1,905 research outputs found
Diffusion of Elements in the Interstellar Medium in Early-Type Galaxies
We consider the role of diffusion in the redistribution of elements in the
hot interstellar medium (ISM) of early-type galaxies. It is well known that
gravitational sedimentation can affect significantly the abundances of helium
and heavy elements in the intracluster gas of massive galaxy clusters. The
self-similarity of the temperature profiles and tight mass--temperature
relation of relaxed cool-core clusters suggest that the maximum effect of
sedimentation take place in the most massive virialized objects in the
Universe. However, Chandra and XMM-Newton observations demonstrate more complex
scaling relations between the masses of early-type galaxies and other
parameters, such as the ISM temperature and gas mass fraction. An important
fact is that early-type galaxies can show both decreasing and increasing radial
temperature profiles. We have calculated the diffusion based on the observed
gas density and temperature distributions for 13 early-type galaxies that
belonging to the different environments and cover a wide range of X-ray
luminosities. To estimate the maximum effect of sedimentation and thermal
diffusion, we have solved the full set of Burgers' equations for a
non-magnetized ISM plasma. The results obtained demonstrate a considerable
increase of the He/H ratio within one effective radius for all galaxies of our
sample. For galaxies with a flat or declining radial temperature profile the
average increase of the helium abundance is 60\% in one billion years of
diffusion. The revealed effect can introduce a significant bias in the metal
abundance measurements based on X-ray spectroscopy and can affect the evolution
of stars that could be formed from a gas with a high helium abundance.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, published in Astronomy Letters, 2017,
Volume 43, Issue 5, pp.285-30
Impact of thermal diffusion and other abundance anomalies on cosmological uses of galaxy clusters
Depending on the topology of the magnetic field and characteristics of
turbulent motions, diffusion can significantly affect the distribution of
elements, in particular helium, in the intracluster medium (ICM). As has been
noted previously, an incorrect assumption about the helium abundance will lead
to an error in the iron abundance determined from X-ray spectroscopy. The
corresponding effect on the temperature measurement is negligibly small. An
incorrectly assumed helium abundance will also lead to a systematic error in
angular distance measurements based on X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ)
observations of clusters of galaxies. Its magnitude is further amplified by the
associated error in the metal abundance determination, the impact being larger
at lower ICM temperatures. Overall, a factor of 2-5 error in the helium
abundance will lead to an ~ 10-25 % error in the angular distance.
We solve the full set of Burgers equations for a multi-component intracluster
plasma to determine the maximal effect of diffusion on the interpretation of
X-ray and microwave observations of clusters of galaxies. For an isothermal
cluster, gravitational sedimentation can lead to up to a factor of ~ 5-10
enhancements of helium and metal abundances in the cluster center on a ~ 3-7
Gyr timescale. In cool-core clusters on the contrary, thermal diffusion can
counteract gravitational sedimentation and effectively remove helium and metals
from the cluster inner core. In either case, a significant, up to ~ 40 %, error
in the metal abundances determined by means of X-ray spectroscopy is possible.
The angular distance determined from X-ray and SZ data can be underestimated by
up to ~ 10-25 %.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure
An upper limit on nickel overabundance in the supercritical accretion disk wind of SS 433 from X-ray spectroscopy
We take advantage of a long (with a total exposure time of 120 ks) X-ray
observation of the unique Galactic microquasar SS 433, carried out with the
XMM-Newton space observatory, to search for a fluorescent line of neutral (or
weakly ionized) nickel at the energy 7.5 keV. We consider two models of the
formation of fluorescent lines in the spectrum of SS 433: 1) due to reflection
of hard X-ray radiation from a putative central source on the optically thick
walls of the accretion disk "funnel"; and 2) due to scattering of the radiation
coming from the hottest parts of the jets in the optically thin wind of the
system. It is shown, that for these cases, the photon flux of Ni I K
fluorescent line is expected to be 0.45 of the flux of Fe I K
fluorescent line at 6.4 keV, for the relative nickel overabundance , as observed in the jets of SS 433. For the continuum model without the
absorption edge of neutral iron, we set a 90 per cent upper limit on the flux
of the narrow Ni I K line at the level of ph
s cm. For the continuum model with the absorption edge, the
corresponding upper limit is ph s cm. At the
same time, for the Fe I K line, we measure the flux of
ph s cm. Taken at the face
value, the results imply that the relative overabundance of nickel in the wind
of the accretion disc should be at least 1.5 times less than the corresponding
excess of nickel observed in the jets of SS 433.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, Astronomy Letters, in press, 2018,
Volume 44, Issue
Superbroad Component in Emission Lines of SS 433
We have detected new components in stationary emission lines of SS 433; these
are the superbroad components that are low-contrast substrates with a width of
2000--2500 km s-1 in He I and H and 4000--5000 km s-1 in
He II . Based on 44 spectra taken during four years of
observations from 2003 to 2007, we have found that these components in the He
II and He I lines are eclipsed by the donor star; their behavior with
precessional and orbital phases is regular and similar to the behavior of the
optical brightness of SS 433. The same component in H shows neither
eclipses nor precessional variability. We conclude that the superbroad
components in the helium and hydrogen lines are different in origin. Electron
scattering is shown to reproduce well the superbroad component of H at a
gas temperature of 20--35 kK and an optical depth for Thomson scattering 0.25--0.35. The superbroad components of the helium lines are probably
formed in the wind from the supercritical accretion disk. We have computed a
wind model based on the concept of Shakura-Sunyaev supercritical disk
accretion. The main patterns of the He II line profiles are well reproduced in
this model: not only the appearance of the superbroad component but also the
evolution of the central two-component part of the profile of this line during
its eclipse by the donor star can be explained.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, published in Astronomy Letters, 2013,
vol. 39, N 12, pp. 826 - 84
The shape evolution of cometary nuclei via anisotropic mass loss
Context. Breathtaking imagery recorded during the European Space Agency's
Rosetta mission confirmed the bilobate nature of comet
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's nucleus. Its peculiar appearance is not unique
among comets. The majority of cometary cores imaged at high resolution exhibit
a similar build. Various theories have been brought forward as to how cometary
nuclei attain such peculiar shapes.
Aims. We illustrate that anisotropic mass loss and local collapse of
subsurface structures caused by non-uniform exposure of the nucleus to solar
irradiation can transform initially spherical comet cores into bilobed ones.
Methods. A mathematical framework to describe the changes in morphology
resulting from non-uniform insolation during a nucleus' spin-orbit evolution is
derived. The resulting partial differential equations that govern the change in
the shape of a nucleus subject to mass loss and consequent collapse of depleted
subsurface structures are solved analytically for simple insolation
configurations and numerically for more realistic scenarios.
Results. The here proposed mechanism is capable of explaining why a large
fraction of periodic comets appear to have peanut-shaped cores and why
light-curve amplitudes of comet nuclei are on average larger than those of
typical main belt asteroids of the same size.Comment: 4 pages of the main text, 2 pages of appendix, 4 figure
Chaos-Order Transition in Matrix Theory
Classical dynamics in SU(2) Matrix theory is investigated. A classical
chaos-order transition is found. For the angular momentum small enough (even
for small coupling constant) the system exhibits a chaotic behavior, for
angular momentum large enough the system is regular.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 10 figure
Noncommutative Field Theories and (Super)String Field Theories
In this lecture notes we explain and discuss some ideas concerning
noncommutative geometry in general, as well as noncommutative field theories
and string field theories. We consider noncommutative quantum field theories
emphasizing an issue of their renormalizability and the UV/IR mixing. Sen's
conjectures on open string tachyon condensation and their application to the
D-brane physics have led to wide investigations of the covariant string field
theory proposed by Witten about 15 years ago. We review main ingredients of
cubic (super)string field theories using various formulations: functional,
operator, conformal and the half string formalisms. The main technical tools
that are used to study conjectured D-brane decay into closed string vacuum
through the tachyon condensation are presented. We describe also methods which
are used to study the cubic open string field theory around the tachyon vacuum:
construction of the sliver state, ``comma'' and matrix representations of
vertices.Comment: 160 pages, LaTeX, 29 EPS figures. Lectures given by I.Ya.Aref'eva at
the Swieca Summer School, Brazil, January 2001; Summer School in Modern
Mathematical Physics, Sokobanja, Yugoslavia, August 2001; Max Born Symposium,
Karpacz, Poland, September, 2001; Workshop "Noncommutative Geometry, Strings
and Renormalization", Leipzig, Germany, September 2001. Typos corrected,
references adde
The geometry of spontaneous spiking in neuronal networks
The mathematical theory of pattern formation in electrically coupled networks
of excitable neurons forced by small noise is presented in this work. Using the
Freidlin-Wentzell large deviation theory for randomly perturbed dynamical
systems and the elements of the algebraic graph theory, we identify and analyze
the main regimes in the network dynamics in terms of the key control
parameters: excitability, coupling strength, and network topology. The analysis
reveals the geometry of spontaneous dynamics in electrically coupled network.
Specifically, we show that the location of the minima of a certain continuous
function on the surface of the unit n-cube encodes the most likely activity
patterns generated by the network. By studying how the minima of this function
evolve under the variation of the coupling strength, we describe the principal
transformations in the network dynamics. The minimization problem is also used
for the quantitative description of the main dynamical regimes and transitions
between them. In particular, for the weak and strong coupling regimes, we
present asymptotic formulas for the network activity rate as a function of the
coupling strength and the degree of the network. The variational analysis is
complemented by the stability analysis of the synchronous state in the strong
coupling regime. The stability estimates reveal the contribution of the network
connectivity and the properties of the cycle subspace associated with the graph
of the network to its synchronization properties. This work is motivated by the
experimental and modeling studies of the ensemble of neurons in the Locus
Coeruleus, a nucleus in the brainstem involved in the regulation of cognitive
performance and behavior
Fermi-liquid and Fermi surface geometry effects in propagation of low frequency electromagnetic waves through thin metal films
In the present work we theoretically analyze the contribution from a
transverse Fermi-liquid collective mode to the transmission of electromagnetic
waves through a thin film of a clean metal in the presence of a strong external
magnetic field. We show that at the appropriate Fermi surface geometry the
transverse Fermi-liquid wave may appear in conduction electrons liquid at
frequencies significantly smaller than the cyclotron frequency of
charge carriers provided that the mean collision frequency
is smaller than Also, we show that in realistic metals size
oscillations in the transmission coefficient associated with the Firmi-liquid
mode may be observable in experiments. Under certain conditions these
oscillations may predominate over the remaining size effects in the
transmission coefficient.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, text adde
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