27 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Animasi Pada Materi Fotosintesis Untuk Siswa Kelas VIII MTsN Koto Nan Gadang

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    Media pembelajaran animasi yang tersedia di pasaran atau Internet, memiliki begitu banyak perbaikan. Namun, ada beberapa kekurangan atau kelemahan dalam media pembelajaran, seperti tidak memiliki dengan penjelasan sehingga guru perlu menjelaskannya. Dan media menampilkan materi terlalu cepat atau tidak memiliki tombol kontrol sehingga siswa kesulitan untuk memahami dan guru terburu-buru untuk menjelaskannya. Juga template media yang tidak cocok dengan pengguna. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan kekurangan atau kelemahan ini penelitian untuk mengembangkan animasi media pembelajaran fotosintesis untuk kelas VIII siswa MTsN Koto Nan Gadang, bertujuan untuk membuat kelas biologi lebih menarik, efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini adalah metode menggunakan 4-D Model, definisi, desain, pengembangan dan penyebaran. Pada tahap pengembangan, peneliti harus melakukan validasi untuk media pembelajaran animasi, dilakukan dengan 2 validator menggunakan lembar validasi untuk melihat kepraktisan media pembelajaran animasi, lembar validasi ini diberikan kepada guru dan siswa. Hasil pengolahan data dari validasi dan kepraktisan kuesioner disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran animasi yang dikembangkan adalah valid dalam kualitas dan praktis untuk digunakan oleh guru dan siswa, sehingga cocok untuk menjadi media pembelajaran Biologi dalam subjek fotosintesi

    Kualitas Pelayanan Bagi Peserta Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (Bpjs) di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Teluk Kuantan

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    Regional Public Hospital ( RSUD ) of Teluk Kuantan is a type of class C Hospital. This hospital is one of the government agencies designated as providers of social security programs especially to improve the quality of health care at the Regional Public Hospital( RSUD ) Teluk Kuantan. However, there are still some problems in the health services provided by the Regional General Hospital of Teluk Kuantan to patients BPJS participants. This was revealed because there are many complaints from patients of BPJS participants not satisfied with the health services provided. As the limitations of existing drugs in the Hospital so that patients have to pay for healthcare BPJS participants to other pharmacies, doctors delay in providing services so that patients have to wait a long time, and still feel the injustice of their patients get the service. Based on this, the researchers is interested in examining how Quality of Service for Participants of Social Security Administrator (BPJS) in the Regional Public Hospital of Teluk Kuantan.The theory used in this research is the theory of service quality by Zeithaml et al with views through five service indicators, namely: (1). Tangible (2). Reliability(3).Responsiveness(4).Assurance(5).Empathy. This reserach aims to determine the quality of service and the factors that affect the Quality of Service for Participants of Social Security Administrator (BPJS) in the Regional Public Hospital of Teluk Kuantan. This reserach used a qualitative approach. Informants in this reserach is the Head of Service Regional General Hospital of Teluk Kuantan, BPJS service officer at the Regional General Hospital of Teluk Kuantan, doctors, nurses and patients BPJS participants.Quality of Service for Participants of Social Security Administrator (BPJS) in the Regional Public Hospital of Teluk Kuantanhave not been felt to the fullest. It is seen from the supply of medication to participants BPJS very limited, facilities and infrastructure are inadequate, as well as the schedule of services is not timely. While the factors that affect the quality of Service for Participants of Social Security Administrator (BPJS) in the Regional Public Hospital of Teluk Kuantan is a factor of funds and facilities and infrastructure

    Pengaruh Kadar Air Terhadap Kestabilan Lereng (Kampus Politeknik Negeri Padang)

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    Effect of water flow or seepage is very important factor in determining the stability of the slope, especially on the clay.In this paper, the soil analyzed in the Polytechnic of Padang, and soil samples taken at the edge of the slope.Soil samples taken were disturb sample. Laboratory test carried out by the addition of water content variation into the soil samples , the addition of water content starting from the below and above the Liquid Limit. The addition of water content in soil samples starting from 40%, 45%, 50%, 55% and 60%, in each variation do the test of shear strength and slope stability analysis with Geoslope sofware.The analysis result obtained the value of Liquid limit is 66 % and the classification of the soil is MH-OH (clay-silt). If the moisture content of the soil above 40 %, the value of shear strength drops drastically followed by the decline value of the safety factor of the slope. The decline value of the safety factor of the slope reaches 77 %

    Kestabilan Lereng Berdasarkan Intensitas Curah Hujan Dan Permeabilitas Tanah

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    Kadar air merupakan faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi kestabilan lereng terutama yang diakibatkan oleh air hujan. Kampus Unand dan Politeknik yang terletak dilereng bukit merupakan lokasi yang berpotensi longsor terutama bangunan yang berada dekat lereng. Intensitas curah hujan dan permeabilitas tanah sangat mempengaruhi kestabilan suatu lereng. Sehingga perlu adanya tinjauan kestabilan lereng di kampus Limau manis Padang. Intensitas curah hujan dihitung berdasarkan stasiun curah hujan terdekat dari lokasi penelitian yaitu stasiun Batu busuk dan Gunung Nago.Pemodelan laboratorium lereng, dibuat dilaboratorium dengan sudut kemiringan 400, dengan pemberian curah hujan terhadap sampel tanah dilaboratorium mulai dari intensitas curah hujan 0.005 l/dt, 0.004 l/dt, dan 0.003 l/dt ( sesuai dengan intensitas curah hujan di lokasi Politeknik dan Unand), hujan berlangsung selama 60 menit, 90 menit, 180 menit dan 240 menit.Berdasarkan Pengujian Laboratorium terhadap tanah yang diberi hujan Lokasi I ( Politeknik dan Lokasi 2 (Unand), tidak terjadi pergerakan lereng, karena volume air hujan yang masuk kedalam tanah sangat kecil, hal ini disebabkan permeabilitas tanah sangat kecil, sehingga volume air hujan lebih dominan merupakan aliran permukaan yang mengalir langsung ke sungai terdekat. Kata Kunci : curah hujan, permeabilitas, kestabilan leren

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Kompensasi dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Marketing PT. Asuransi Bumi Putra

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    Low labor productivity was a problem that was often faced by a company in its efforts to increase the benefits to be achieved. The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of leadership, compensation and organizational commitment to employee productivity marketing at PT. Asuransi Bumi Putra. The population in this study amounted to 59 people. While the sampling technique is done by census method. Data analysis using multiple linear regression with SPSS 18.0. Based on the survey results revealed that the leadership, compensation and organizational commitment simultaneous and partial effect on employee productivity PT. Asuransi Bumi Putra

    Analisa Daya Dukung Sub Grade Jalan Raya Akibat Penambahan Batu Bara (Fly Ash) Studi Kasus Fly Ash PLTU Sijantang Sawahlunto

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    PLTU Sinjantang in the Sawah Lunto Sumatera Barat, the PLTU produces a lot of fly ash per day 400ton/day. Fly ash can be used for combine with another material. The research is aimed to analyze of road bearing sub grade if combine with fly ash. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) is formula for analysis road construction. This reased wil be try haw to change properties mechanis of soil with ad fly ash.The result of gravity svecivic = 2,665 and for Natural soil, result of Unconfined Confrensive Strength (UCS), qu = 0,69 kg/cm2. If soil gived water optimum contain , the Unconfined Confrensive Strength (UCS) increansing from 0,69 kg.cm2 to 2,9 kg/cm2. It meanning of soil is Stif clay.Increasing of fly ash from 5% , 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%, and 20%. Result of Unconfined Confrenssive Strength (UCS) and unit weigth is decreassing. It means California Bearing Ratio also decreassing