1,660 research outputs found

    25-Year Quagmire: The "War On Drugs" and Its Impact on American Society

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    Analysis, based on an analysis of 25 years of government data regarding drugs and the criminal justice system, finds that the "war on drugs" has increasingly targeted low-level offenders for arrest and incarceration, and is largely failing to provide adequate treatment in prison. 33 pagesAnalysis, based on an analysis of 25 years of government data regarding drugs and the criminal justice system, finds that the "war on drugs" has increasingly targeted low-level offenders for arrest and incarceration, and is largely failing to provide adequate treatment in prison

    Uneven Justice: State Rates of Incarceration by Race and Ethnicity

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    Examines racial and ethnic disparities by state, and finds substantial variation in the degree of black-to-white incarceration. The report finds that African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites and Latinos at nearly double the rate. Five states, located in the Northeast and Midwest, incarcerate blacks at more than ten times the rate of whites. Recommended reforms include: addressing disparities through changes in drug policy, mandatory sentencing laws, reconsideration of "race neutral" policies, and changes in resource allocation

    The war on marijuana: The transformation of the war on drugs in the 1990s

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    BACKGROUND: As the "war on drugs" enters the latter half of its third decade since being forged into the American lexicon by President Ronald Reagan, the public has grown more skeptical of the current strategy and has proven to be receptive to a broader consideration of alternatives to incarceration. This has been the case most notably with marijuana offenses, where the policy discussion has shifted in some localities to one of decriminalization or de-prioritizing law enforcement resources dedicated to pursuing possession offenses. Despite the increased profile surrounding marijuana policy in recent years, there remains a significant degree of misunderstanding regarding the current strategy, both in terms of how resources are being allocated and to what eventual gain. METHODS: Previous studies have analyzed drug offenses as a general category, but there has yet to be a single study that has focused specifically on marijuana offenders at all stages of the system. This report analyzes multiple sources of data for the period 1990–2002 from each of the critical points in the criminal justice system, from arrest through court processing and into the correctional system, to create an overall portrait of this country's strategy in dealing with marijuana use. RESULTS: The study found that since 1990, the primary focus of the war on drugs has shifted to low-level marijuana offenses. During the study period, 82% of the increase in drug arrests nationally (450,000) was for marijuana offenses, and virtually all of that increase was in possession offenses. Of the nearly 700,000 arrests in 2002, 88% were for possession. Only 1 in 18 of these arrests results in a felony conviction, with the rest either being dismissed or adjudicated as a misdemeanor, meaning that a substantial amount of resources, roughly $4 billion per year for marijuana alone, is being dedicated to minor offenses. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that law enforcement resources are not being effectively allocated to offenses which are most costly to society. The financial and personnel investment in marijuana offenses, at all points in the criminal justice system, diverts funds away from other crime types, thereby representing a questionable policy choice

    Introduction: Symposium on the Progress in Diabetic Nephropathy

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    Studies of renal autoregulation in pancreatectomized and streptozotocin diabetic rats

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    Studies of renal autoregulation in pancreatectomized and streptozotocin diabetic rats. We studied renal autoregulation in pancreatectomized Munich-Wistar diabetic rats and in their sham-operated controls. In a second experiment we studied renal autoregulation in untreated and insulin treated streptozotocin diabetic Munich-Wistar rats and their nondiabetic controls. In the first experiment the diabetic rats had higher baseline renal blood flows (RBF). There was a fall in renal vascular resistance (RVR) and sustained RBF in both diabetic and control rats as renal perfusion pressures (RPP) was reduced from 130 and 110mm Hg. As RPP was reduced from 110 and 80mm Hg, there was no significant change in RVR in control rats and RBF began to fall. Below RPP of 80mm Hg RVR rose and RBF fell sharply in these rats. In contrast, there was a progressive fall in RVR as RPP was lowered to 60mm Hg in the diabetic rats and, thus, RBF was much better sustained in these animals. In the second experiment the plasma glucose level was 502 ± 52 mg/dl (X ± SD) in the untreated diabetic rats and only modestly reduced to 411 ± 49 mg/dl in the insulin treated animals. Untreated streptozotocin diabetic rats had moderately reduced and insulin-treated diabetic rats had mildly reduced baseline RVR and RBF. However, in these animals as in the pancreatectomized rats the increases in RVR noted in control rats at subautoregulatory RPPs were not seen. Thus, regardless of whether baseline RBFs were increased or decreased, diabetic rats sustained RBF at markedly reduced RPPs far more efficiently than did nondiabetic rats. The pathogenesis of these abnormalities in diabetic rats was not learned in these studies. However, it is likely that further study of autoregulation in diabetic rats could uncover factors influencing renal vascular tone which would be helpful in understanding the renal hemodynamic perturbations which may attend this experimental model

    Chemical Stability and Reaction Kinetics of Two Thiamine Salts (Thiamine Mononitrate and Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride) in Solution

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    Two types of thiamine (vitamin B1) salts, thiamine mononitrate (TMN) and thiamine chloride hydrochloride (TClHCl), are used to enrich and fortify food products. Both of these thiamine salt forms are sensitive to heat, alkali, oxygen, and radiation, but differences in stability between them have been noted. It was hypothesized that stability differences between the two thiamine salts could be explained by differences in solubility, solution pH, and activation energies for degradation. This study directly compared the stabilities of TMN and TClHCl in solution over time by documenting the impact of concentration and storage temperature on thiamine degradation and calculating reaction kinetics. Solutions were prepared containing five concentrations of each thiamine salt (1, 5, 10, 20, and 27 mg/mL), and three additional concentrations of TClHCl: 100, 300, and 500 mg/mL. Samples were stored at 25, 40, 60, 70, and 80 °C for up to 6 months. Degradation was quantified over time by high-performance liquid chromatography, and percent thiamine remaining was used to calculate reaction kinetics. First-order reaction kinetics were found for both TMN and TClHCl. TMN degraded significantly faster than TClHCl at all concentrations and temperatures. For example, in 27 mg/mL solutions after 5 days at 80 °C, only 32% of TMN remained compared to 94% of TClHCl. Activation energies and solution pHs were 21–25 kcal/mol and pH 5.36–6.96 for TMN and 21–32 kcal/mol and pH 1.12–3.59 for TClHCl. TClHCl degradation products had much greater sensory contributions than TMN degradation products, including intense color change and potent aromas, even with considerably less measured vitamin loss. Different peak patterns were present in HPLC chromatograms between TMN and TClHCl, indicating different degradation pathways and products. The stability of essential vitamins in foods is important, even more so when degradation contributes to sensory changes, and this study provides a direct comparison of the stability of the two thiamine salts used to fortify foods in environments relevant to the processing and shelf-life of many foods

    Glomerular distribution of type IV collagen in diabetes by high resolution quantitative immunochemistry

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    Glomerular distribution of type IV collagen in diabetes by high resolution quantitative immunochemistry. We examined type IV collagen distribution and density in human diabetic kidneys by quantitative immunogold electron microscopy. We studied normal kidney transplant donors and “slow-track” and “fast-track” insulin dependent diabetic (IDDM) patients. The “slow-track” patients had IDDM for ≥ 20 years and mesangial volume fraction (VvMes/glom) of ≤ 0.32. The “fast-track” patients had IDDM for ≤ 20 years and VvMes/glom ≥ 0.37. Renal biopsies were embedded in Lowicryl, reacted with polyclonal anti-type IV collagen (in the distribution of the classical α1(IV) and α2(IV) collagen chains) and monoclonal anti-α4(IV) collagen chain antibody followed by gold conjugated secondary antibody. We found, by morphometric techniques, a decrease in the immunogold densities of anti-type IV collagen in the subendothelial zone of the GBM in the “fast-track” IDDM patients. There was a trend towards a decrease in mesangial matrix (MM) particle density in the “fast-track” (P = 0.07) but not in the “slow-track” patients. However, because of the marked increase in MM in the “fast-track” patients, the per glomerulus estimated quantity of these antigens in MM was increased. In contrast, the density of α4(IV) collagen chain was increased in the epithelial zone of the GBM in the “fast-track” IDDM patients. It is not known whether these changes in glomerular type IV collagen represent markers of advanced diabetic lesions or whether these changes might be detected earlier in diabetic patients destined for the later development of serious lesions

    The first 110,593 COVID-19 patients hospitalised in Lombardy: a regionwide analysis of case characteristics, risk factors and clinical outcomes

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    Objectives: To describe the monthly distribution of COVID-19 hospitalisations, deaths and case-fatality rates (CFR) in Lombardy (Italy) throughout 2020. Methods: We analysed de-identified hospitalisation data comprising all COVID-19-related admissions from 1 February 2020 to 31 December 2020. The overall survival (OS) from time of first hospitalisation was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. We estimated monthly CFRs and performed Cox regression models to measure the effects of potential predictors on OS. Results: Hospitalisation and death peaks occurred in March and November 2020. Patients aged ≥70 years had an up to 180 times higher risk of dying compared to younger patients [70–80: HR 58.10 (39.14–86.22); 80–90: 106.68 (71.01–160.27); ≥90: 180.96 (118.80–275.64)]. Risk of death was higher in patients with one or more comorbidities [1: HR 1.27 (95% CI 1.20–1.35); 2: 1.44 (1.33–1.55); ≥3: 1.73 (1.58–1.90)] and in those with specific conditions (hypertension, diabetes). Conclusion: Our data sheds light on the Italian pandemic scenario, uncovering mechanisms and gaps at regional health system level and, on a larger scale, adding to the body of knowledge needed to inform effective health service planning, delivery, and preparedness in times of crisis

    Single copy shRNA configuration for ubiquitous gene knockdown in mice

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    RNA interference through the expression of small hairpin RNA (shRNA) molecules has become a very promising tool in reverse mouse genetics as it may allow inexpensive and rapid gene function analysis in vivo. However, the prerequisites for ubiquitous and reproducible shRNA expression are not well defined. Here we show that a single copy shRNA-transgene can mediate body-wide gene silencing in mice when inserted in a defined locus of the genome. The most commonly used promoters for shRNA expression, H1 and U6, showed a comparably broad activity in this configuration. Taken together, the results define a novel approach for efficient interference with expression of defined genes in vivo. Moreover, we provide a rapid strategy for the production of gene knockdown mice combining recombinase mediated cassette exchange and tetraploid blastocyst complementation approaches