130 research outputs found

    Master Higher-Spin Particle

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    We propose a "master" higher-spin (HS) particle system. The particle model relevant to the unfolded formulation of HS theory, as well as the HS particle model with a bosonic counterpart of supersymmetry, follow from the master model as its two different gauges. Quantization of the master system gives rise to a new form of the massless HS equations in an extended space involving, besides extra spinorial coordinates, also a complex scalar one. As solutions to these equations we recover the massless HS multiplet with fields of all integer and half-integer helicities, and obtain new multiplets with a non-zero minimal helicity. The HS multiplets are described by complex wave functions which are holomorphic in the scalar coordinate and carry an extra U(1) charge q. The latter fully characterizes the given multiplet by fixing the minimal helicity as q/2. We construct a twistorial formulation of the master system and present the general solution of the associate HS equations through an unconstrained twistor "prepotential".Comment: 21 pages, minor corrections, version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    New Super Calogero Models and OSp(4|2) Superconformal Mechanics

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    We report on the new approach to constructing superconformal extensions of the Calogero-type systems with an arbitrary number of involved particles. It is based upon the superfield gauging of non-abelian isometries of some supersymmetric matrix models. Among its applications, we focus on the new N=4 superconformal system yielding the U(2) spin Calogero model in the bosonic sector, and the one-particle case of this system, which is a new OSp(4|2) superconformal mechanics with non-dynamical U(2) spin variables. The characteristic feature of these models is that the strength of the conformal inverse-square potential is quantized.Comment: 12 pages, talk presented by E.Ivanov at the XIII International Conference "Symmetry Methods in Physics", Dubna, July 6-9, 200

    Random mode coupling assists Kerr beam self-cleaning in a graded-index multimode optical fiber

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    In this paper, we numerically investigate the process of beam self-cleaning in a graded-index multimode optical fiber, by using the coupled-mode model. We introduce various models of random linear coupling between spatial modes, including coupling between all modes, or only between degenerate ones, and investigate the effects of random mode coupling on the beam self-cleaning process. The results of numerical investigations are in complete agreement with our experimental data

    Dynamical supersymmetry of spin particle-magnetic field interaction

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    We study the super and dynamical symmetries of a fermion in a monopole background. The Hamiltonian also involves an additional spin-orbit coupling term, which is parameterized by the gyromagnetic ratio. We construct the superinvariants associated with the system using a SUSY extension of a previously proposed algorithm, based on Grassmann-valued Killing tensors. Conserved quantities arise for certain definite values of the gyromagnetic factor: N=1\N=1 SUSY requires g=2g=2; a Kepler-type dynamical symmetry only arises, however, for the anomalous values g=0g=0 and g=4g=4. The two anomalous systems can be unified into an N=2\N=2 SUSY system built by doubling the number of Grassmann variables. The planar system also exhibits an N=2\N=2 supersymmetry without Grassmann variable doubling.Comment: 23 page

    Beam self-cleaning in multimode optical fibers and hydrodynamic 2D turbulence

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    We experimentally demonstrate the conservation of the average mode number in the process of Kerr beam self-cleaning in a graded-index multimode optical fiber, in analogy with wave condensation in hydrodynamic 2D turbulence

    Nonlinear pulse combining and compression using twisted hexagonal multi-core fibers

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    We demonstrate numerically and analytically that the twisting of the 7-core hexagonal fiber leads to an increase in the efficiency of pulse combining and to a reduction of the distance along the fiber to the combining point

    Nonlinear Fourier Transform for Analysis of Coherent Structures in Dissipative Systems

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    Using the cubic Ginzburg-Landau equation as an example, we demonstrate how the inverse scattering transform can be applied to characterize coherent structures in dissipative nonlinear systems. Using this approach one can reduce the number of the effective degrees of freedom in the system when the dynamic is dominated by the coherent structures, even if they are embedded in the dispersive waves and demonstrate unstable behavior

    Nonlinear combining and compression in multicore fibers

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    We demonstrate numerically light-pulse combining and pulse compression using wave-collapse (self-focusing) energy-localization dynamics in a continuous-discrete nonlinear system, as implemented in a multicore fiber (MCF) using one-dimensional (1D) and 2D core distribution designs. Large-scale numerical simulations were performed to determine the conditions of the most efficient coherent combining and compression of pulses injected into the considered MCFs. We demonstrate the possibility of combining in a single core 90% of the total energy of pulses initially injected into all cores of a 7-core MCF with a hexagonal lattice. A pulse compression factor of about 720 can be obtained with a 19-core ring MCF

    Hydrodynamic 2D Turbulence and Spatial Beam Condensation in Multimode Optical Fibers

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    We show that Kerr beam self-cleaning results from parametric mode mixing instabilities that generate a number of nonlinearly interacting modes with randomized phases - optical wave turbulence, followed by a direct and inverse cascade towards high mode numbers and condensation into the fundamental mode, respectively. This optical self-organization effect is an analogue to wave condensation that is well known in hydrodynamic 2D turbulence