26 research outputs found

    El Triásico de la región de Monterde-Alhama de Aragón (Provincia de Zaragoza)

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    Se estudian los materiales en facies Buntsandstein y Muschelkalk de los afloramientos triásicos situados entre Monterde y el Norte de Alhama de Aragón. Para ello se han levantado siete columnas estratigráficas, habiéndose obtenido dos de ellas con un mayor detalle. Después de establecerse seis grandes tramos (unidades litoestratigráficas informales), claramente diferenciables, se estudian las variaciones verticales dentro de cada uno de ellos, así como las relaciones entre los mismos. En las reconstrucciones paleogeográficas y en la evolución sedimentaria> se resalta tanto la existencia de importantes umbrales durante la génesis de las tres unidades inferiores, como la transición gradual de depósitos marinos a continentales, y la presencia de interrupciones sedimentarias que, a veces, originan paleosuelos bien desarrollados. [RÉSUMÉ] On a studié les materiaux en faciés Buntsandstein et Muschelkalk des afleurments triassiques compris entre Monterde et le nord d'Alhama de Aragón. On a levé sept colonnes, dont deux en détaille. Aprés avoir établi six unités litostratigraphiques informelles trés differentes, on a étudié les variations verticales de chaque une ainsi que ses relations mutuelles. On fait sortir des importants seuils pendant la genése des trois unités inferieures par les reconstructions paléogéographiques et l'evolution sédimentaire, ainsi que la transition paulatine des dépots continentaux a marins et divers interruptions de la sedimentation, soulignés parfois par des paleochenaux. [AB5TRACT] The Buntsandstein and Muschelkalk facies have been surveyed in the outcrops between Monterde and the North of Alhama de Aragón. Seven stratigraphic sections have been studied, two in greater detail. After stablishing six informal lithostratigraphical units, very different each other, thcir vertical variations are studied as well as their mutual relations. The palaeogeogi-aphic reconstructions and the sediníentary evolution point out the existence of several shoals during tSe genesis of tSe three lower units as well as tSe transition from continental to marine deposits and several sedimentary breaks, sometimes niarked by paleosoils

    El Triásico de los alrededores de Nuevalos (Zona de Monasterio de Piedra, Cordillera Ibérica)

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

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    Adjustment mechanisms of Greek regions in export activity during the economic crisis of 2008–2012

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    Under the deep and protracted recession that plagues the Greek regions, exports have shown some positive signs of resilience. This paper explores through a spatial econometric analysis of SUR models, first, the changes that occurred in exports by the (NUTS 3 level) regions for the period 2008–2012 to offer resistance against the crisis and to stimulate growth, which entail expansion of export demand, improvement in the quality of agricultural products, deeper specialization in broad low-technology sectors and simultaneous increases in the variety inside these sectors and second, the ability of exports to transfer their growth gains to the broader economy. © 2018 The Author(s). Papers in Regional Science © 2018 RSA

    From Theory to Practice: Teaching Assistants’ Role in Multi-Campus Education

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    Teaching Assistants (TAs) are an indispensable part of higher education. TAs have two identities simultaneously: those of a student and of a teacher. However, the role of TAs’ may not be clearly defined, resulting in a role ambiguity. In this study, we have researched the TAs’ role in multi-campus education. Data for this research was collected through interviews with eight TAs at a Scandinavian multi-campus university who took a multi-campus TA role for the first time. This paper summarizes these TAs’ work tasks in multi-campus courses. Their tasks included setting up technology, dealing with technical problems, and communicating with other TAs in the course. Our study suggests that TAs’ challenges may be reduced if technical staff is caring for ICT equipment and technical problems, if direct interaction is provided between teacher and students, and if local teaching staff is involved in the activities at the remote campus