 0.160, 0.200, 0.250 and 0.300 mm. The following parameters were measured: bone surface (BS) and bone volume (BV) per total volume (TV), fractal dimension, connectivity density, anisotropy, trabecular thickness (Tb. Th.) and trabecular spacing (Tb. Sp.), structure model index (SMI), plateness, branches, junctions, branch length and triple points. RESULTS: For most parameters, there was no significant effect of the kV value. For BV/TV, "90 kV" differed significantly from the other kV settings; for SMI, "64 vs 73 kV" was significant. For BS/TV, fractal dimension, connectivity density, branches, junctions and triple points values incrementally decreased at larger voxel sizes, whereas an increase was seen for Tb. Th., Tb. Sp., SMI and branch length. For anisotropy and plateness, no (or little) effect of voxel size was seen; for BV/TV, the effect was inconsistent. CONCLUSIONS: Most bone structure parameters are not affected by the kV if the radiation dose is constant. Parameters dealing with the trabecular structure are heavily affected by the voxel size.status: publishe