Correlation of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors Status with the Grade and Type of Breast Cancer


Abstract: The present study was designed to evaluate the use of estrogen and progesterone receptor as biomarkers in human benign and malignant mammary tumors. Tissue samples from tumors and adjacent uninvolved areas from fifteen breast cancer patient's undergone prior treatment were analyzed. The blood samples obtained from the breast cancer patients were analyzed together with an equal number of age-and sex -matched normal healthy subjects. The relationship between expression of receptors for estrogen and progesterone (ER & PR) and disease progression in breast cancer was involved by comparing immunohisto chemical determinations of estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor. Incidence of receptor expression were significantly more among the cases with grade II malignancy (53.3 percent) than compared with grade I (6.6 percent) and grade III (40 percent) malignancy. Estrogens promote the development of mammary cancer and exert both direct and indirect proliferating effects. MIB Index was used for the determination of grade of the tumor by counting the number of cells involved in mitotic process which directly controls the grade of tumors. In view of the present results obtained in women with breast cancer the lesions observed from the removed samples ranged from grade I to III in malignancy

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