38 research outputs found


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    In the novel Hard Times has the Marxist components become centrality issues appeared by dickens. The current examination is made through writing survey and meant to uncover the impacts of Marxist perspectives in Dickens' tale. In this novel, one can understand that there are class contrasts and battles that are identified with Marxist musings. Like Marxists, the characters of the novel attempt to begin a negative mark against the decision class abuse. To depict this abuse Dickens expresses that the standards of middle class or entrepreneur managers don't allow their workers to carry on like individuals who have intelligence and reason. Because of the business people, the laborers' abilities and capacities are disregarded. Thus, this investigation shows that in Dickens' tale Hard Times the impacts of Marxist perspectives are underscored


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    Culture is correspondence and correspondence is culture. Culture is the lifestyle of a gathering of individuals. Its broadest sense is the developed conduct. Culture is a reflection of the general public. To comprehend the writer's or the writer's understanding, culture is significant as it mirrors that time that individuals' authentic foundation, language, convention, standing, statement of faith, sex inclination, uniqueness, bigotry, women's liberation, class, sexual concealment, sex relations and their liberation on ladies' cynicism, ladies' disposition towards her family, her crucial function in her family and so on It is supreme clear that while learning English the person in question should turn around the pages of writing which gives chronicled foundation, the milestones of the exposition sonnet or sentence structure. In sonnets, the components of writing like likeness, representation, exemplification, rhyme conspire and so forth clasps hands with the writer as it makes the perusers to effectively comprehend and appreciate what really they needed to state


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    The reason for this article is to clarify how hypothesis is utilized in both quantitative and subjective examination reports. A few confounding ideas are characterized and explained. Questions are represented that will assist per users with deciding if hypothesis was utilized effectively in the different sorts of examination reports. At long last the article will assist the peruser with assessing the condition of the hypothesis and whether it is proper for use in advising practice


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    The language of English was indivisible concerning an India which had almost 23 authority provincial with dialects and 2,000 local dialects more in it. English language should be difficult to had a public language in the nations like an India anyway colonizer enriched with the journalists and a language known by the world might be called as the English in the wake of investigating the India's worth fortunes with that the nations like an India some way or another attempts to show with their quality and the other piece of the universe. Indian journalists, Indian writing in English and local writing of India are the light of Indian English

    Correlation of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors Status with the Grade and Type of Breast Cancer

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    Abstract: The present study was designed to evaluate the use of estrogen and progesterone receptor as biomarkers in human benign and malignant mammary tumors. Tissue samples from tumors and adjacent uninvolved areas from fifteen breast cancer patient's undergone prior treatment were analyzed. The blood samples obtained from the breast cancer patients were analyzed together with an equal number of age-and sex -matched normal healthy subjects. The relationship between expression of receptors for estrogen and progesterone (ER & PR) and disease progression in breast cancer was involved by comparing immunohisto chemical determinations of estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor. Incidence of receptor expression were significantly more among the cases with grade II malignancy (53.3 percent) than compared with grade I (6.6 percent) and grade III (40 percent) malignancy. Estrogens promote the development of mammary cancer and exert both direct and indirect proliferating effects. MIB Index was used for the determination of grade of the tumor by counting the number of cells involved in mitotic process which directly controls the grade of tumors. In view of the present results obtained in women with breast cancer the lesions observed from the removed samples ranged from grade I to III in malignancy

    Effect of Collateral Flow on Catheter-Based Assessment of Cardiac Microvascular Obstruction.

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    Cardiac microvascular obstruction (MVO) associated with acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) is characterized by partial or complete elimination of perfusion in the myocardial microcirculation. A new catheter-based method (CoFI, Controlled Flow Infusion) has recently been developed to diagnose MVO in the catheterization laboratory during acute therapy of the heart attack. A porcine MVO model demonstrates that CoFI can accurately identify the increased hydraulic resistance of the affected microvascular bed. A benchtop microcirculation model was developed and tuned to reproduce in vivo MVO characteristics. The tuned benchtop model was then used to systematically study the effect of different levels of collateral flow. These experiments showed that measurements obtained in the catheter-based method were adversely affected such that collateral flow may be misinterpreted as MVO. Based on further analysis of the measured data, concepts to mitigate the adverse effects were formulated which allow discrimination between collateral flow and MVO

    TET-mediated DNA hydroxymethylation is negatively influenced by the PARP-dependent PARylation

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    Background Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation), a posttranslational modification introduced by PARP-1 and PARP-2, has first been implicated in DNA demethylation due to its role in base excision repair. Recent evidence indicates a direct influence of PARP-dependent PARylation on TET enzymes which catalyse hydroxymethylation of DNA—the first step in DNA demethylation. However, the exact nature of influence that PARylation exerts on TET activity is still ambiguous. In our recent study, we have observed a negative influence of PARP-1 on local TET-mediated DNA demethylation of a single gene and in this study, we further explore PARP–TET interplay. Results Expanding on our previous work, we show that both TET1 and TET2 can be in vitro PARylated by PARP-1 and PARP-2 enzymes and that TET1 PARylation negatively affects the TET1 catalytic activity in vitro. Furthermore, we show that PARylation inhibits TET-mediated DNA demethylation at the global genome level in cellulo. Conclusions According to our findings, PARP inhibition can positively influence TET activity and therefore affect global levels of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation. This gives a strong rationale for future examination of PARP inhibitors' potential use in the therapy of cancers characterised by loss of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine