51 research outputs found

    Serum AMH concentration as a marker evaluating gonadal function in boys operated on for unilateral cryptorchidism between 1st and 4th year of life

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    The aim of this study was to measure the serum AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) concentrations in a group of boys with or without cryptorchidism, evaluation of karyotypes, testicular position, morphology, and major length of the undescended testes. Fifty boys who were 1–4 years old (median = 2.4 years) with unilateral cryptorchidism were evaluated. All of them underwent orchidopexy in 2010. Prior to the procedure, all of the subjects had undergone karyotyping to exclude chromosomal abnormalities. Fifty healthy boys within the same age range (median = 2.1 years) admitted for planned inguinal hernia repair in 2010, served as controls. Blood samples were collected, while obtaining blood for standard laboratory tests routinely performed before the surgeries. Medians of AMH in boys with cryptorchidism were lower than in boys with inguinal hernia and differed significantly between two groups. Undescended testes were generally found in superficial inguinal pouch (n = 46), in two cases were noted to be in the external ring of the inguinal canal, and in another two instances, in the abdominal cavity. The major lengths of the undescended testes were smaller in comparison to the testes positioned normally (mean of 1 cm vs. a mean of 1.5 cm, respectively). In nine of the cases, the testes had turgor deficit, a drop shape, with epididymides that were small, dysplastic, and separated from the testis. The authors found that AMH was lower in boys with unilateral cryptorchidism (also found to have smaller testis) when compared with the control group

    Combined Tumor Cell-Based Vaccination and Interleukin-12 Gene Therapy Polarizes the Tumor Microenvironment in Mice

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    Tumor progression depends on tumor milieu, which influences neovasculature formation and immunosuppression. Combining immunotherapy with antiangiogenic/antivascular therapy might be an effective therapeutic approach. The aim of our study was to elaborate an anticancer therapeutic strategy based on the induction of immune response which leads to polarization of tumor milieu. To achieve this, we developed a tumor cell-based vaccine. CAMEL peptide was used as a B16-F10 cell death-inducing agent. The lysates were used as a vaccine to immunize mice bearing B16-F10 melanoma tumors. To further improve the therapeutic effect of the vaccine, we combined it with interleukin (IL)-12 gene therapy. IL-12, a cytokine with antiangiogenic properties, activates nonspecific and specific immune responses. We observed that combined therapy is significantly more effective (as compared with monotherapies) in inhibiting tumor growth. Furthermore, the tested combination polarizes the tumor microenvironment, which results in a switch from a proangiogenic/immunosuppressive to an antiangiogenic/immunostimulatory one. The switch manifests itself as a decreased number of tumor blood vessels, increased levels of tumor-infiltrating CD4+, CD8+ and NK cells, as well as lower level of suppressor lymphocytes (Treg). Our results suggest that polarizing tumor milieu by such combined therapy does inhibit tumor growth and seems to be a promising therapeutic strategy

    Rynek cukru w Polsce w konteksie wsparcia polityki rolnej. Stan aktualny, trendy, projekcje

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    The aim of the article is to present the situation of the sugar beet and sugar market in Poland in the context of changes to the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, and to present prospects for the development of these markets until 2030. The authors prove that, due to the significance of these markets for the whole agricultural sector, an intervention policy regarding the sugar beet and sugar markets is crucial, which is indicated by various positive economic and environmental effects connected with the functioning of this sector. The necessity for intervention stems also from the observed volatility of production, prices and incomes. The spatial scope of the research encompasses the whole area of Poland by applying a regional approach in some analyses (voivodeships) and a comparison with the Member States of the EU. The analyses cover a period of over 20 years – from 1997/1998 to 2018/2019 – as well as a projection for 2030.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie sytuacji na rynku buraka cukrowego i rynku cukru w Polsce w warunkach zmian wspólnej polityki rolnej Unii Europejskiej i określenie przewidywanego rozwoju do 2030 roku. Autorzy dowodzą, że ze względu na wagę sektora w całym rolnictwie polityka interwencyjna w tym obszarze jest kluczowa, na co wskazują pozytywne ekonomiczne i środowiskowe efekty związane z funkcjonowaniem rynku. Konieczność wsparcia wynika także z obserwowanej zmienności produkcji, cen i dochodów. Zakres przestrzenny badań obejmuje Polskę wraz z odniesieniem do analizy regionalnej i porównaniem do innych krajów UE. Zakres czasowy to okres ponad 20 lat – od 1997/1998 do 2018/2019, a dla projekcji 2030 rok

    Paszowe wykorzystanie lak srodlesnych na przykladzie wybranych obiektow lakowych

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad składem florystycznym i chemicznym runi oraz plonowaniem łąk śródleśnych. Obiekty były w przeszłości poddane szczegółowej ocenie w odniesieniu do siedliska glebowego i roślinności. Okazuje się, że ruń tych łąk, pod względem wartości pokarmowej nie odbiega od runi trwałych łąk dolinowych. Zróżnicowana żyzność gleb sprawia, że plonowanie tych łąk wykazuje dużą zmienność. Toteż szczególnego znaczenia nabiera problem ich racjonalnego użytkowania. Łąki śródleśne, interesujące pod względem florystycznym i paszowym, muszą być zachowane z uwagi na ich korzystną rolę w kształtowaniu środowiska i krajobrazu.Paper presents the results of investigations on floristic and chemical sward composition and yielding of the mid-forest meadows. The studied objects were subjected to detailed assessment with regards to soil site and vegetation in the past. It turns out that the sward of these meadows, with regards to nutritive value, does not differ significantly from the sward of permanent meadows situated in valleys. Soil fertility diversification results in considerable variability of yields of mid-forest meadows and, therefore, it is important to utilize them rationally. Mid-forest meadows are very interested from the floristic and fodder point of view and should be preserved because of the beneficial role they play in influencing environment and shaping landscape