1,093 research outputs found

    Beyond legal compliance: A model for collaborative heritage management at the Juniper Terrace site, Coconino National Forest

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    In this thesis I evaluate my summer internship with the Coconino National Forest (Coconino NF) and the development of a site management plan for the Juniper Terrace site, a 12th century pueblo community located north of Flagstaff. I examine the challenges of heritage management within the framework of the Forest agency, reflecting on my own experiences and providing recommendations for future management. I review the trajectory of heritage management theory in the United States, and consider how Indigenous theories and multivocality can and should inform the management of heritage resources. Approaches of Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) have recently been adopted successfully in archaeological practice, and I advocate for an engaged and community-based approach to heritage management. I consider how my internship experience and the management of Juniper Terrace can be translated into the development of a model for the management of heritage resources on the Coconino NF, and how such a model can promote the sustainable management of more heritage sites on the Forest through collaboration and co-management between the agency and local descendant communities

    Influence of Peri-duodenal Non-constrictive Cuff on the Body Weight of Rats

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    Background Weight loss has been found to improve or re- solve cardiovascular comorbidities. There is a significant need for reversible device approaches to weight loss. Methods Non-constrictive cuff (NCC) is made of implantable silicone rubber with an internal diameter greater than the duodenum. Ten or 11 NCC were individually mounted along the duodenum from the pyloric sphincter toward the distal duodenum to cover ~22 mm in the length. Twelve Wistar rats were implanted with NCC, and six served as sham, and both groups were observed over 4 months. Six rats with implant had their NCC removed and were observed for additional 4weeks. Results The food intake decreased from 40.1 to 28.1 g/day after 4 months of NCC implant. The body weight gain decreased from 1.76 to 0.46 g/day after 4 months of NCC implant. The fasting glucose decreased from 87.7 to 75.3 mg/ dl at terminal day. The duodenal muscle layer covered by the NCC increased from 0.133 to 0.334 mm. After 4 weeks of NCC removal, the food intake, body weight gain, and fasting glucose recovered to 36.2, 2.51 g/day, and 83.9 mg/dl. The duodenal muscle layer covered by the NCC decreased to 0.217 mm. Conclusion The NCC implant placed on the proximal duode- num is safe in rats for a 4-month period. The efficacy of the NCC implant is significant for decrease in food intake, body weight gain, and fasting glucose in a normal rat model. The removal of NCC implant confirmed a cause-effect relation with food intake and hence body weight

    West Nile virus; ecology and epidemiology of an emerging pathogen in Colombia

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    El virus del oeste del Nilo (VON) es mantenido en la naturaleza en un ciclo enzoótico ave-mosquito-ave. Los principales vectores son los mosquitos del genero Culex. Las aves son los huéspedes amplificadores primarios. Humanos y caballos son huéspedes incidentales finales. En humanos las infecciones por VON se presentan como enfermedad febril autolimitada. En los casos de enfermedad neurológica se puede presentar encefalitis, meningitis o meningoencefalitis, con mayor incidencia y mortalidad por encefalitis en personas de mayor edad y pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Se han reportado brotes en África, Medio Oriente, Europa y Asia. El virus apareció por primera vez en Estados Unidos en 1999 y se ha documentado su circulación en México, Islas Caimán, Jamaica, Republica Dominicana, Martinica, Guadalupe, Cuba, Puerto Rico, El Salvador y recientemente Colombia. La importancia en salud pública de VON si es introducido en áreas de Centro y Sur América dependerá del resultado de la interacción de múltiples factores. Colombia reúne las condiciones que favorecen su entrada y desarrollo. Se pueden postular dos hipótesis: el virus podría llegar a ser enzoótico y endémico y causar limitada enfermedad humana, o podría llegar a ser epidémico y causar brotes anuales que afecten humanos y animales. Esto dependerá de la susceptibilidad de las especies aviares colombianas al virus por las diferencias en su biología, y a las variaciones geográficas intraespecificas en la competencia de las diferentes especies de mosquito y los efectos de las condiciones medioambientales sobre su habilidad para transmitir el virus, y estos factores son determinantes en el ciclo de amplificación primario

    A Study of the Written English of some Egyptian Students in the University of Alexandria with Suggestions for Improvement in the Teaching of English.

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    The main purpose behind this study is to provide\ud information that can be utilised in the improvement of the\ud teaching of English to university students in Egypt,\ud especially to those specialising in English in the Faculty of\ud Arts and the Faculty of Education. Written data was collected\ud from approximately 10% of the total number of entrants to all\ud the faculties in the University of Alexandria in October 1974.\ud Further data was collected in October 1975 and October 1976 from\ud the same two groups of students specialising in English in the\ud Faculties of Arts and of Education, in an attempt at a\ud developmental study alongside the afore-mentioned cross-sectional\ud one.\ud The aim of the cross-sectional study is to pinpoint\ud areas of difficulty found in the written language of the\ud university entrant. An attempt is made at finding out if these\ud areas are the same or different in the language of the nonspecialist\ud and the specialist in Stage I of the developmental\ud study. This gives an indication as to the state of the language\ud of the university entrant in general, and whether students who\ud are accepted for specialisation in English are better equipped\ud to do so than the non-specialists. The developmental study will\ud point to errors which tend to persist in the specialist's\ud English at different stages of language acquisition. If errors\ud persist after three years of university English, these will\ud present difficulties for the non-specialist as well. It is\ud hoped that the results of the developmental study will enable\ud teachers and textbook writers to know what to expect, and thus\ud make a better selection and gradation of teaching material at\ud each level, as well as to adjust existing teaching methods to\ud suit the particular nature of the problem areas. The data is analysed for grammatical and lexical\ud deviations from Standard British English. Typical errors are\ud isolated, classified, described and explained. A frequency count\ud is compiled from the figures of the various errors. The basic\ud assumption is that after investigating the causes of the problem\ud encountered by these students, this can give an indication as to\ud the learning problems of Egyptian foreign language learners, the\ud learning processes they employ, and the assumptions they make as\ud regards various English constructions. On this basis\ud suggestions are made toward a better teaching method. The method\ud used for the analysis is that of Error Analysis, with\ud Contrastive Analysis used at the explanatory stage when necessary.\ud Since these students hardly reach a stage of complete free\ud writing at the end of their secondary school, we have limited\ud ourselves to the level of the sentence and its parts. Only in\ud the last stage of the developmental study a note on\ud organisation and style was found necessary. We are here\ud concerned with written language only and the phonological level\ud has been excluded.\ud As in the case of linguistic investigations in\ud general, this study is limited by the fact that it uses a corpus\ud and only one kind of test, that of free production. The outcome\ud of the analysis is proportionate to the amount of\ud information we have about the learners. It is hoped that a\ud sufficiently large number and variety of errors are included,\ud to provide material for a qualitative analysis