281 research outputs found

    Predictors and moderators of treatment outcome for single incident paediatric PTSD: a multi-centre randomized clinical trial

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    Background With few RCTs having compared active treatments for paediatric PTSD, little is known about whether or which baseline (i.e. pre-randomization) variables predict or moderate outcomes in the evaluated treatments. Objective To identify predictors and moderators of paediatric PTSD outcomes for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioural Writing Therapy (CBWT). Method Data were obtained as part of a multi-centre, randomized controlled trial of up to six sessions (up to 45 minutes each) of either EMDR therapy, CBWT, or wait-list, involving 101 youth (aged 8ā€“18 years) with a PTSD diagnosis (full/subthreshold) tied to a single event. The predictive and moderating effects of the childā€™s baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and parentā€™s psychopathology were evaluated using linear mixed models (LMM) from pre- to post-treatment and from pre- to 3- and 12-month follow-ups. Results At post-treatment and 3-month follow-up, youth with an index trauma of sexual abuse, severe symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, more comorbid disorders, negative posttraumatic beliefs, and with a parent with more severe psychopathology fared worse in both treatments. For children with more severe self-reported PTSD symptoms at baseline, the (exploratory) moderator analysis showed that the EMDR group improved more than the CBWT group, with the opposite being true for children and parents with a less severe clinical profile. Conclusions The most consistent finding from the predictor analyses was that parental symptomatology predicted poorer outcomes, suggesting that parents should be assessed, supported and referred for their own treatment where indicated. The effect of the significant moderator variables was time-limited, and given the large response rate (>90%) and brevity (<4 hours) of both treatments, the present findings suggest a focus on implementation and dissemination, rather than tailoring, of evidence-based trauma-focused treatments for paediatric PTSD tied to a single event

    The statistical analyses of flares detected in B band photometry of UV Ceti type stars

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    In this study, we present the unpublished flare data collected from 222 flares detected in the B band observations of five stars and the results derived by statistical analysis and modeling of these data. Six basic properties have been found with a statistical analysis method applied to all models and analyses for the flares detected in the B band observation of UV Ceti type stars. We have also compared the U and B bands with the analysis results. This comparison allowed us to evaluate the methods used in the analyses. The analyses provided the following results. (1) The flares were separated into two types, fast and slow flares. (2) The mean values of the equivalent durations of the slow and the fast flares differ by a factor of 16.2 \pm 3.7. (3) Regardless of the total flare duration, the maximum flare energy can reach a different Plateau level for each star. (4) The Plateau values of EV Lac and EQ Peg are higher than the others. (5) The minimum values of the total flare duration increase toward the later spectral types. This value is called the Half-Life value in models. (6) Both the maximum flare rise times and the total flare duration obtained from the observed flares decrease toward the later spectral types.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 8 table

    Stellar Pollution in the Solar Neighborhood

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    We study spectroscopically determined iron abundances of 642 solar-type stars to search for the signature of accreted iron-rich material. We find that the metallicity [Fe/H] of a subset of 466 main sequence stars, when plotted as a function of stellar mass, mimics the pattern seen in lithium abundances in open clusters. Using Monte Carlo models we find that, on average, these stars have accreted about 0.4 Earth masses of iron while on the main sequence. A much smaller sample of 19 stars in the Hertzsprung gap, which are slightly evolved and whose convection zones are significantly more massive, have lower average [Fe/H], and their metallicity shows no clear variation with stellar mass. These findings suggest that terrestrial-type material is common around solar type stars.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to Ap

    The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training for Children with ADHD and Mindful Parenting for their Parents

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    This study evaluated the effectiveness of an 8-week mindfulness training for children aged 8ā€“12 with ADHD and parallel mindful parenting training for their parents. Parents (NĀ =Ā 22) completed questionnaires on their childā€™s ADHD and ODD symptoms, their own ADHD symptoms, parenting stress, parental overreactivity, permissiveness and mindful awareness before, immediately after the 8-week training and at 8-week follow-up. Teachers reported on ADHD and ODD behavior of the child. A within-group waitlist was used to control for the effects of time and repeated measurement. Training was delivered in group format. There were no significant changes between wait-list and pre-test, except on the increase of teacher-rated ODD behavior. There was a significant reduction of parent-rated ADHD behavior of themselves and their child from pre-to posttest and from pre- to follow-up test. Further, there was a significant increase of mindful awareness from pre-to posttest and a significant reduction of parental stress and overreactivity from pre-to follow-up test. Teacher-ratings showed non-significant effects. Our study shows preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of mindfulness for children with ADHD and their parents, as rated by parents. However, in the absence of substantial effects on teacher-ratings, we cannot ascertain effects are due to specific treatment procedures

    X-Ray Flaring on the dMe Star, Ross 154

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    We present results from two Chandra imaging observations of Ross 154, a nearby flaring M dwarf star. During a 61-ks ACIS-S exposure, a very large flare occurred (the equivalent of a solar X3400 event, with L_X = 1.8x10^30 ergs/s) in which the count rate increased by a factor of over 100. The early phase of the flare shows evidence for the Neupert effect, followed by a further rise and then a two-component exponential decay. A large flare was also observed at the end of a later 48-ks HRC-I observation. Emission from the non-flaring phases of both observations was analyzed for evidence of low level flaring. From these temporal studies we find that microflaring probably accounts for most of the `quiescent' emission, and that, unlike for the Sun and the handful of other stars that have been studied, the distribution of flare intensities does not appear to follow a power-law with a single index. Analysis of the ACIS spectra, which was complicated by exclusion of the heavily piled-up source core, suggests that the quiescent Ne/O abundance ratio is enhanced by a factor of ~2.5 compared to the commonly adopted solar abundance ratio, and that the Ne/O ratio and overall coronal metallicity during the flare appear to be enhanced relative to quiescent abundances. Based on the temperatures and emission measures derived from the spectral fits, we estimate the length scales and plasma densities in the flaring volume and also track the evolution of the flare in color-intensity space. Lastly, we searched for a stellar-wind charge-exchange X-ray halo around the star but without success; because of the relationship between mass-loss rate and the halo surface brightness, not even an upper limit on the stellar mass-loss rate can be determined.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures (4 color), accepted by ApJ, expected publication April 1, 200

    Some Like it Hot: The X-Ray Emission of The Giant Star YY Mensae

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    (Abridged abstract) We present an analysis of the X-ray emission of the rapidly rotating giant star YY Mensae observed by Chandra HETGS and XMM-Newton. Although no obvious flare was detected, the X-ray luminosity changed by a factor of two between the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations taken 4 months apart. The coronal abundances and the emission measure distribution have been derived from three different methods using optically thin collisional ionization equilibrium models. The abundances show an inverse first ionization potential (FIP) effect. We further find a high N abundance which we interpret as a signature of material processed in the CNO cycle. The corona is dominated by a very high temperature (20-40 MK) plasma, which places YY Men among the magnetically active stars with the hottest coronae. Lower temperature plasma also coexists, albeit with much lower emission measure. Line broadening is reported, which we interpret as Doppler thermal broadening, although rotational broadening due to X-ray emitting material high above the surface could be present as well. We use two different formalisms to discuss the shape of the emission measure distribution. The first one infers the properties of coronal loops, whereas the second formalism uses flares as a statistical ensemble. We find that most of the loops in the corona of YY Men have their maximum temperature equal to or slightly larger than about 30 MK. We also find that small flares could contribute significantly to the coronal heating in YY Men. Although there is no evidence of flare variability in the X-ray light curves, we argue that YY Men's distance and X-ray brightness does not allow us to detect flares with peak luminosities Lx <= 10^{31} erg/s with current detectors.Comment: Accepted paper to appear in Astrophysical Journal, issue Nov 10, 2004 (v615). This a revised version. Small typos are corrected. Figure 7 and its caption and some related text in Sct 7.2 are changed, without incidence for the conclusion
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