16 research outputs found
Disorientasi Visual dalam Revitalisasi Bioskop Kelud
Dalam merevitalisasi sebuah bangunan, banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan, salah satunya adanya aspek visual bangunan. Visual suatu bangunan harus diperhatikan, sebab aspek tersebut merupakan aspek yang berhubungan dengan indra penglihatan manusia. Dalam prosesnya, banyak cara untuk membentuk visualisasi bangunan yang akan direvitalisasi, salah satunya dengan cara disorientasi. Tujuannya adalah mempertahankan aspek yang memiliki nilai yang sesuai dengan bangunan tersebut. Hal ini pun terjadi dalam proses revitalisasi Bioskop Kelud Malang, bahwa aspek visual mampu menjadi tanda bagi lingkungan sekitar. Hal ini dapat berdampak pada kesan dan pandangan yang dirasakan oleh pengamat
Aplikasi Model Komputer dalam Analisis Kinerja Akustik Ruang Auditorium Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya
The operation of computer program for acoustic simulation is an alternative for acoustic analysis method which is fund, time, and energy saving. ECOTECT v.5.20 is one of the computational building performance simulation integrated program with fully 3D, that is able to simulate and analyze acoustic performance of an auditorium. Accordingly it can be used as a program to design the position and area of absorption surface. With consideration to simulation activities, a computer program that makes a model of a real environment always faces the problem of simplifying a model. This problem definitely will affect the precision between the field assessment result and the parameter simulation result of a room acoustic impulse response. Verification of simulation result on the field assessment result has to be done in order to show the computer program validation to be used as a simulation tool for the next research. The simulation result shows that the Reverberation Time (RT) computation is the most equal to the field measurement result wit
Analisis Kinerja Akustik pada Ruang Auditorium Multifungsi Studi Kasus: Auditorium Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya
A performance can either be enjoyed or not depending on the acoustic system of the room. The quality of the acoustic system can be measured based on an objective parameter that includes background noise, sound pressure level distribution and reveberation time. The measuring result in a case study shows that an auditorium that has problems relating to background noise level has to consider its ventilation system to avoid high background noise levels. It is important to consider the position of outdoor condensers, ducting joints and openings because the resulted low sound frequency can truly be disturbing during performances, especially to the audiences. Observations drawn on the acoustical performance show that some factors in interior design have to be considered such as room shape and dimension, finishing material and its arrangement in interior elements, to avoid uneven sound distribution and reveberation time that exceeding the standard criteria multifungsional auditoriums
The Effect of Opening on Building Envelope Toward Daylight Performance in Betang House at Central Borneo
The traditional house is able to adapt the climate around them and it can reduce the burden of energy use to adjust the comfort of occupants. The development pattern of occupants' activity adjusts to a modern life that indirectly affects the function and condition of the building. This gives rise to a new phenomenon, whether development sheath openings in buildings can still meet the needs of lighting for the activity of the occupants. This research was conducted with the aim to clarify and identify the deployment sheath openings in buildings on the performance of natural lighting in Betang House. The method experiment with the help simulation is used to find a causal relationship from deployment sheath openings in Betang House building performance against natural lighting. The experiment is conducted with the simulation using Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2011. The final result of the research indicates deployment openings in the façade have natural lighting performance that already meet the standards of the lighting for the activity. Deployment openings with the addition of extents openings could increase illuminantion and daylight factor space by 10% and 14%, but the value of the resulting illuminantion uniformity is not too high. The addition of height can increase the value of daylight factor of 13%. The ratio of lighting uniformity additional height opening is higher, but that resulted being lower illuminantion 0.3%. Rumbak tahansengan deployment at facade can improve the ratio of the lighting uniformity for activity up to 9.6%
Tendensi Cetak Biru Desain Stadion
Olimpiade Modern, Negara-negara maju saat itu melihat Olimpiade sebagai sebuah ajang yang dapat merepresentasikan kekuatan Negara mereka, tidak sebatas pada berapa medali yang diraih, lebih dari itu ada sebuah ‘tendensi' untuk membangun infrastruktur Fasilitas penyelenggaraan Olimpiade dengan masif, Tipologi stadion pun merambah ke-seluruh dunia. ‘Tendensi' seperti itu kemudian menjadi hal yang biasa dalam proses sebuah negara menjadi Tuan Rumah ajang olahraga hingga saat ini. Kini di abad 21, tipologi stadion terus mengalami perkembangan. Namun imaji stadion yang masif, tertutup, serta bersifat eventual masih sangat umum diterapkan pada desain stadion baru, dalam a ini berfokus pada stadion berskala menengah. Pada akhirnya akan timbul pertanyaan serta isu terkait fungsi dan keberadaanya baik sebelum konstruksi dimulai hingga pasca konstruksi. Desain yang dikembangkan adalah alternatif desain stadion berskala menengah, dengan tujuan untuk menjadikan stadion sebagai Urban Catalyst, hal tersebut dicapai dengan menciptakan ‘ruang' stadion yang dapat digunakan untuk aktifitas yang bersifat repetitif yang berlandas pada tiga aspek utama yaitu visual, konektivitas dan programming