517 research outputs found

    Pit River Tribe v. Bureau of Land Management, 793 F.3d 1147 (9th Cir. 2015)

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    In Pit River Tribe v. Bureau of Land Management, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit explained the correct application of the zone of interests test and further solidified the importance of proper NEPA and NHPA analysis in geothermal leasing. The court reaffirmed that the BLM and the Forest Service must conduct additional cultural and environmental analysis when granting lease extensions under the Geothermal Steam Act. Furthermore, it rejected the BLM’s decision to grant forty-year lease continuations to unproven geothermal leases by treating them as a unit rather than individually

    High Country Conservation Advocates v. United States Forest Service, 52 F. Supp. 3d 1174 (D. Colo. 2014)

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    High Country Conservation Advocates v. United States Forest Service concerns the United States Forest Service’s and the Bureau of Land Management’s authorizations of on-the-ground mining exploration activities in the Sunset Roadless Area of western Colorado. The United States District Court for the District of Colorado’s holding has far-reaching consequences for federal agencies’ analysis and disclosure of impacts on the climate under the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”). In addition to bolstering the Plaintiffs’ recent successes at establishing legal standing to challenge federal agencies’ disclosures and analyses of impacts on the climate under NEPA, High Country is the first case to set-aside a federal agency’s decision as arbitrary and capricious for its failure to adequately consider impacts on the climate. It is also the first case to fully reject the perfect substitution argument commonly used by federal agencies to describe the climate-related impacts of coal extraction

    Document markup - Why? How?

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    "In this paper the author argues that markup and writing belong to related systems for storing information and/ or speech and that there is no clear border between the two. In addition he argues that marking up text done as more or less separate from ordinary writing has been used in Western scholarly work at least since the times of the library in the Museum in Alexandria and up until today. Markup means that some part of a document is identified and some statement is made about the linguistic and/ or textual status and interpretative frame of that part or it is extracted for some scholarly purpose. The ways and means by which this is done may vary. It will depend both on the aim: why exactly do we wish to identify this part of the text? And on the technology available: papyrus scrolls and reed pens make for different markup than what is done with computer stored texts. In this paper selected uses for digital text and markup are discussed with examples mainly taken from the electronic edition of Henrik Ibsen's Writings." (author's abstract

    Tohono O’odham Nation v. City of Glendale, 804 F.3d 1292 (9th Cir. 2015)

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    Tohono O’odham Nation v. City of Glendale is a reminder of the tension between state governments and the federal government. It also reflects continued unease with tribal gaming policies. The Ninth Circuit reiterated the longstanding federal preemption doctrine to override the State of Arizona and City of Glendale’s attempted circumvention of the Gila River Bend Indian Reservation Land Replacement Act. In doing so, the court prevented state legislation from undermining the Tohono O’odham Nation’s ability to obtain replacement lands for its reservation

    Norsk Ordbok i den digitale tidsalderen

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    A common challenge for the editing of historical and dialect dictionaries is the heterogeneity of the source material. Norsk Ordbok (NO) aims at providing a scholarly and exhaustive account of the vocabulary of Norwegian dialects from 1600 to the present and of the modern written standard Nynorsk, thus facing the heterogeneity in both dimensions. In 2002 a new and completely digital editorial system with a meta-index as a pivot part was implemented for NO. This index enables linking of each dictionary entry to its relevant available digital source material. The online dictionary has become an academic ‘enhanced publication’ with reproducible results. This well-defined interlinking of the digital material opens up for user-friendly interfaces and advanced search functions, illustrations, maps and publishing of the dictionary as Linked Open Data

    Cluster Structure on Generalized Weyl Algebras

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    We introduce a class of non-commutative algebras that carry a non-commutative (geometric) cluster structure which are generated by identical copies of generalized Weyl algebras. Equivalent conditions for the finiteness of the set of the cluster variables of these cluster structures are provided. Some combinatorial data, called \textit{cluster strands,} arising from the cluster structure are used to construct irreducible representations of generalized Weyl algebras.Comment: in Algebras and Representation Theory, Volume 19, No1, Feb. 201

    Bicrossed products for finite groups

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    We investigate one question regarding bicrossed products of finite groups which we believe has the potential of being approachable for other classes of algebraic objects (algebras, Hopf algebras). The problem is to classify the groups that can be written as bicrossed products between groups of fixed isomorphism types. The groups obtained as bicrossed products of two finite cyclic groups, one being of prime order, are described.Comment: Final version: to appear in Algebras and Representation Theor

    Extended BRST invariance in topological Yang Mills theory revisited

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    Extended BRST invariance (BRST plus anti-BRST invariances) provides in principle a natural way of introducing the complete gauge fixing structure associated to a gauge field theory in the minimum representation of the algebra. However, as it happens in topological Yang Mills theory, not all gauge fixings can be obtained from a symmetrical extended BRST algebra, where antighosts belong to the same representation of the Lorentz group of the corresponding ghosts. We show here that, at non interacting level, a simple field redefinition makes it possible to start with an extended BRST algebra with symmetric ghost antighost spectrum and arrive at the gauge fixing action of topological Yang Mills theory.Comment: Interaction terms heve been included in all the calculations. Two references added. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. 7 pages, Latex, no figure
